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#481 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А что толку говорить с ней о лирике, которую она не писала? Confused
#482 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Почитала три последних интервью с Тарьей. Слушая отдельные треки с ВЛБ, встает вопрос: интересно, а что именно ее вдохновляет? Лично я не верю в то, что ей нравится петь, поэтому она поет, и только. Естественно, среда, в которой она выросла как певица и личность, сформировала в ней тягу к творческому процессу.
И, в общем, три цитатки без лишних комментариев (просто из трех последних интервью с сайта):

Что не вызывает у тебя интереса?
- Негативные, крайне пессимистичные люди. Я изо всех сил стараюсь не окружать себя такими людьми, потому что тяжело видеть, как люди могут так плохо к себе относиться.


Little Lies
"Little lies making up tragedies. Nothing is what it seems. Who cares what is real… Little lies only to entertain…" Отражает ли песня твой опыт со СМИ?
- Нет, абсолютно нет. Я никогда не хотела показывать пальцем на то, что происходило в моей жизни. Мне кажется очень грустным писать песни о людях, с которыми я пересекалась.


… чувствовала обиду?
- Несколько лет назад. Сейчас меня окружают такие замечательные люди, что я не хочу думать о подобных вещах.


Таким образом - не знаю, рандомно подобраны эти интервью, задумывается ли Тарья о информации, которую она доносит (и каким образом доносит) до читателей, но она явно подчеркивает то, что в ее песнях нет ничего о ее прошлом. Как я понимаю, настоящем тоже, поскольку ей не нравится писать о "людях, с которыми она пересекалась", то есть, я так понимаю, о людях вообще, не обязательно о прошлом. Там же она говорит, что не заводит новых друзей, так как ей вполне комфортно с ее нынешним кругом, да и муж все время рядом.
Я к тому, что желая услышать в песнях "настоящую Тарью", возможно, мы ждем отсылок к каким-то реальным историям, которые с ней происходили: примирения и ссоры, встречи, расставания, нечто, что именно связано с людьми, какие-то частные истории. Но она предпочитает и не писать и не петь о таком, вот и получается такая более общая, но, может, и глубокая картина, тут уж каждый сам для себя решает.
#483 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ehwas писал(а):
Но она предпочитает и не писать и не петь о таком, вот и получается такая более общая, но, может, и глубокая картина, тут уж каждый сам для себя решает.

самое интересное в том, что Тарья-то, предположим, и не хочет и никогда не собиралась писать ни о чем таком личном, прошлом и трагичном, но некоторые песни оказываются настолько... гмм.. близкими именно к трактовке "она не может простить, забыть, оставить все колючки за дверью и реально пойти дальше" или "она второй альбом подряд поет песни про то, как освобождается от гнета прошлого и радостно порхает" итд, что в ее слова и не очень-то верится, если честно. То ли тут намеренное двойное дно и страх признаться всем и самой себе (как вариант), что еще не отпустило и потому и пишутся такие, местами еденькие песни, то ли это сознательный шаг навстречу имиджу материалу в стиле "я тучи разведу руками, и в прошлое закрою дверь", который будет поддерживаться постоянно.
#484 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вода была без вкуса, цвета и запаха, пока не появился Аве Омен Cheesy

Скандалы, расследования, холиворы! Поговорим о порно! Было, не? Razz
Когда-то Тарька дала немцам я бы сказал ну очень даже откровенное интервью:
Английская версия:
MH: Do you remember your first time?

TT: It was with my first real boyfriend. I was almost 17 years old at that time. He was 5 years older than me and already had made some experience but it didn’t matter to him that I was a virgin. We have been together for a few months when it happened. He didn’t want to push me and waited until I was ready for it. I still like to recall that time. All in all I can tell that I was happy to have him, he was a great first boyfriend, just as fine as it should be.

MH: What do you like most about sex?

