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#81 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
что за Соня???а машко??? Confused
#82 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Эта Соня присутствовала на Henkays Ikuisuudesta.
#83 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Heading to Hungary!
7. June 2009

The show with Rata Blanca in Buenos Aires was a great experience for me personally and artistically.

The band received me warmly and I felt really welcome. It was very nice to work with Walter and Rata and share my love for music with them for a while.

I was excited to be on stage with the band as a part of their important show.

Argentinean audience participated once again in singing and cheering us in a way that is hardly found anywhere else in the world. It was just amazing!

Thank you very much Luna Park and Walter, Adrian, Fernando, Hugo & “Negro” for the friendship.

I wish you a great tour and all the best for the future challenges! Los felicito!

Here are few shots before and after the concert.

In few days I will be heading to Budapest for the rehearsals of my summer shows.

I am happy to start the tour with my band again. Guitarist Kiko Loureiro will re join us for the summer, so European audience will taste some Brazilian flavour soon

Is very nice to be able to play some festivals through Europe in this summer season and also make my own shows in between.

As well, there will be some classical music appearances later this year and one more tour for “the storm” in Europe in September-October, which I call “The final storm”.

These shows will be the last ones with “My Winter Storm” album. Delights me to realize that I have been really able to spread my wings with my first album. We have performed in several countries; including many new places in my career. Is a dream come true.

To finish this year, I will be making a Christmas tour again with Kalevi, Marzi and Markku in Finland in December. We will mostly perform in churches.

As you can see, you won’t get rid of me that easily

With love, Tarja

Добавлено спустя 24 секунды:

фотке Wink
#84 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
тарья такая брутальная на последних фото из блога Бокс
#85 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Во время летнего Винтерсторм-тура группа Tarja будет представлена следующими музыкантами:
Tarja Turunen Vocals
Mike Terrana Drums (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Maria Ilmoniemi Keyboards
Doug Wimbish Bass (Living Colour, Madonna, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones)
Kiko Loureiro Guitars (Angra)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Летний тур будет проходить в привычном для Tarja формате "camera friendly".
Также официально подтверждены новые концерты в сентябре и октябре, в том числе в Испании и Турции.
(Источник: офсайт)
#86 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen писал(а):
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)

а вот интересно, похоже, что Хевейн загнулись потихоньку... почему тогда не ишут,что экс-Хевейн? Sad

Ave Omen писал(а):
в том числе в Испании и Турции.

на моей памяти, это будет первый приезд ТТ в Турцию? ) класс))
#87 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
наверное,мелочь.да и не новое.но тронуло.
By the way, the oldest Tarja fan died on 06/10 he had 71 year old and Tarja said this to his family:

It was very sad indeed to receive the news that Anselmo won´t be waiting for me with a bunch of flowers after my concerts in Buenos Aires, like he used to do.
He delighted me with his presence many times during several years in my career.

But what I know is that Anselmo´s star is shining for us in the sky and he will always be around. Still supporting and loving.

He will stay in my memory and heart.

My deepest condolences and love to his family and friends.


"I'll move on to another place, from my memories unmade. I'll hold on and my heart will find you there. Love will shine free, forever''
#88 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Новая запись в блоге:
Greetings from the road!
26. June 2009

The driving distances on this summer tour are really long, but we are safe and sound. We had 4 drivers with us in some parts of the tour!

The first gig went fine, even though there was some excitement in the air during the concert, since it was our first show in Europe after a long time.

Plus, we have some new crewmembers taking care of us.

Many little crazy things happened during the show, but the audience seemed to enjoy our performance a lot and we managed to go through the set.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I have believed in this and it has worked pretty well so far in my life. Per aspera ad astra, the wise man said.

It was lovely to return to Budapest. The rehearsals went fine, even though the place where we held the rehearsals was so tiny that we ended up sweating like in a Finnish sauna every day. It was tough for everybody. The lack of oxygen is not good for your mind …and muscles uncle Mike would say.

But the people in the rehearsals studios were so kind and very helpful. I really appreciate their efforts.

The second show finally took us to Bucharest! And as I was expecting, we really had a lot of fun with my Romanian fans. The reception has been always great in that country, so I was happy to be able to perform the music from My Winter Storm for the first time there. For many of the band members it was the first time ever to visit Vlad Dracul’s land.

The rainy day in Slovakia turned into sun. The venue in Ziar was really nice and cosy and the Slovakian audience was just wonderful for us. Very loud I might say. I got very emotional during the show since I got to see so many excited faces smiling at me. The band was also happy after the show, so we felt even more united. Thanks to the Slovakians.

We left Germany behind and travelling through Swiss and France we just arrived to Zaragoza, Spain.
#89 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
надо хоть отдельную темку под релизы завести, что ли...

тем не менее, вот вам новость:
The Seer Limited Edition Green Vinyl 2LP Set+Bonus Tracks

Release Date: 14 August 2009
Format: LP Double Vinyl

Details of this to be confirmed but the Limited Edition Vinyl Exclusive to What Records will contain 2 Bonus Tracks. It will be release when pressed. The release date shown is for guidance only it may be earlier or later.

Artwork is also to be confirmed.

Because it is so limited early ordering is advised and it is expected to sell out before release.
#90 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Хачуууу винил да! Вообще какбэ тур книжка за мего деньги явно стала точкой невозвращения, после которой я начинаю скупать тарьестафф. Про отдельную тему под релизы это мысль, да.
#91 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
мне кажется, одним из бонус-треков вполне может оказаться If You Believe...вполне себе под тематику "Провидца" может подойти..
#92 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
вот вам еще одн рейтинг, топ тен хоттест ледис ин метал)
Тарья на 4-м месте Smile)

#93 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ну вот этот топ более-менее адекватен))
#94 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Cheesy Cheesy Анна Мерфи на 8-м!!!
А перед ней - Лив Smile
Ооо, ну и конечно же, кто бы вы подумали на первом? Симоонка)))) :grin: "And here is why they sell more records than you ever will" Rolleyes#2
#95 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Betro писал(а):
ну вот этот топ более-менее адекватен))

Да уж, очень адекватен... "sounds just like Nightwish", угу. Не говоря уже про комментарии о внешности...
#96 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А мне не нравится, там нет Флоор Янсен! Зато половина списка - какие-то малоизвестные личности.
З.ы. И комментарии о музыке гаденькие. Уж обсуждали бы внешность... Заткнулся
#97 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
я имел ввиду порядок)
коменты, согласен, пЕсали вумные личности, потому внимания на них не заострял.
#98 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Меня больше порадовала последняя фотка финалистки. Очень по-существу и к месту Confused Razz
Karin Axelsson? Не слышала,если честно.....Пиар?
#99 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
OksikFury писал(а):
Очень по-существу и к месту

ну а как же, вон в темке про сексуальность 95 процентов отписавшихся считают, что практически обнаженная женская грудь - это сексуально)) видимо, аффтар топа тоже. Так что все к месту Wink2
#100 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Я смотрю,MrsHeveinSmith, ты тоже так считаешь Kissing
Хулиганка Smile
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