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#1141 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):
Куда делся твой пост насчет ин-вью с Троем?

ну я не заметила особого рвения юзверей, и удалила свои посты.

В общем, интервью с Троем у меня на руках. Сегодня постараюсь оформить, перевести и, возможно, даже запостить на сайте.
#1142 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
мда, в общем, сегодня мне отвлекли гости, так что пока выложу оригинал интервью Smile

I. Musical background, career and inspiration.

1. So, first of all, when and why did you start learning music? Was it Your parents’ initiative or your own decision, like, e.g., back at the age of 5 you already knew You’re going to become a musician and tour the world? And if it was Your decision solely, did Your parents support this passion and sense of purpose?

Yes, I have wonderful parents who have always supported my need to be a musician. I grew up surrounded and immersed in music. But it was my Dad in particular who shaped my destiny. He encouraged me from a very young age to pursue my passion. He is still a serious music lover and we play music together whenever we are together.

2. And what was Your first musical instrument? And what instrument can You call a “chief” one nowadays? Why?

I started on guitar. But, it was never enough for me which is why I have too many instruments! I suppose the Uilleann Pipes are my number one...they are what I am famous for.

3. How would You describe Your own music? What inspires You to create such ethereal and very Artistic pieces? And what lies beneath the title “Madness of Crowds”, is it about people’s obsession with false values and fake idols, or am I going too deep or too far in my investigations? Smile

Not at all; you must go deep to discover the root of things.
My music is very personal and not at all shaped by 'fashion' so as a result, it is not very commercial. You will not hear it on the radio!
I try to reach into the unknown which is, I feel, the road to self-discovery. I am trying to make the music which is not available to me - that which I would love to hear myself.
And yes, "The Madness of Crowds" is both those things you mention. And more....

4. As far as I understood You want Your music (labeled as “Troy Donockley solo albums”) to be as far from commercial stuff and business side as it is only possible, don’t You? So no big labels to get signed with, no worldwide sales through every shop in every village and so on?

Ideally, it would be splendid for my music to have a more widespread audience and market; but that is not the modern world. It is difficult to make Art in these times and people have been made dull by too much stimuli of such a low standard. This causes people to be impatient, and with a low attention span. Art needs concentration and communion. Not something you can achieve while listening to the radio in McDonalds!

5. Can You say that British and Irish folklore and fairy-tales of Your native land have made some impact on the mood and maybe subjects of Your works?

That is a great question ; the answer is a Big Yes. I love folklore and 'otherworldliness' both ancient and modern. I love being lost in imagery and my music tries to blur the lines between all of these elements.

6. Among the numerous talented performers who appeal to You the most? Are there people among them with whom You’d like to cooperate with on some occasion?

Well, I have been lucky to have worked and became friends with some of my childhood heroes. There are lots of musicians I admire but I tend to get excited about artists from my childhood; those who had a BIG effect on the way I looked at the world. It is these that I would most like to co-operate with - if they are still alive!

7. What are Your future music plans? Some extensive touring and taking part in Hollywood blockbuster scores? Smile And what are Your impressions of working with Mr. Ridley Scott? It’s just phenomenal and overwhelming that You got a chance to work with such a grand as Mr. Scott, please, take our warmest congratulations!. And Mr. Scott should also take our congrats, because he is lucky enough to work with such a magnificent composer and musician as You are.

Yes, these next few years will see a lot of touring....I must behave and not part too hard!
I am starting to feel my next album tapping my shoulder which I will start work on early next year.
Ridley Scott is a nice guy and was very excited about the Uilleann Pipes. I am of course a massive fan of his films so I was a bit "starstruck". Unfortunately, I cannot go to the movie premiere as I am doing a show that night. Damn!!
I did give him a copy of "Madness of Crowds"...just in case!

8. Talking about You as a guest musician, what is Your favorite guest project?

I am not just saying this, but it is without a doubt Nightwish.

9. And how was it like to collaborate with Finnish artists like Indica, Johanna Kurkela? Maybe there will be some more co-working with someone else, besides Nightwish? Was the whole Finnish musical scene something like a surprise or even a revelation for You? It’s not that a lot of people tend to believe small Finland can’t produce fascinating and distinctive music, but more that not everyone knows Finland is actually that rich with talented and bright performers, each in his own genre.