TT: If you and your partner can trust each other. If you don’t need to be scared that you are misunderstood and if you know your partner well. And of course if you really love your partner. Only then “making love” is the right expression for it. And only then it’s a really intensive experience and you’re able to let yourself go. It’s the most indescribable thing to be with your partner for a long time and still see your love growing more and more. You wake up thinking you could love nobody more than him but just one week later you wake up and feel even more for the same man. That’s wonderful and makes sex more special.

MH: What about sex do you dislike the most?

TT: If you don’t know your partner well and don’t feel for him at all. I’m above the age where you want to gain such experiences. I’ve never had a one-night-stand in all my life but at times some shorter affair. But they never gave me what I needed and always left a bitter smack. They frustrated me and made me unhappy. I found out for myself that you can’t expect more from an affair. You don’t know the partner, you don’t feel for him and under these circumstances sex can’t be fulfilling because the feelings are missing. The sex is kind of mechanical and this doesn’t feel well.

MH: What underwear do you like on men?

TT: Oh, a lovely topic! I like simple underwear, men who think they look great with a pink G-string are ridiculous. G-strings don’t fit for men at all. Unfortunately you can see that often on the beach. These are mostly the men who consider themselves as the hottest (*rolleyes*). Normal, close-fitting black or blue pants are the best.

MH: Which underwear do you (like to) wear yourself?

TT: I wear black pants as they fit the best to my pale skin. When I am a bit more sun-tanned at times I also like white and red underwear. Furthermore, I like to wear G-strings because you can’t see their brims through the pants. I don’t really think I have the figure for it though, but it is just more decent than normal underwear. I also like feminine clothes with lots of laces. Most women wear feminine clothes in Argentina. Finnish women don’t really make a point of that. This is why I only buy my clothes in Argentina, they are more beautiful.

MH: Can you imagine having Sex with a woman?

TT: Good question. I think the imagination of two women having sex is more erotic for everyone than the imagination of two men having sex. And there are definitely some beautiful women you would consider as erotic even if you are not lesbian or bisexual. But I can’t really imagine it. My last boyfriend I have been with before I got to know my husband always wanted a night with me and another woman. I thought about that for a really long time since I didn’t know if I could make it, but I wanted to fulfill his wish since I loved him. On the other hand, the image of sharing him with another woman was not bearable for me. His wish became a big problem for us as time passed.

MH: Can you imagine sex with two men?

TT: No, absolutely not! If I really like a man, I want only him and not another guy in the picture! When I was 19 and went to university there were lots of girls who met with multiple men from time to time. Few tried to convince me to come with them. But that was no option for me. I never went to such parties. That I can’t imagine being with two men and watch them doesn’t mean that I am homophobic, though! In contrast, several of my good friends are gay and I like to be with them really much. You can go shopping with them quite well since they often think like a woman would. I really appreciate that.

MH: What do you think about porn movies?

TT: I saw lots of them in various tourbuses! Male musicians have got the habit to watch them regularly on tour. I have nothing against these movies and have to admit that I own one porn movie myself. But it’s not the right atmosphere in the tourbus to watch it there. Pornos are, if at all, made for very special and close moments between you and your partner. And aesthetics is quite important. If a porn movie is not made aesthetic, it gets disgusting really fast.

MH: What do you think about prostitutes?

TT: These women are often forced to offer themselves. I don’t like that. Especially in Argentina, these poor women lead a very humble and lean life. This shouldn’t be possible! I see prostitutes as a kind of “service provider” and they should get more respect and prestige for the job they are doing. They are just offering something like every other service provider does, too. So they should be treated judicial and societal like everyone else.

Во всем согласен с Тарьей. Начиная от того, что две девушки - это кошерно, а два парня - буэ и заканчивая темой эстетики в порнухе. Я так и думал, что ребята в турбусах порнуху смотрят! Подозреваю, что Хиетала инициатор. Very Happy И интересно - шо это за одна порнушка, которая у Тарьи дома? Что то с Привата, наверное, или что там у них в финке смотрят Very Happy
#485 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ващет главным заводилой и коллекционером был Сами Smile за что и поплатился, можно сказать Smile

Инвью классное, честное такое и откровенное. Про проституцию согласна, кстати.
#486 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ave Omen, о боги Кабола!!! как она согласилась то вообще на такое ивью?!? Very Happy
#487 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MeNaiset 7.10.2010

"Now I forgive the woman in the mirror more"

Singer Tarja Turunen has learned to take better care of her strenght. Eventhough life on the tour if hard she's not ready to give it up.
- In the baby department we're just practising, Tarja laughs.

