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#41 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Великий комбинатор танцевал танго (с)

Чувствую что я сегодня нажрусь в усмерть еще до начала матча Порту - МЮ! Грех такое не отметить! Beer
#42 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
На сайте Тарьи объявлен первый концерт Final Storm Tour 2009

Может и нам повезет?
#43 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Раз в сентябре будут концерты, значит альбома в этом году нам не видать... Но на концерт в России надеюсь Smile
#44 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
InfiniteDarkness писал(а):
Но на концерт в России надеюс

ДО Найтвиша или ПОСЛЕ Найтвиша? Smile
#45 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen, вряд ли до, но если встанет выбор - в любом случае выберу Тарью Smile
#46 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
InfiniteDarkness писал(а):
Ave Omen, вряд ли до, но если встанет выбор - в любом случае выберу Тарью

Можем опять поспорить на пиво - если Тарья приедет в этом году в Россию, значит, ДО Найтвиша Smile
#47 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen, если первый концерт Final Storm Tour 2009 будет 19 сентября, а Найты приезжают 5-ого, то... Very Happy
#48 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Braenn писал(а):
Ave Omen, если первый концерт Final Storm Tour 2009 будет 19 сентября, а Найты приезжают 5-ого, то...

Вобщем так, я спорю что Тарья либо приедет до 5 сентября либо не приедет в этом году в Россию Cool
Правда не знаю как я потом свое пиво получу (или наоброт поставлю) Cheesy
#49 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen писал(а):
Правда не знаю как я потом свое пиво получу (или наоброт поставлю)

Деньгами xD
#50 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen, я пошлю тебе банку пива по почте Very Happy

Насчёт того, что концерт в России будет до 5 сентября, я очень сомневаюсь - после предудущего прошло слишком мало времени. Да и лето - мёртвый сезон для такого дорогого концерта.
#51 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Что то я не дождался от тебя предыдущего пива! Very Happy

Понимаю все эти доводы, но... в конечном счете я буду прав Cool Еще подождем на этой неделе подтверджения насчет Киева на офсайте.
#52 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen писал(а):
Что то я не дождался от тебя предыдущего пива!

На Глобал Ист отдам Very Happy
#53 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Новое сообщение в блоге:
A new tour begins!
29. April 2009

I was having some fun in L.A. for few days.

Just before the rehearsals for the tour, I went there to write couple of new songs for my album.

Very interesting material was born and I can’t wait for you to get to listen them! You’ll be surprised, I’m pretty sure.

Here is a photo of lovely Bart and me taken in his studio after we finished gathering together all our ideas for a mystical, dark song.

Black Sabbath–Pink Floyd goes Tarja’s way… some weird stuff

Unfortunately there was no chance to take a photo with Johnny, because I suffered terrible headache on the day when we needed to finalize our song. I needed to stay in bed the whole day away from the light. I am sorry Johnny

Well, I know we got there another killer song for the next album

Now all the band and crew, we have been in the Big Apple rehearsing for the shows. It felt so good to meet everybody again and start the fun.

I am so happy to meet all my American friends tonight in the first show!

It is very nice to play with the “original” live line up now. Has been 1 year since that happened last time!

As many of you might know already, there is a health issue problems at the moment especially in Mexico, USA and Canada.

Still Mexico is the worst affected area and is very sad that people are dying because of this flu. Our condolences to all families of the flu victims. We all hope this will end up very soon.

You might also know that I am supposed to have a concert pretty soon in Mexico City.

I want to let all my fans know that as long as the government of Mexico does not cancel the public events, I am heading to Mexico and I’m going to have my show there.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the disease gets under control and people can return to their normal life.

As always, I’ll keep you posted on the tour. Let’s rock the “AMERICAS”!