You are absolutely right. I did not know much about the music scene in Finland and I was amazed at how strong it is. I love the country and it is like a second homeland for me now in that I have such dear, dear friends there. I LOVED working with Indica and we have a brilliant time when we are together.
And Johanna I just adore...what a voice. She is my sister!

10. What is Your current Top 5 albums?

The Unthanks - Heres the tender coming
Peter Gabriel - Scratch my Back
Vaughan Williams - Flos Campi
Elbow - The seldom seen kid
Taak - Sigur Ros

11. Many people from our site ask, what do You know about Russia? Smile Is there any small chance for Russian audience to see the show with Mr. Troy Donockley and Co?

I have never visited Russia. I would dearly love to. My only experience of Russia is through its music and literature which are of course wonderful.
At the moment, there is not much chance of me actually performing there. Hopefully on the next Nightwish tour...

II. Collaboration with Nightwish

1. How did You get in touch with Nightwish? What was Your 1st impression about them? Why did You actually agree to work with this band, was it just a sign of good will for nice and humble guys writing good music or more like a blast of admiration for their works?

It was through my friend Pip Williams ( orchestral arranger on "Once" and "Dark passion"). He sent to me a copy of "Once" and I thought it was unique and quite brilliant.
When they asked if I would guest I got very excited at the idea of taking the pipes into that huge symphonic metal world and it really worked, much to our delight.

2. Is it hard to work with this band? And Tuomas in particular?

Ha! hard work? quite the opposite.
No, we have a magical time working together and I love every moment of it. We are all great friends. Tuomas and I have a strong affinity beyond words...we are beyond. No problems ever.

3. How would You treat an offer to become the 6th permanent member of Nightwish? Haven’t they already asked You about it? Smile

I am the Honourary 6th member of Nightwish!!
I will always work with them whenever possible...and there is a lot to come!

4. What was Your impression of Lapland’s Vammavaara where shooting of The Islander took place? Did You like the video and the atmosphere created?

I loved it up there. I was shocked and moved by the finished video ( we all were) and it is a true mini-movie rather than a music video. I had a wonderful time making it and after the shoot I had my first Finnish Sauna with the guys and a few crates of beer...it nearly killed me!
#1143 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
5. Last summer in an interview for Anette Olzon Italia You’ve said that You will be playing on the next album and that Tuomas prepares something really extraordinary, according to his own words. Have You got any further details since then or it is still in pre-production stage with only Tuomas actually knowing every detail of his brainchild? Smile

Oooh..I can't say anything about this. But I can tell you it is going to be like nothing before. I will be going out to Finland this August to work on it. Sorry Lerren, that is all I can say...Top Secret!

6. What do You think about Nightwish playing a show with a real Orchestra and Choir? Do You think that will be the highest point of their career or there’s smth more they can get with? Would You like to take part it such an event or You’d prefer to sit among the audience and to listen to what’s going on on the stage?

I would LOVE it. I am sure it will happen one day. All points can be seen as high points even the lows, relatively...

7. You’ve toured with Nightwish quite a lot during the European leg of the Tour 2009 and took part in the grand finale in Helsinki, Hartwall Areena. What are Your feelings towards this concert? How do You feel, was it really the great ending to such a massive tour or just an ordinary show from “shitty band with shitty equipment”? © (a quote from a review of one of the 1st NW shows back in 1998, and it is more like a NW byword nowadays) Smile

It was a transcendant experience. All roads were leading to this concert and there was a glorious feeling of "Finale" to the whole occasion. Truly wondrous. I look forward to the next one!

And, btw, thank You very much for Your contribution – Finlandia, The Islander and Last of the Wilds sounded brilliant, as always before, and Meadows of Heaven and especially renewed Walking in the Air brought tears to my eyes and there were huuuge goosebumps crawling down my spine during this acoustic number with all of these lights, tender music and snow... Your contribution to this song was enormous..
Cheers Lerren. And I have enjoyed the interview!
With kind regards
#1144 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Большое тебе спасибо, Лера.
(отплюсуйте ее за меня, кто-нибудь Shy Кому не все равно)

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 1 секунду:

Йося_Смит писал(а):
And what lies beneath the title “Madness of Crowds”

Surprised Это ж песня у Хэллоуин такая!

