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#22 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
На днях послушала Manticora, альбомы "The Black Circus Part 1. Letters" и "The Black Circus Part 2, Disclosure".

Насколько я знаю, они основаны на произведениях Говарда Лавкрафта, но сама я тексты пока не читала. Оба альбома оставили очень приятное впечатление. Музыка напоминает поздних Blind Guardian, сыграно всё на очень высоком уровне. Альбомы по структуре похожи на работы Kamelot, т.е. между обычными песнями вставлены коротенькие интерлюдии. Буду расслушивать дальше Smile
#24 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ура! Уже можно послушать "Dying for an Angel", песню для первого сингла Avantasia.

Avantasia - Dying for an Angel (Tobias & Klaus Meine)

Dying For An Angel

You're awake in your darkest dream
I have come for you
And nobody can hear you scream
When I reach for you

Don't you remember they're feeding your face
Before they have carved you in stone
And don't you remember your sweat and your pain
When you were drawn to the bone
When you were left on all alone

Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out, waiting for a miracle
No sign of wings, as you turn your back on me

Living on a dream
Lonely call to dial
Head up, feet down in the fire
Can I tell your gone
Dying for an angel

Where do we go from the apology
What do I leave behind
How will I stand what I'll have to say
This reflexion of mine
Colitteral damage, your sacrifice
Got a longer fly alone to fall
Gotta tear down the walls of love and light
You have come on your own
You will go on all alone


Solo: Sascha Paeth

(Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out, waiting for a miracle
No sign of wings, as you turn your back on me)

Последний раз редактировалось: Nia (6 мар 2010, 00:45); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#25 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Мне интересно, Тоби специально пишет песни "под" вокалистов, или случайно так получается? Песня с участием Роя Хана превращается в Kamelot, а "Dying For An Angel" прямо-таки просится на крайний альбом Скорпов) За вчерашний день я послушала её уже раз двадцать Rolleyes#2 Убойнейший хит, по стилю - продолжение Пугала (чему я очень рада). Клаус великолепно спел! Тоби на его фоне как-то бледно выглядит
Надеюсь, и клип не заставит себя долго ждать Smile
#26 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Обложки новых альбомов Avantasia в нормальном качестве: "The Wicked Symphony" и "Angel Of Babylon"

Новая песня великолепна Very Happy Очень радует, что Тобиас продолжает линию The Scarecrow и играет хэви, хард, и выдает отличные хиты Smile Ждем выхода альбомов, надо покупать делюкс-издание, поддержим Тоби рублем Very Happy

InfiniteDarkness писал(а):
Клаус великолепно спел!

А что удивляться, ведь сам Тобиас говорил: "Песня, которую мы записали вместе, представляет из себя среднетемповый гимн с большим хором. И я по-прежнему ощущаю себя в ступоре думая о том, как Klaus исполнил свою партию. Он настоящий профи и он убирает на раз 99% всех рок-вокалистов с четвертой части того, что он умеет. Люди, приготовьтесь к мозговыносящей композиции!"
#27 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Sneider писал(а):
А что удивляться, ведь сам Тобиас говорил:

Первый раз встречаю, чтобы такое количество пафоса оправдалось Very Happy А обложки всё-таки классные)
#28 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Кстати, что-то не упомянули:
Dreams of Sanity - Komodia[1997]
Основа - "Божественная Комедия" Данте Алигьери
Dreams of Sanity - Masquerade[1999]
Концепция - "Призрак Оперы" Гастона Леру
#29 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Aborigen писал(а):
Кстати, что-то не упомянули:

Ого, спасибо за информацию) Когда я слушала эти альбомы, до текстов руки так и не дошли...
#30 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Предпрослушивание (сэмплы) для зарегистрированных в backstage-секции сайта:

