Это концерт с 1 апреля,вот что пишут про него...
"Yes the show in Hungary was a little special... the guys and girls from Pain and Indica made april 1st jokes
Pain for example came in the middle of Nightwish with only a towel wrapped around them, and they left those on Tuomas's boat
And Indica made fun stuff on Pain's performance (putting pants on the guys heads )
and the Staff came on Indica's performance on stage dressed weird, and they played an own show "
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Вспомнила тему с dvd про Large Angel в роли Марко
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А вот где можно разглядеть удочку во всей красе
Гыы,Анько с Марко жгут..как всегда
Марко вновь рекламирут волосы