Добавлено спустя 6 минут 13 секунд:

Йося_Смит писал(а):
I am trying to make the music which is not available to me - that which I would love to hear myself.

Мне нравится такой подход - как раз недавно задумывалась об этом сама Rolleyes#2
#1145 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Спасибо огромное, Леррен, отличное интервью! Кул! Лимит плюсов исчерпан Smile Вот что можно выложить в английский раздел сайта)
Очень интересная первая часть, ну и вторая, само собой)
Последний раз редактировалось: Arous (10 апр 2010, 12:04); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#1146 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
оущит, не могу плюсовать, но это супер, прочитала с огромным интересом=)
#1147 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Да, мне тоже очень не хватает плюсов)
Мне очень понравилось, как составлено интервью. Леррен, спасибо! Какая ты молодец!
Ну и Трою спасибо за ответы)
#1148 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Йося_Смит, супер!!! Вообще ощущение, что разговор реальный был - отлично подобрала вопросы! Большое спасибо, ты опять молодец! Smile
#1149 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Лера, спасибо огромное!) Smile отличное интервью!
#1150 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Смотрите какая прелесть Rolleyes#2
#1151 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki, а где ты нашла картинку, если не секрет? мы бы ее в интервью засунули Smile
#1152 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
собсна, новый найтмэйл

Guro from Norway:
To whoever from the crew who would like to answer this one:
How did you end up working with Nighwish? Smile

Pyro Guys:
Almost 10 years ago band asked me to do pyros for Wishmaster-record release gig. I am still on a same roadSmile

A fan:
To Anette: Hi! I wonder if Nightwish have any plans to record a new album but with a mix of the older songs?
I also wonder which was your best moment with the band during 2009?
Thanks for being a part of the best band in the world!//Garson

Hi Garson! No, any album like that isn't something we have considered and I dont think it will happen since we all feel that Tarja and the guys already have done that. But maybe a live album someday where also the older songs are included.
My best moment during 2009 were two moments: the very first gig after our break in London in march. Great to see everyone and meet them after so many months break. I also felt physically and mentally so much stronger than during 2008. Then Hartwall arena was magical. Amazing with so great musicians playing with us and to sing Walking in the air and Meadows of heaven finally was something I had longed for.
And you're welcome, and thanks for thinking we are the best;=)

Paweł from Poland:
To Tuomas:

1)How do you imagine yourself in the next twenty years?
2)Is there any dream that you especially want to come true?

I never look too far into the future, all I need to know or want is here and now. I hope I'll still be alive, look like an old Walt Whitman, and that life would taste as sweet as it does at the moment.

Well, right now I wish that the upcoming album would end up being like I have imagined it to be during the past 3 years. I just finished with the last song yesterday, such exciting times!

Bruce from Brasil:
To Marco:
If, for any reason, you had to pick between vocals and playing bass, which would be? Why?

This is really a hard one because I define myself so much by both singing and playing. I'm just happy to have both. If something happened to my voice or my fingers, I'd still be lucky to have the other to fall back on. If something happened to both, I don't know if I could survive.

Stefan from Romania:
To Emppu: What kinds of books do you read? You told someone you read books to relax...what is ,let's say, the book that impressed you most?

Yeah, on tour you'll have a lot of time on your hands, sitting in the plane or tour bus, and reading gives you some "private" time. There's always a lot of people buzzing around, so it's an easy way to get some privacy for a while. I pretty much read all kinds of books, currently mostly historical stuff that's based on actual fact. While I was younger, I never read anything. I don't think I read one single book while in high school. I had to start reading, because the battery in my Game Boy always died on me during the long flights. Very Happy
Biggest impression - Hmmm, there are so many great books. It's hard to pick just one.

Junia from .:
To Anette:

Which place/country you've been on tour that you most liked? in aspects like culture, climate, people, natural landscapes..Smile

Oh, there have been many;=) But I did love Japan a lot. So nice people and I felt really safe walking around there all by myself. I also love japanese food so it suited me fine. Then seeing Australia was amazing and a dream came true. I also love the US just because it is so totally different from Sweden. It's just so big and people are much more open and talkative there than in my country. And to be able to have a country with so many different sides and people is just amazing;=)

April Rey from Riverside, CA USA:
I love your voice. When you are on tour what is one of your favorite ways to be selfish, and have some personal time?
Thanks for taking my question.
Hope to see you soon in the USA

Hi! Well, I love to go out if its nice weather, seeing the city we're in and enjoy a coffee in some nice place. If I cant go out, I read a nice book and just watch some dvd-boxes. And I also hope to see you soon in US too;=)

Bram from Belgium:
To Jukka:

What is it according to you that makes nightwish so popular all over the world? What are your dreams for the future with the band? Btw: what's your favourite candy?