You want to know what the new Avantasia albums are going to sound like? You can! From Thursday the 11th on you will get your personal online listening sessions here at tobiassammet.com. To listen to the new material is very easy and of course it is absolutely for free. All you have to do is sign up for the backstage section with a valid email address. To listen to the songs you have to do the following: Click on the "backstage" button in the menu bar. Then type in your valid email address. You will receive a link in your email account that you have to click on and after that follow the instructions. After this you will be able to enter the backstage section any time with only your email addess and password. It's that easy! Have fun and enjoy your first impression of "The Wicked Symphony" and "Angel Of Babylon". If you have already registered, just log into the backstage section as usual and click on "Listening Session - New Avantasia material". >>

Из сообщества Тоби в Контакте:
Подробный обзор альбомов со спойлерами. >>

И на всякий случай сэмплы ''Angel of Babylon'':
#33 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Sneider, да, классный) Тоби по-моему клипов Камелота насмотрелся, также глаза закатывает Very Happy
#34 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Скоты на myspace опять сменили защиту на скачку видео.
Уф, ну ничего, клип уже у меня, если что.
Кстати в хорошем качестве залит был: видео - 720x400, а вот аудио по теперешней традиции myspace всего 96кбпс, но я сейчас попробую сделать ремукс с мп3) Smile Кул!
#35 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Sneider, Мегаклипец, я ржала как могла))) Ну правда, уж очень большой простор для комментариев в духе "о неееет, у меня тушь потекла!!" (в конце) Very Happy
Злой Тоби Laughing
#36 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Перевод нового интервью с итальянского сайта.))


Ok Tobi, the first question is: why two albums, when you could have selected the best songs to make only one?

Because all tracks are great! (laughs) Ok, seriously, some people like certain songs, other people like other songs. Maybe someone will say Rat Race is good, someone else may think it sucks. I had even more ideas, but I didn't put them in the albums because they REALLY sucked! (laughs) But all of the songs I put are great and I love them, I'm very satisfied.

What's your favourite one?

Well, I don't know... today is Runaway Train, tomorrow it may change.

What do you think about Symphony Of Life? It's very different from the rest of the songs.

You are right, it's different because I didn't write it. Sascha did. Originally it wasn't even written for Avantasia, but when I listened to the demo with Cloudy Yang's voice I loved it and I decided to put it in the album. By the way, Cloudy is a friend of Sascha and she did a great job on the Avantasia tour.

Don't you fear that some people may think it's too pop, like Lost In Space?

Yes, I expect it, but I don't care, because I'm a true metal warrior and I have no fears. Ok, I have fear of death, but not of this! (laughs)

Ok, now let's talk about Scales Of Justice. It's just perfect for Tim Owens: did you write it thinking about him?

Honestly, no. I write it and sang the demo myself, then realized it was similar to Judas Priests and a more aggressive singer was needed. I then thought about Ripper, rather than Rob Halford. I'm not a big fan of the Judas Priest albums where Ripper sang, but his voice is so powerful, so cutting... it's just perfect for my song. So I contacted him and he said “Yeah, great song, let's do it!”.

Another piece I like is Death Is Just A Feeling. Did you write it thinking about The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Oh my God, EVERYONE is asking me this question! I never watched that film, but yeah, when I was writing it I had a precise idea, I knew it was going to be something inspired to Tim Burton. Then one day I listened to Streets by Savatage and I immediately realized Jon Oliva was the perfect singer for the song. He agree!

Wastelands is a power metal songs, Helloween style, but I thought you lost your passion for this genre...

Power metal is still a part of me, I like it, especially the first three Helloween albums... they are classics. Plus, when I write something fast, I always think about Michael Kiske, because I know he will say yes! (laughs)

Don't you miss some singers like Alice Cooper or David DeFeis?

Well, they are both excellent singers, very unique, but each singer represents a character, so this time there was no place for them. I think my new choices are very good too, they fit the songs well.

It's hard to work with all these great musicians, isn't it?

Yes, but at least I had a lot of time. I started to write The Scarecrow back in 2006, knowing it was going to be a double album. I wrote something like 20 songs and completed half of them for The Scarecrow. Then there were the tour, the new Edguy Album, the Edguy tour... and then in early 2009 I started to work for Avantasia again. I thought I was just going to finish The Scarecrow Part 2, but I had so many ideas! 12 songs, 15 songs, 20 songs... and I soon realized two new albums were needed. I also had a lot of time so every guest musician was not in hurry to record his own parts.