With all my love, Tarja

Также в блоге несколько новых фото:
#54 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
В Мексику? Неужели она настолько любит животных,что тоже хочет заразится свиным гриппом? Заткнулся
#55 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
почитала отзывы в блоге, как ее там все отговаривали.. закралось сомнение, правильно ли она поступает.. Но наверняка к тому времени уже все уладится..
#56 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Шо-то я не втыкаю.. Она работает над новым альбомом и одновременно гастролирует по Америке в поддержку МВС? А смысл??? Не лучше ли было выпустить WLB и потом ничинать туры в его поддержку? Хотя, не мне, естесственно, решать, Тарьке видней Smile Но всё-таки..
#57 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
(=Smile=), каюсь, давно не заглядывала на офсайт, но у Тарьи по-моему довольно комфортный график, с большими перерывами между турами. Можно поездить по свету, а в перерывах посочинять) Мне кажется, новые впечатления от туров пойдут альбому только на пользу Smile

Кстати, не помню где прочитала, но на летних фестах с ней снова будет выступать Kiko Loureiro. Это определённо радует)
#58 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А у нас снова новости в блоге! Cheesy

Greetings from Toronto!
3. May 2009

New York show was very nice beginning for this tour. Thanks to my beautiful American fans. There were also many Latin American people in the audience, so it was really lovely.

I was nervous, but all that vanished bit by bit during the show. I trust my band mates and technicians and they did great again. It is beautiful to feel the support from my band, no matter what happens and when. Nothing strange happened on that night except for few lyrics mistakes or wrong chords here and there, but as always, the first show in a tour has all the elements to make me nervous.

Now after having performed two shows already, everything is getting in the right place, as we all are where we prefer to be: on stage.

This is a photo taken just before starting the first night at The Fillmore in NY.
(Красивые все такие! Kissing )

After the show in NY, we meet many fans and friends. Among them I met Dirk Rudolph and it was a pleasant surprise. He told me that he had enjoyed my concert a lot. Dirk was doing the artwork for My Winter Storm and I am surely going to work with him again for my next album.

We drove at night to reach Canada. Here are some pictures in the nightliner.

Now we are in Toronto, Canada. Yesterday’s show in Montreal was just amazing. People were singing, cheering and having fun. As some of you might know already, I really like the city of Montreal. I’ve been spending even some holidays there some years ago.

Felt good to be back in Canada and perform in the same venue I’ve been singing before. I am also expecting to have a great time tonight in Toronto with my fans and band.

We just finished the sound check in Toronto. We used the chance to rehearse some “old-new” songs that we will add to the set list from Mexico on.

I just hope I can soon get rid of the immense neck pain that I have at the moment, because of the head banging…always after the first shows the neck is on fire

Let’s keep in touch.

With love, Tarja.

Добавлено спустя 5 минут 23 секунды:

Интересно, что за новые старые песенки?? (ждем-с, не будет ли Bare Grece Misery Very Happy )
#59 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki, Тарья прямо интригантка! Smile Ждем сюрприза!
#60 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А тем временем "нам не страшен свинной грипп" - Тарья и компания уже в Мехико:
Hola Mexico City!
15. May 2009

We arrived last night from US.
The tour in US and Canada went really well, without any problems and I truly enjoyed all my concerts there.
Even though I have been in Chicago before, it really felt like the first time. What a beautiful city! This time I had the chance to walk a bit around.
It was nice to meet many of my fans and to get a chance to know them personally a bit better. They seemed to enjoy the shows as much as we did with the band. I wish there will come another opportunity for me to return in the future. Perhaps with my new album.
I remember travelling from Chicago to San Francisco two days in our very comfortable night liner. 3500km! Luckily we had enough food, supplies, working Internet and functioning toilet…it was not too bad after all.
Anyway, it felt great to get a proper shower after all that travelling.
Los Angeles show was a great ending for the North American part of the tour. I got a chance to meet many friends after the show, which is always wonderful. Nice people that will hopefully be a part of WLB and some of them that have already worked with me in MWS.
In the meantime, before travelling to Mexico, I went to Hawaii to relax for couple of days. I just wanted to get under the surface again, so we scuba dived there on one day. We did a wreck dive where I saw a beautiful family of eagle rays swimming right upon us, when we were in 30m deep. There were also quite many turtles and lots of colourful fishes
Hawaii was a nice break.
Now we are in Mexico DF. I know that many people have doubted whether my show is going to happen or not. I have to tell you that YES it will happen!!!!! I am so excited about it. Anyway, I don’t see the swine flu situation here at all that out of hands that the media has let us think. I guess it is just a big haloooooooo.
In fact, tomorrow I will be doing a signing session.
I am sure that everything will be just fine with the show and we’ll have a great time with my dear Mexican fans!
As I have heard, or concert will be the first one to happen after all the concerts in DF were cancelled and stopped for some time. So let’s show the city what we have
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