Good songs and utmost honesty in everything to do with music. Those are the strengths of Nighwish, at least that's how I'd like to see it. I have no big dreams left for future, because my original dreams have been surpassed many times already. I just hope that Nightwish is still around in ten year's time and that we still get our kicks making music.

I don't really eat candy, but if I have to pick something, I'd say chocolate.

.... from Lappeenranta:
To Anette:
I read from a teletext that you're getting another child. Congratulations!

Do you think this is going to have any affect to the next Nightwish tour in couple of years?

Hi! Thanks for the congratulations;=)
No, I dont think it will influence the coming tours. If we all could manage the last huge tour even if we are three persons that have kids, I am sure that we can make the next one working too. Its all about planning and making everyone feel ok with the schedule and I know King Foo and me and the guys can make that happen.

Amy from United Kingdom:
Question for the pyro guys;
Before going on tour, do you sit down with the band members and discuss what they want for the pyro or do you choose what's best that goes with the song? =)

Yes. Usually Tuomas will give me specs where he wants effects and after that i will make plans and then we see what we can do. It is quite common that whole thing will grow up and even change during tourSmile

Sam from UK:
To Tuomas,

It's been a while since the dark days of Century Child. How do you think you have changed as a person since then? Are things a lot more brighter now?

I wish I have changed in some matters, and I wish I haven`t changed in many matters. Dark Passion Play was made during the darkest days, even worse than Century Child, but things have always been well, sometimes the Darkness and Its boogeymen just veil the Good behind.

Desi from Missouri, USA:
To Marco:

What made you decide to be involved with Kuorosota this year? Even though I am in the US, I have caught all of your choir's performances on the internet! It's very good!

The reward going to the charity and not to my own pocket. The challenge of doing something I've never done before. And the possibility of gathering a bunch of really crazy people and having a lot of fun together.

Doug Moore from San Diego, CA, USA:

I read in an interview from late 2009 that Nightwish is intending to do another North American tour during 2010. Any info on that?

Heh, there are certainly no tours in 2010, but hopefully in 2011-2012.

Renan Pinelli from São Paulo, Brasil:
To Jukka:
Have you ever suffered any kind of prejudice for being vegeterian? (I do hope you're still vegetarian Smile

I've gotten off pretty easy. Of course there's always bound to be people who think that vegetarian food means just raw carrots and broccoli, but fortunately the attitudes have improved, and nowadays it's pretty easy to get proper veggie food all over the world. I don't get so many puzzled looks these days as I did when I started it years ago. It seems that people can change Very Happy

Haubi from Germany:
Hi Jukka
Did you ever hit youre face with a drumstick on stage ?
Sometimes it happens to me Wink2

It happens all the time. Nothing makes you feel quite so stupid as when you gloriously hit yourself in the face while playing something really snazzy with the spotlight turned on you. I've hit myself a black eye and countless bumps on the head, split my lip, bloodied my nose, torn out my earring and nose piercing... Everything imaginable has happened. You just have to bow your head for awhile, silently curse your own stupidity and clumsiness and swallow your pride (along with the blood from the split lip) Very Happy

Katie from Pennsylvania, US:
exactly what series of cymbals do you use and why the hell can't I find you on Paiste's website?

My set up is a mix of several different series: 2002 Wild Crash, Rude China, Signature Sound Edge Hihat, etc. From time to time I change some cymbals, so I can't actually remember current set up exactly.

For Paiste website, check here: http://paiste.com/e/artistslist.php?menuid=30&keywords=nevalainen&find=1&button=Search
#1153 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Kiipparisti&Fani from Helsinki:
To Tuomas:

Do you ever wonder how the concept you`ve created has taken over the whole world? I read your biography, such an interesting story.