Did they come in the studio with you?

Some of them, like Jorn Lande and Klaus Meine, yes. Other like Jon Oliva and Ripper Owens just sent me the audio files. I would have loved to have everyone in the studio with me, but they are great musicians and I trusted them 100%.

Can you tell me something about the story of the new albums?

The Scarecrow story is about a lonely guy who realizes he can find an interior peace only by listening to music and sounds. He then starts to compose music and people slowly begin to admire him. But the more famous and loved he becomes, the more demons and temptations he have to deal with. The Scarecrow was just the prologue: the new albums describe his feelings, his temptations, and so on. Each song describes something different and the albums can be seen as an exploration of human's nature.

Today, Avantasia is a very important name, maybe even more than Edguy. What is your main band right now, Edguy or Avantasia?

Today it's Avantasia, but I'll start the England tour with Edguy in a few days so it will change. I love both bands, but I can't choose. It's like choosing between two sons. If I REALLY have to chose, I'd say Edguy, we have been around for more time. Anyway I'm really happy that I can concentrate on both bands.

You planned a lot of tours with Edguy. Will you tour with Avantasia too?

There is nothing planned, at least not in the near future. It's very hard to organize an Avantasia tour because every musician has his own band: Andre Matos, Sascha, Bob Catley, Jorn Lande, Olli Hartmann... you know. I would really love to play the new songs live, but for the moment the answer is no.

But let say you are going to play a tour with Avantasia. Would you take Michael Kiske with you?

I'd love to, but I don't think he would say yes. When I organized the first Avantasia Tour I even offered him a lot of money, but he just politely said “No, I'm not ready to play live now.”. He is not a jerk like many people think, it's just his way of thinking. But I'm lucky because at least he sang in the studio! (laughs)

About Edguy, are you already working on a new album?

Not yet, but Jens has some new ideas and I talked with him about it. Now we are going to play in England, then in Germany with the Scorpions, and then we will enter the studio again to record the new album.

Ok Tobi, do you want to say something else?

Yeah! Thanks for all the support, and listen to the new albums because they are absolutely two exceptional, wonderful, amazing, awesome, incredible and memorable heavy metal masterpieces! (laughs)
Перевод Poglia с официального форума Edguy.

Здесь можно прочесть краткое описание всех песен.

Похоже, персонаж Аманды выбыл из истории. Надеялась услышать её на "The Wicked Symphony".

Новые сэмплы:
The Wicked Symphony >>

Angel Of Babylon >>
#37 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nia, спасибо за интервью!

Очень хорошо, что Тоби хочет поехать в тур: значит пускай не сейчас, но рано или поздно он состоится Cheesy
#38 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Андре Матос в одном из прошлогодних интервью упомянул второй тур Avantasia >>. Наверняка уже что-то решается. =)

Final Fireworks for Avantasia >>
Are there any other musicians or singers you wanted to contact but in the end didn’t because you actually thought that they wouldn’t fit in the record?

Of course you always think of some people... I was thinking about asking Tony Kakko, from SONATA ARCTICA, but I didn’t – not because his voice didn’t fit, but because he was already very busy with his record and I had to make decisions in a short time. In the end I thought it would be better to ask him again in the future. The record was so packed already! I had some vague ideas in the back of my mind, but it would have been too much to include another singer. But we have known each other for a long time, so maybe he will be there if I make another album.
#39 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Послушала новые альбомы Avantasia. Недостатки есть, но всё-таки очень круто Cheesy По стилю - продолжение Пугала. Завтра ещё послушаю, переварю и отпишусь поподробнее, но уже понятно, что это мастхэв)
#40 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Слушаю пока The Wicked Symphony - очень и очень круто! особенно одноименная композиция и Blizzard On A Broken Mirror! У Тоби как всегда энергии через край Smile надо приобретать однозначно, тем более Айронд собирается лимитед диджибук выпускать)
Форум / Music Reviews / Avantasia и другие концептуальные альбомы
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