When people in Finland are planting bulbs singer Tarja Turunen, 33, is putting out the summer furniture on the deck of her new home in Buenos Aires. In Argentina spring is turning to summer and the housewife has cleaned and painted the furniture.
Tarja's and her producer husband Marcelo Cabuli's deck isn't for people with the fear for heights. The apartment is on the 19th floor and from the windows you can see tower houses that mount even higher.
Tarja wants to cherish beauty around her. To her home and hotel rooms she creates mood with aromatic scents ans candles, she burns even in the middle of the day. The family's apartment is decoreded in the Finnish way even including the little sauna.
- The sauna is small, but two bums fits well on the bench.
Eventhough Tarja's third album What Lies Beneath has just come out the mrs already types the flygel in the living room for ideas for new songs. Days at home and the light of spring feed the creativity. Though it's years for the next album's release the themes for it have to be developed before the soon starting world tour.
Being at home is a rare treat for the busy artist. Even now during her minibreak she did interviews for all over the world and went to perform in Šots for the Russian prime minister Vladímír Putin.
Because of the constant traveling Tarja's and Marcelo's home in Kuusankoski is on sale. There's no point in having the house empty: during the last two and a half years Tarja managed to spent almost three months in Finland.
- I miss my family from Finland but luckily there's Skype and everything else to keep in contact. My life's a constant travel but I enjoy it hugely. Eventhough our home is now in Buenos Aires I don't know where we'll end up. That we can decide when our dream of a child one day comes true. At the moment we're just practising, Tarja laughs.


"My day begins and ends with water. As a singer I need moist and moisturizing on the skin and on the inside. From my doctor's advice I drink three liters of water everyday. I'm used to carrying around a water bottle all the time and drincking it during the day.
When I was a child I was afraid of natural waters. The sea felt pressing and was afraid of getting abonded in the middle of it. Even now when I swim or dive in the sea I realize how small we people are. On the other hand it's a good metaphor for life.
I'm not afraid of the waters anymore. We got into diving with my husband four years ago. We had talked about starting the hobby for a long time and while in Thailand for a holiday we did a course. That was it after that.
We've dived a little everywhere, only the waters in Polynesia and Australia we haven't experienced. So far the best experiences are from Egypt. On a diving safari there we stayed in the water from six am to nine pm.
Diving is increadbly relaxing. I've found a centre of peace under the surface where I can just focus on breathing and looking at bright colours. I've learned to recognize the fish and organisms and often thought God had a busy day creating them. I've dived in the middle of a swarm of sharks and not been at all afraid. For a romantic like me diving is like a trip to a fantasy world and a very romantic experience.
I'm not very competative and don't want to compare diving experiences or equipment. We own minimalistic properties: suits and basic equipment. Diving for me is enjoying and the feeling not measuring the diving metres.
I get easily sick on uneven ground and the same goes for diving. I have to take a nauseapill wether I'm jumping on a helicopter or under water. One time a forgot and everytime I came to the surface I started to throw up. The nausea eased when the diving teacher put a tank on my back and pushed me under water. While diving I thought what if I throw up in the regulator?"


"My body is extremely sensitive to changes. Since a singer's whole body is her tool changes affect the job as well. I travel a lot, my hours are everything but regular and the action part of the job has to be done 100 percent. It all affects the singing.
Breathing is often seen as too a commonplace thing and it's felt to be self-evident but with the right breathing you can cure a lot of things. If I have a touch of flu or tensions in my body, I get help from breathing exercises. With exercises I relax the mucles I can't work out on the gym. In fact pumping big muscles smothers the inner muscles, that's why I don't lift a lot of weights at the gym.
My breathing counsellor has become my guru. Where ever in the world I fly to him/her (can't tell from the Finnish version) when my body feels bad. After the treatment follows an amazing feeling. It's like having an airbag around your body. Sometimes my torso swells up and I look like seven months pregnant."


