Текущее время: суббота, 11 января 2025, 04:56
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#1382 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ура, они все-таки попытаются выпустить "The heart asks pleasure first". ))
#1383 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Пробежал глазами..вроде интересно)) Надеюсь кто нибудь переведёт))
#1384 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
GhostLoveScore, займусь попозже Smile

http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltobd9MpSa1qglonbo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1319804017&Signature=LHPtawNxxVyeUqlmfcSDIL%2Bv%2FfU%3D - новая статья-ретроспектива создания альбома. Ничего нового Smile
#1386 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.finlandcalling.com/2011/10/26/interview-with-tuomas-holopainen/ - интервью с Туомасом из Лондона, датировано 25-м октября сего года Smile

скоро на этом же ресурсе появится и ревью на альбом Smile
#1387 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:

Thursday 20th October
Having gone through unexpected levels of frustration to get her on the end of a phone for my Nightwish story, it was lovely to have a good, long phone chat with Anette Olzon, who addressed some difficult questions with unexpected honesty and cheeriness. Anette really doesn’t deserve the gauntlet of hate she has had to endure since replacing Tarja Turunen on 30th January, 2007. After all she has faced during and after the tour for the Finnish group’s ‘Dark Passion Play’ album – including divorce, childbirth, a panic attack-fuelled onstage meltdown in Belo Horizonte and even multiple death threats from Tarja-obsessed nutjobs (yikes!) – she gets extreme kudos from me for hanging on in there.
#1388 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
The new album is being made available only via a limited number of ipods - and nanos at that. At least I got to spend a good hour or so with the music and was given the chance to take it at my own pace. Rather than listening to the album played over a stereo to a motley bunch of journos, it somehow helped to be able to concentrate fully on the music.

In some respects its more of the same - the usual Nightwish bombast coupled with a few slower, more subtle songs backed with the same Choir and Orchestra who have featured on 'Once' and 'Dark Passion Play' plus the same Celtic instruments, played once again by Troy Donockley. Pip Williams spent 4 months writing the arrangements for the Orchestra and Choir and Tuomas was full of superlatives for the work that he had done on the album.

However, there is something a bit more upbeat about many of the tunes and a few surprises here and there which keep it interesting. Overall it was very strong and though there are one or two tracks that I can see that I might want to skip, I came away very enthused about what I heard.

A few comments on the songs:

01. Taikatalvi (2:36) - a slow opener, sung in Finish which sets the scene for the next song

02. Storytime (5:22) - just the kind of punchy typically Nightwish track that you would expect a Nightwish album to open with. Inspired by the cartoon 'The Snowman' (yes, the one that featured 'walking in the air'). The First single from the album.

03. Ghost River (5:25) - powerful and dramatic with the interchanging voices of Marco and Anette.

04. Slow, Love, Slow (5:51) - Tuomas takes you to a smokey Chicago jazz club from the prohibition times. Slow, jazz influenced tune (I wouldnt call it Jazz myself), but Anette's vicals are really string and impressive.

05. I Want My Tears Back (5:08) - Celtic tune, big, beefy and upbeat (recalls last of the wilds, from DPP). Lovely sweet vocals from Anette. Chorus catchy and sung by Marco

06. Scaretale(7:32) - a heavier, darker tune. The video for this was filmed in Montreal, using local circus performers. The band have used a shot taken during the filming for the tour poster in Europe - it has quite a dark, circus feel -I found it rather wierd Nd even off-putting tho.

07. Arabesque (2:52) - instrumental number with an arabic flavour. 80 tracks of percussion were recorded for this.

08. Turn Loose The Mermaids (4:19) - A light-weight tune during which Anette's vocal are accompanied by piano, filled out with Celtic instruments and the orchestrations. Anette's voice shows more richness than I've heard from her before.

09. Rest Calm (6:59) - Least inspiring track so far. Quite a typically loud, powerful Nightwish tune, but with a calmer chorus, sung by Anette. The ipod skipped badly on this track and it rather threw me. After hearing the last minute of the tune I then when back and played it from the start, but it just didn't click.

10. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove (4:10) - Music written by Marco, this is one of the lighter tunes. Pleasant

11. Last Ride Of The Day (4:31) - Another big, pacey rocker, with full band, piano, backing orchestration, a nice short guitar solo. Plenty of choir help to beef up the sound too.

12. Song Of Myself (13:30) - composed of 4 parts

Song 1: From A Dusty Bookshelf

Song 2: All That Great Heart Lying Still

Song 3: Piano Black

Song 4: Love

This was the final song to be finished and ends with a poem - on the subject of Love - written by Tuomas, but read by the nearest and dearest of the band. Clearly a very personal song.

13. Imaginaerum (6:18) - effectively a medley of the themes used throughout the album, one could almost imagine the credits of the film rolling as this plays. Apparently Tuomas suggested which elements should be included and the Producer/arranger Pip Williams.

Tuomas had plenty to say about the songs, but as I have an article to write, I'd better keep somethng back, so I'll stop there!

#1389 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
наблюдение 1: видео для Scaretale.

наблюдение 2: 80 дорожек только перкуссии для менее чем трехминутного трека. обожемой.

хорошее ревью. свежий взгляд без излишних эмоций.
#1390 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Судя по описанию этого видео для Страшносказки, это таки видео для Сторитайм.
#1391 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
я тоже так подумал. жаль.
#1392 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Kaaos TV наконец-то выложили видео версию интервью с Туоппи http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6Xk-Nh_zj0Q английские субтитры! Смотрим, 14 минут! Smile Интервью проходило в офисе King Foo в Хельсинки(как и интервью для Chaos Tube)

З.Ы. ИмагиНаЭрум Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Интервьюер такой финн Very Happy
#1393 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Видео версия испанского интервью Туомаса http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuQARYT17oI До этого была аудио версия, там где всплыли вопросы про Тарью и ведущий упомянул Кабули Smile
#1395 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Туомас сейчас в прямом эфире на Radio Rock http://www.radiorock.fi/external/player для всех знающих финский и просто желающих его услышать Very Happy Плюс ставят найтовские треки
#1397 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Интервью с Анетт для портала Nightwish France.

- Can you tell us some more about the shooting of the Storytime video ?
- Well, the video was a really fast shoot since we did it during the lunch break two days during the movie shootings. So it was the fastest video and as Marco said: next time we´ll do a coffee break video;=)

вот вам и ответ, почему клип такой смешанный Wink2
#1398 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
И снова Найты на обложках финской прессы. На этот раз журнал Sue. Полистать журнал и посмотреть обложку в хорошем разрешении можно тут http://bit.ly/vcueVv Статья о Найтах на страницах 26-27

#1400 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Какой он синеглазый!
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