Текущее время: суббота, 22 февраля 2025, 14:06
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#1 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вот видео интервью с матерью Туомаса в двух частях:
Последний раз редактировалось: NightWildChild (10 мая 2007, 19:56); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#2 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
чё говорит то хоть? о чём...

просто мне посмотреть никак(((

точнее посмотреть, но звука на этом компе нету(((((
#3 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вань, а ты финский понимаешь? Вот и я нет. Cheesy Поглядеть так просто есть на что.
#4 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
NightWildChild, я в финском - БОГ!

китос....хельсинки....китти.....лайхо...эээ..чё я там ещё знаю....да хз..монго чего...перкелле!

п.с. а на чё там смотреть? МАМА Туомаса хорошо выглядит что ли? ))))))))))))))))))

Добавлено спустя 36 минут 31 секунду:

просто фота

#5 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
какая фота...мм...здоровская!!! Rolleyes#2 щаз сохраню
#6 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Фотосессия эта прикольная!
#7 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Месяца 2 назад посмотрел я это видео интервью....очень не плохо....хотя я и в финском не особо пока силён,что-то всё же разобрать могу)...вообще сама картинка этого видео уже радует...кстати там и сам Туомас ведь появляется...во второй части.....в одном моменте он там со своей мамой ходит по лесам-болотам и клюкву собирает всякую Smile очень душевно смотриться)мне понравилось.....а ещё прикольно,когда его мама стоит в комнате в кожанных штанах и в футболке Nightwish Smile
#8 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Котяра-барбос прикольнул Very Happy
#9 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Кот - Наускис.
#10 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Кот - Наускис.

Финское имя Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
#11 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Так он и есть фин! Cheesy
#12 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
вместе с этим видео была написана и статья.....
перевод взяла с офффорума:

Kirsti Nortia-Holopainen: "I'm there for Tuomas when he has heartache"

Nightwish, the heavy band from Kitee has achieved success all over the world. The soul of the band, composer-writer-keyboardplayer, with intense expression on his face, Tuomas Holopainen, 30, is a lot softer at home than on stage, reckons his mother Kirst Nortia-Holopainen, 66.

-Tuomas has extremely lot of empathy and he takes other people into consideration. He has always gotten well along by himself and needed his own space and peace, but he also needs the people who are closest to him. The succes had not changed him at all, Kirsti tells.

At first the boy's selfconfident hard rocker image on stage startled his mom.
-Now I have understood that the dark appearance is only part of the show. Last time when Tuomas was playing as a visitor with Kotiteollisuus in Joensuu, I stood right by the stage and I was sure Tuomas wouldn't even notice me. Suddenly he lifted his eyes, waved to his old mother and continued playing with serious expression. I almost cried, I was so proud of my son. I hope he'll be able to continue doing what he does for a long time.

Fans in the backyard

Nigthwish isn't the center of the Holopainen's life. The father Pentti is an enterpreneur, big sister Susanna, 42, works as a surgeon-urologist in Joensuu and big brother Petri, 40, is an autopsy assistant in Helsinki. Still all the writings in papers after the band fired Tarja Turunen felt bad for the mother also.
-Tuomas took the aftermath especially hard, though I knew that Tarja's departure was inevitable. Luckily the fans seemed to take it well: we only got positive phone calls and letters at home.

Tuomas still lives in the upstairs of his parent's house, and especially in the summer a group of fans might appear in the yard. Some of the fans have become Holopainen's family friends. Only to one of the fans has Kirsti had to tell recently that maybe it's better if she didn't come to visit again.
-There was a young Russian woman standing in our living-room one day, and she asked if she could stay with us for a few weeks. She had collected money for two years to see Tuomas. The meeting was arranged, but it wasn't enough: now we get phone calls about a new meeting. It is confusing that our Tuomas could be that kind of obsession to someone. I too think it's really great to see their gigs, but Nightwish isn't a religion.

Kirsti says living with Tuomas for so long has succeeded because the rules were made clear till the beginning.
-Tuomas has been able to bring home anyone he wants and what time he wants. They don't want to control a grown man. Though this year Tuomas has had time to stay home for only two nights. Still the consideration in both sides has worked out very well.

When the boy tours the world mother has a fear in her heart: you never know what kind of troublemakers he runs into. In phone Kirsti always asks first if everything is all right.
-Tuomas is the youngest and his siblings have their own families. That's why maybe he feels so close to us. Soon we'll face a new situation when Tuomas' own house will be done. Then the room upstairs full of Disney-stuff will become empty. I'm sure I'll be a bit sad though the new house is near.

Mother and son, emotional people

Kirsti was a music and English teacher in a small elementary school, so she taught Tuomas too.
- At school I was Tuomas' teacher, not mom. I tried to take all my students into consideration equally. Later I realized that when I tried to be equal I treated Tuomas stricter than the others. Luckily everything went well. At school it was realized that Tuomas could express himself the best in writing. Also his musicality was noticed exceptionally early. Musicality and the urge to perform goes in the family, though: for example my youngest sister Miitta Sorvali is an actress.

Tuomas still has a lot of childhood friends.
-In spite of that Tuomas doesn't look for company the way I do.
His teenage went by without big clashes.
-Tuomas was always so kind. But independent, Kirsti says.

Christmas is very important time for both mother and son. Both are ready to do a lot to achieve the atmosphere. Persevering and by nature perfectionist Tuomas may use the whole year to think about the presents, says his mother.
-Tuomas also likes to arrange surprises. He is a good cook so he and his girlfriend might for example make a surprise dinner for us. Sometimes he gets us front seats for his concert.

In heartache and other troubles the best listener is his mother. With dad Tuomas has a lot of talking about building the house and other practical things.
-We have long deep conversations rarely. Tuomas reads a lot and maybe rather ponders things by himself. Things about the band I usually hear by accident when Tuomas is on the phone.

Kirsti runs into Tuomas' interviews by accident.
-I have collected all the newspaper clippings. Tuomas doesn't understand it, but I think it might be nice for him when he's old in a rocking chair to watch them and think back.


First page:
Tuomas used to call himself "Too" when he was little, and eventually everyone else started to call him that. The name is still in use, Tuomas signs his SMSs as "Too".

Second page:
The two-year-old Tuomas' favourite outfit was terry cloth drawers.
Star moment: In Disneyland as a ten-year-old with his godmother
Tuomas with his parents last summer
Форум / Наш Nightwish / Мать Туомаса о нем же (видео)
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