"I'm now 33 and have started to take better care of my strenght and well-being. I believe I'd take care of my appearance even if I wasn't in a performing profession. I always look in the mirror critically, but with age I've learned to forgive it more.
My mother was a very beautiful woman. I think her innner beauty could be seen on the outside. I got good skin, cheek bones and a desire to clean from her. She never wanted to go out without mascara or lipstick. I can go without make-up but not without my serum. I found years ago a moisturizing and invigorating lotion without my day doesn't start. My mourning routines are washing my face, brushing my teeth and tapping on the serum. It gives a nice, womenly feeling. My other magic trick is echinacea, it keeps colds away. I learned the habit from my mother and keep them always in my purse.
Sometimes I wish I'd gotten also my mother's legs but no. I have awful Maradonna legs - that's why I'm never seen in a mini skirt. My mother often said you have to suffer for beauty. But I'm not ready to suffer so much as to walk around in a mini skirt.
One of the most terrible moments in my career was performing for princess Victoria (of Sweden). Not the princess but having to perform on tv in a knee lenght red dress. What a nightmare! My fans tried to cheer me up by sending messages: 'Great legs'.
We go on tour soon. Touring is tough and we spend about two years on the road. Luckily Marelo does the schedules so that we all have time to rest. Before the tour I exercise a lot, get in a better shape and on off days from touring I run, cycle or swim. Our home in Argentina has a gym on the ground floor where I can take an elevator from our front door."


"I bought my current iPhone as soon as the first model had come on the market. I had seen one on a musician friend of mine and got excited right away. The phone has a lot of little things that make life easier: a metronome and piano, with which I've done singing excercises and opened my voice in many backrooms for festivals. I've recorded many ideas for songs and even composed a c-part for one song.
Without the phone I would have been lost many times. I'm a hi-fi enthusiast otherwise too but Marcelo is worse. He listenes to music loudly so equipment has to be top class. Making the new album techic became even more familiar since we managed the producing all on our own.
The e-mail on the phone I use very seldom but Skype many times a day. With that I manage the contacts with my family and friends and most of my business calls. With videoskype I can follow my brothers' kids grow. My older brother has two children and now my younger has family too. Beat me to it. But I'm not in a rush. I don't feel like giving up my career and staying home just yet."
#488 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
And here the translation T-Tarja;I-Interviewer
I: How do you feel better - in a band or solo?
T: This 2 things are incomparable. This is because they are absolutely different. If I have to answer now I think I'm feeling better as a solo artist. It has a lot of advantages. Of course there are a lot of professionalists around me and I'm happy of that fact.
I: How does Tarja Turunen look like when she's not in the spotlight?
T: There I'm a girl with no make-up on. I love running and cooking. I like to be with good people drinkig red wine. I love my friends and to enjoy life. Music is one really important part of my daily life and I'm always doing music. Outside the music I'm only one normal girl.
I: Do you have a thought that is often in our head?
T: That I need to be grounded in reality. I think that a person have to be demure and my music helps me to do that. I'm trying not to think that I'm a superstar and to star flying around. The truth is that I'm working really hard to release my dreams. They are small and achievable and not huge. Inside me I'm feeling satisfied that things are going in the right direction. I'm doing things that come from my heart.
I: Which part of your personality you think about your biggest disadvantage?
T: Maybe that in a way I'm too lazy( Рулез ). On the one hand I'm a perfectionist who is giving all his best but on the other hand when I have to do smth I'm becoming one "uohh...no..maybe I won't be able to do it" I think that this a lack of confidence. Sometimes this can be really disappointing.
I: What you wouldn't do even for a lot of money?
T: I will never sell my soul to the the devil? In my case this means to have sex for money (she's laughing) I mean you can tell me what to do, but I'm going after my inside compass. I know what I want and nobody can tell me what to do. I'm doing the things with my heart and my head. The truth is that there are a lot of people trying to swerve me from the right direction but this not going to happen.
I: The goals of every artist are always changing. What is your goal which is always in your head?
T: I want my career to last as long as possible. You know it is really really important for me to care about my health. All of us are getting older and we start to think about things. I want to sing as long as possible.There are a lot of chalenges in life and I like when I see a new one. I can't wait to be in new chalenges. This are my goals. I'm sure that I will be here long time and you will listen to me I hope so.
I: As a lot of artist you maybe forget your lyrics. What are you doing in this moments?
T: It happens to me on every concert I admit it is happening often unfortunately. I hate that.
I: And what are you doing when you forget the lyrics?
T: Well...I just...I just...you know...I alwa... I never get speechless. The funniest thing is that there are people from crew even from the band that can't realize what I'm doing when smth like this happens. A time ago I sung a whole song with wrong bullshit lyrics and the chorus, too . No one understood what happend then This is not making me happy but it happens, you know.
I: What was the last thing you read about yourself and made you laghing?
T: Few days ago I read again that I'm pregnant. Yes, my belly is bulginig but for other reasons. There is no baby... yet. Only few days I read that I'm pregnant and lalala. There are a lot of wrong things about me in the press and the internet but fortunatelly there aren't too many bad things, so.
I: Are you tired of questions about NW?
T: I'm not being annoyed by these questions. I think it's normal. This is a big part of my past and it is normally people to have remembered me from my years in Nightwish. 9 years are a lot of time and it's important for my career so it's normal this questions to be asked.
#489 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil писал(а):
One of the most terrible moments in my career was performing for princess Victoria (of Sweden). Not the princess but having to perform on tv in a knee lenght red dress. What a nightmare! My fans tried to cheer me up by sending messages: 'Great legs'.

