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#361 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ура! Даже не верится, что ребята уже на финишной прямой! =)
Интересно, когда смогут раскрыть названия песен, опубликовать обложку? Кажется, в 2007 мы узнали обо всём в начале лета?

Ehwas писал(а):
Получилось ужасно На форуме все писали разгромные рецензии на несколько постов=)

Надеюсь, сон наоборот. %)
#362 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Анетт загрузила небольшие видео, которые она сделала в студии Finnvox, когда проходила запись вокала http://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2011/04/vocal-warm-ups.html
#363 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
распевки такие забавные, особенно про смех злой ведьмы Smile)
когдааа она уже напишет свой отчет из студии, не терпится почитать еще эпитетов в сторону альбома, помимо авесоме и иксайтинг Smile
#364 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Я когда это смотрел, дико ржал в некоторых местах Very Happy

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 57 секунд:

И она стала петь ещё лучше, чем было раньше. Если раньше было офигенно, то сейчас вообще тащит.
#365 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Универсальный подниматель настроения!
УИИИИИ!!!...ИХИХИИИИ! Very Happy Very Happy

Интересно, это камера такая или у неё голос немного изменился...
#366 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Она милая до ужаса. Smile Такая непосредственная, живая! И мне очень нравится ее голос, просто когда она говорит.
Нетти! ^____________^
#367 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Обновление от Анетт на офсайте:

Finnvox Studios / Helsinki, April 2011

Last time I wrote a studio diary was back in 2007 after 3 weeks of recording my vocals, hiding out in the deep forests of Finland. No one knew my name as the new singer of Nightwish. Today I read through it for the first time since then, and well, I must say that I recognize a lot and laughed even more while reading it.

Things were naturally a bit different in 2007 compared to today. I went into the studio with a radically different starting position. I am not a secret anymore, I know the songs really well and have already recorded them in a demo session in Röskö. The songs were made for my voice and this time I could sing them with much more confidence. This also made my time in the studio much shorter than last time and we all worked really fast and efficient, like a racing team - we all knew our positions ;=)

We started out on Monday and I took a cab from the hotel, knowing that I had visited Finnvox Studios only once before. Then it was for a listening session for Dark Passion Play. What I didn`t remember was that it was far out in a factory area hidden between lots of other grey buildings. This famous studio looks kinda greyish and not so special when you first get closer, but when you get inside and see all the gold records hanging in the hallway, all the photos of famous musicians in the stairs you know this is the place for big things and big recordings. Of course Imaginarium needs to pass through this pit stop, too!

After hugging and having a short brief with Tuomas about practical things with Imaginarium tour and future plans, he took me to "my room" and when I entered I was so surprised! The room looked like my own little "Shangri-la". Lots of candles burning, pink and red carpets and fabrics that were hung to make it comfortable. Candy, teas, coffees, nuts, fashion magazines, a cosy lounging chair, a big framed poster with us all, and lots of other little things to make me feel at home. Teemu, our dear pyro tech had been there to make me feel welcome and get into a nice singing mood. So thanks to Teemu & the guys, my days at Finnvox got even nicer!

We took a great song to start with and even if my rib still gave me some pain my singing worked well. A little bit of tiredness from flying two days in a row, but still the whole day floated well and it was simply a great start for me.

Our goal was to do one song per day but we actually made something like 1,5 per day and were done in 8 days. We started at 10 and ended around 15 or 16 every day. Took shorter breaks but mainly we just worked and worked. I like to be efficient and when I start to sing I get into the mood and then stopping and taking a long break can just make me loose the feeling and cadence. And Imaginarium has a lot of different feelings in it, different ways for me to interpret the songs. Tuomas, Tero and Mikko were there to guide me to sing even better and to create those little things in every song that make it "historical", as Tero always says, haha!

Every time we were about to start recording a song, I first just sat down and listened to the songs with the orchestra, choir, solos and everything else I hadn`t heard yet, and I must say that I got the shivers every time. From recording the demo to getting the whole package with everything added is just a thrill! And I can hear that Pip and Tuomas just get better and better in using the orchestras, different instruments and voices.

After having listened to a song and heard the new things, I went to "my studio", did some warm-ups and then we started with the recordings. We took it in parts and mainly did the verses first. I sang the part over and over for a couple of times until we felt we had it. Then I doubled and tripled the whole thing if we wanted a fuller sound, as we did mainly in the faster songs. Then it varied if we did the harmonies for that specific part directly or if we continued and recorded the lead parts for the whole song before doing the harmonies. It also depended on my mood and how good my voice felt. I got food poisoning one day and threw up for 9 hours straight, affecting some parts of my voice. I was tired and weak so the day after I didn`t feel my high soft voice was perfect and therefore we didn`t take those high harmonies until the next day.

