Sonia, I do gueesed it. Well, in Nalle-Puh the second part of the word helped me to understand the meaning. Then, "nasu" - it's quite similar to "nose" or "nos". Taking into account that it is right under Winnie the Pooh, it seemed to be Piglet (finally I've found his name in English! ). And after all "Ihaa" is quite similar to Russian Ihaa-Ihaa.
Then it's super great job
By the way, I heard that in one of Baltic languages - Estonian, maybe, - Winnie the Pooh is "Khatka-Pookhatka"
Yea, I've heard smth like that too, but I don't remember in what language it's
I think that "ja" in Finnish is "and", right?
So the 5th must be [somebody] and [somebody]. Maybe even A Wolf and a Hare.
Yes, that's [somebody] and [somebody], but they are not animals- they are children
The same thing with the 7th. For example, a swan, a crayfish and a pike.
Nice try but- nope. Oki, prompting: if I tell you to pay attention to "Fedja", will it tell you smth? And kissa... he's name is kinda "sailor"? And I have a
dog, her name is Koira... so, who are they? What cartoon do they belong to?
It's a huge-huge prompting
And yes, I guess who are 17! Mutants are mutants in all languages So, the 16th may be Spiderman.
Hämähäkkimies stands for him
Prompting (I’m generous for the moment
): look "Mutantti-ninja" esp. the 2nd part of the word...
So, nope- neither 17, nor 16 stand for Spiderman
And do 8 & 10 tell nothing to you? Just read it carefully... it's easy, really
You know, when I was young, I was a real plague for my Mom, asking her to make for me a cipher to guess...
yeah, me too... but I used to ask my granny