Значит она раздает поклонникам свой номер телефона?! Так почему-же у меня нет
#490 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А может, на ее форуме были отклики, или кто-то в зале Заткнулся плакатег быстренько намалевал...
#492 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Перечитал все - про ножки ничего нет, значит не коменты к данному видео. Confused
#493 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Неее, Ваши интервью после интервью, предоставленного Ave Omen - неинтересные Very Happy
#494 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
интересно, а что именно ее вдохновляет?

Странный вопрос. Творческих людей вдохновляет всё подряд. Из композиторов музыка так и прет. Сама жизнь их вдохновляет. Это просто потребность в творчестве. Так же как всем нам хочется есть и пить, людям творческим хочется творить. Некоторым- очень остро, что они даже и вовсе без этого не могут.
И собственно почему её лирика или музыка должны отражать её собственную жизнь или состояния? Много ли таких примеров вообще говоря когда творчество как бы создается о себе? Разве что автопортреты художников.
#495 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
From Orkus:

Tarja Turunen Cabuli

Which charactaristics of yourself do you like most, which do you like the least?
I am very optimistic and brave, but also stressed easily and very sensitive.

What are the three things in life that mean the most to you?
Love, health, music.

What makes you really mad?
Pessimistic and superficial people.

What makes you laugh?
A good joke, but very often my own mistakes as well.

What makes you cry?
A great piece of music can touch me to tears of joy, problems in my private life make me cry tears of sadness.

What's the first thing you do in the morning after getting up?
I hug my husband and then I wash my face.

Who would you like to be related to?
To Peter Gabriel. (риспект-риспект)

Who would you like to be for a month and why?
Lady Gaga, just to experience, how she can cope with everything. (>.<Wink2

What's your favourite movie?
The Lord of The Rings trilogy is still number one.

What'S your favourite book?
The Alchimist by Paulo Coelho. (>__________<Wink2

Who was your childhood hero?
My mother.