After 8 days of recording all the songs were recorded and all we had left were some harmonies here and there to fix, and then we just jumped from song to song and added what Tuomas felt was missing. Tuomas is great to work with and he is really clear with what he wants in every song. He is so devoted to the album, to getting every little piece perfect and I know he won`t sleep or rest well until the whole album is mixed and mastered and put into a safe somewhere. When I was done, I felt that little "empty" feeling I get when I have completed something. A little bit sad `cause I had so much fun and I just love to sing in the studio, this album being such a thrill for me. So many songs, all of them very different and I just gotta love the challenge. To get more out of my voice than before and to be part of this massive music where all of us, every musician that plays on it, is the key to make it work. To make Imaginarium come alive! And believe me - it will be one hell of a ride for us all;=)

On we go! Next step for me is to do some acting in the movie, but let´s take it one step at a time. Now I´ll enjoy the summer before all that happens! All best to everybody!

#369 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Финишная прямая выглядит все прямее: микширование альбома завершено, мастеринг и выбор сингловой композиции пройдут позже, приблизительно в августе.
#370 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Tuomas Studio diary update

написано 10 Июнь 2011 г. в 0:55

After three years of brainstorming and songwriting, over a year of rehearsing, arranging and studio work, this triumph of musical passion and piety is finally ready to be mastered. Yesterday, after a six-week mixing session in Studio C at Finnvox, I listened the whole thing from start to finish alone for the first time, and couldn't make heads nor tails of it. It's the same old story - the same feeling of bottomless emptiness that has marked the completion of all previous albums. We could have honed the songs till Armageddon, but at some point you just have to let go and start admiring the scenery. This time, the landscape consists of 13 songs totalling 75 minutes. I think I'll probably be able to savour the end result only after a couple of months of mixing detox, but the encouraging comments by those near to me assure that it is a decent album. One person who heard Imaginarium called it "the greatest adventure he ever heard with his two ears".

There's clearly more grin to the new album than on the last one, more funfair, Moomins, smoky taverns, and twisted landscapes. It equals the Milky Way in width and breath, even according to our standards.

As Markus Selin put it: "Now you've really gone and emptied the bag of tricks!"

We're now going to get some distance to the album before mastering it later in the autumn. Meanwhile, we're going to be busy designing the cover, completing the instrumental and orchestral versions of the album, planning the upcoming tour, shooting the movie, and digesting the audio bloat. An excellent cure for the latter should be peaceful country atmosphere, fishing, and following the games of the current pesäpallo season. (By the way, during the home games of Kiteen Pallo, the entry music will be a remix consisting of the main riff and chorus of song number 11 off Imaginarium.)

Big thanks and bear hugs to the whole band for their patience; to Mikko Karmila and Tee Cee Kinnunen for their forbearance, craftsmanship and enormous amount of work; and in advance to Mika Jussila for the finishing touch! It's been a magnificent journey so far. Big thanks to you, too, for living with us through this process and having faith in what's to come. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Kitee, June 5th, 2011

и фото: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.167499656646069.44432.112392358823466
#371 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
кстати, на домашних играх Kiteen Pallo будет играть вступление в виде ремикса, содержащего основные рифф и припев песни номер 11 с Imaginarium (c) телепузовский перевод.

Короче, палим записи с игр, товарищи)
#372 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
тут вот иностранные товарищи доносят, что песенка-монстряка, та, что в 20 минут уложилась, была-таки разделена на две.

С одной стороны, жаль, а с другой, у двух более-менее равных по продолжительности песен шансов на то, что их будут играть в туре, намного больше Smile да и не заскучаешь, всетки.
#373 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Йося_Смит, а рукастые фэны возмут их да и склеят Very Happy
#374 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ох, ну теперь ждем всякие различные вкусные тизеры, по возможности, арты, сингл и, конечно же, этот чудесный миленький спойлер! Very Happy
Йося_Смит писал(а):
(By the way, during the home games of Kiteen Pallo, the entry music will be a remix consisting of the main riff and chorus of song number 11 off Imaginarium.)

Они уже блииизко!!! Woohoo Woohoo Woohoo
#375 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ehwas писал(а):
кстати, на домашних играх Kiteen Pallo будет играть вступление в виде ремикса, содержащего основные рифф и припев песни номер 11 с Imaginarium (c) телепузовский перевод.

Короче, палим записи с игр, товарищи)

Там даже палить не надо
достаточно, чтобы кто-рить из местных просто на дороге возле стадиона стоял с устройством звукозаписи)
там все слышно в радиусе метров 500, включая отборный финский мат)))
так что уповаем на ответственность местных жителей)
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