I wonder about it every day, feeling extremely humble and a bit proud about it all at the same time. It`s been such an incredible journey to find one`s place in the universe, and to have a chance to do something I love above all.

Kalem McMahon from United Kingdom:
Question for the pyro guys
Based on your role I'm sure you love fire and explosions! Is there anything really crazy you've wanted or suggested to do but just couldn't for some reason, and if so, what?

Yep. We love pyros! All our suggestions have passed the band and i have to tell that most of them looks pretty nice.

Black Orchid from Deutschland:
Emppu: What would you do if there was no beer left in the world and I had the last bottle?

Hmm.. i guess I would have to start to bargain with you. 5eur?

juan jose sierra from medellin colombia:
To Emppu:
which was your first guitar and at what age did you get it?

My first guitar was an acoustic Landola I stole from my brother. It still hangs on my wall, actually, and I always have to hide it when my brother comes to visit me. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I committed the crime.

Desi from Missouri, USA:
To Tuomas:

Can you give us ANY hints on this supposed "twist" you keep mentioning about the upcoming album?

What`s the fun behind a secret revealed? =) I`m not trying to irritate anyone but we still need lots of time to get the whole thing together.

Hietala Boy from Brazil:
To Marco:
How did you like Brazilian beer and crowd?
PS.: We made some kind of poll for "bassist of our dreams" and you won!

I loved the crowd and I love beer universally! Thank you verrrry much!

Joel G. from USA:
To Anybody Who Knows the Answer

Who was your album cover artist for Dark Passion Play and what medium did he/she use to create it? (acrylic, oil, or digital)

The artwork for the Dark Passion Play was created by Janne and Gina Pitkänen. All work was created digitally using photoshop and some 3D software.
Islander and Cadence was done by Gina
Master Passion Greed and Poet and Pendulum was created by both.
The cover and the rest of the images was done by Janne.
This excludes the photos which were taken by Ville Juurikkala :-)

Miso from Illinois:
To Marco:
You've stated you're a video game lover. What would be your favorite game?
Thanks for your time. You're quite possibly the best (male) singer I've ever heard.

Possibly Planescape Torment. An RPG in a same vein as the Baldur's Gate series, but the world was a whole lot weirder.

Thank you!

Mikko from Kuopio:
Can we expect a soloalbum from Marco Hietala anytime? It would be great to have a whole album full of songs where the singer would be only Hietala.

Well... I've had this continuing work in progress over ten years now. The idea would be to have a distinct world of colliding musical elements, and the lyrics for the whole thing would be in finnish and english both. Like I said: Over ten years in progress. Might happen sooner, later or never

зы: либо я что-то не понимаю в этой жизни, либо Найты намеренно избегали ответа на часто задаваемый вопрос про The Heart Asks Pleasure First Mad Mad
#1154 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Йося_Смит писал(а):
I just finished with the last song yesterday

процесс идет, это радует))) Very Happy
#1155 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Йося_Смит писал(а):
либо Найты намеренно избегали ответа на часто задаваемый вопрос про The Heart Asks Pleasure First

Да, это явно было одним из самых частых вопросов... Наверное, они еще не решили, в каком виде ее выпускать. Хоть бы успокоили, чем-нибудь вроде "не знаем когда, но когда-нибудь точно выпустим"))) Может ее решили оставить для нового альбома...
Йося_Смит писал(а):
I just finished with the last song yesterday, such exciting times!

#1156 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Йося_Смит писал(а):
Well, right now I wish that the upcoming album would end up being like I have imagined it to be during the past 3 years. I just finished with the last song yesterday, such exciting times!

Так странно осознавать, что новый альбом уже фактически готов. Пусть и в Холопайненовской голове, но готов же! Very Happy
А нам чуть меньше полутора лет подождать осталось до конечного результата) Smile
#1157 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Tumppi писал(а):
I hope I'll still be alive, look like an old Walt Whitman

То бишь вот так http://davidbjohnson.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/walt-whitman.jpg?w=450&h=551 ))

Вообще всё же хотелось бы возвращения классического Найтмыла)когда каждому участнику месяц отдельный...при данной схеме шанс ответа того или иного участника сильно падает по понятным причинам(
#1158 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ShadowWolfSmith, видимо вопросов хороших много не наскрести каждому в период затишья Smile
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