What was the funniest or weirdest job you have ever done?
At the age of 18 I was working as a hostess on a cruise ship in Finland. I needed the money for my studies.

Which person would you never like to meet?
Stupid people from my past. (гусары молчать! это не наброс Very Happy )

What did you do with your first earned money?
I was paying my own rent at the age of 15.

What should your last supper be?
Veal, a mixed salad, a bottle of delicious red wine and strawberries with whipped cream for dessert.

What is/was your worst sentence to hook up a guy?
Fortunately I never had to do that myself.

What's the thing you appreciate most on a person of the opposite sex?
Eyes definitely. They tell more than a thousand words.

What has been your most painful experience so far?
Losing my mother.

When and by whom did you receive your first love letter?
Finnish guys aren't really known for writing letters and expressing their feelings (гусары!! маааалчать Very Happy) . So my first love letter was by a fan.

What do you like most in Sex?
Everything. The world would be boring without Sex.

For which thing would you overdraw your account?
I's give my last shirt for my family. Although I love shopping, shoes and bags are not the most important things.

What was the last time you were embarrassed or blushed?
During a passport control in Russia yesterday, when the woman recognized me. She was calling all her colleagues to give them autographs. It was pretty embarrassing to be there that long whilst all the other people had to wait.

What would you love to do but didn't dare so far?
Travelling the world - as vacation!

How and where can you relax the best?
At home. There is no better place.

What's your favourite city?

Do you own a piece of jewelery that means a lot to you?
My fans gifted me a lot of jewelery during the years which I wear very often in private as well.

What would you do if you knew that the world was ending tomorrow?
I would tell my family that I love them, then I would spend the day in bed with my husband and together we would remind us of the wonderful life we had and the beautiful things we experienced together.

Did you ever have a near death experience?
Never, thank God!

What is supposed to be written on your gravestone?
"She followed her dreams"

#496 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil писал(а):
I hug my husband and then I wash my face.

второе - определенно следствие первого))) Молодец Тарья, сказала так сказала))))

Nihil писал(а):
Lady Gaga, just to experience, how she can cope with everything. (>.<Wink2

ай ну ведь совсем чуть-чуть промазала, ну мадам, ну что такое Rolleyes#2

Nihil писал(а):
Everything. The world would be boring without Sex.

Аахаха в точку))) Видели бы вы, как мы смеемся с ваших гримасс во время совокупления (с) ))

Nihil писал(а):
My fans gifted me a lot of jewelery during the years which I wear very often in private as well.

будем надеяться, моя подаренная прелесть, это так)))))

Прикольно, вроде как и не особо много нового, однако довольно интересные факты, да и вообще разулыбалась я тут, пока читала, эх Smile
#497 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
DaedRa писал(а):
ай ну ведь совсем чуть-чуть промазала, ну мадам, ну что такое

надо ей задарить лайв из Берси. чтобы и вопросов не возникало, кем быть

Tarja писал(а):
I hug my husband and then I wash my face.

хотя, она определённо и так неплохо справляется Very Happy
#498 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil писал(а):
What'S your favourite book?

The Alchimist by Paulo Coelho. (>__________<Wink2

Не наезжать на Коэльо! Книжка офигенная Smile
Nihil писал(а):
What was the last time you were embarrassed or blushed?

During a passport control in Russia yesterday

Эм... Какого года интервью-то?
#499 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Betro писал(а):
да, ноги ничиво так.

Ножки-то ничего, но вот платье можно было и другое выбрать, не такое свободное и покороче.
#500 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вовремя подоспел перевод (с французского на английский) ноябрьского интервью
есть про Анетт и Найтвиш.

Tarja Turunen is not easy to interview, as you sometimes need to ask a question several times before you can get an honest answer, instead of rehearsed wooden language that doesn’t have much to do with the question.

by the way she avoids the matter, she really doesn’t want to get into the whole media warfare her former band mates have been waging against her, and she refuses to have anything to do with them from now on.
Форум / Творчество / Интервью с миссис Турунен
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