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#101 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
"I think that the eighth deadly sin would be narrow mindedness. I really hate when people are like that. You have to have a broad mind in everything"
Ну это не всегда от человека зависит... тут имхо Туомас слишком резко сказал...
Вообще от некоторых его фраз, не только в этом интервью коробит... нехочу сюда вывешивать цитаты, но кто полностью читал статью , меня поймёт...
там про сакс, бичинг и т.п. Заткнулся
#102 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Harfic, может это и лексически грубо, зато идеологически верно. По крайне мере, я разделяю эту точку зрения... это личное дело каждого.
#103 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Harfic, неужели было бы нормально если б Туо отвечал на вопросы:
- Как всё хорошо!
- У нас замечательная публика! Они так прекрасно воспринимают альбом! Наша публика лучшая! Мы так любим их ...
- Я так рад ...
или использовал другие рядовые стандартные фразы, к примеру:
- отличный вопрос (с) Tarja

По мне так лучше правда-матка, чем розовые сопли) Проще говоря, мне намного больше нравится когда люди разговаривают человеческим языком нежели примитивно слащавыми общими фразами.
#104 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Я не про смысловое наполнение этих фраз, а про то в какой форме Туо высказал свои мысли. Имхо, сказать то же самое можно тысячью способов, обходясь как без мата, так и без клишейных фраз. Мне , в принципе особо без разницы , но грубые выражения который там частенько проскальзывают, кажутся просто неуместными в солидном интерьвью... это же не фан-блог в конце-концов...

Кстати речь Туомаса не вяжутся с образом , который он сам же и создал. Я имею ввиду всякие "форевер инносент", "оушенсоль"...
А вообще это всё мелочи... Туомас по-любому мегамэн Smile
#105 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Harfic, ну так он и не устает повторять, что он больше не инносент, что все изменилось и тд. что мальчег вырос и стал циничен )) а интервью эти все только подтверждают )
#106 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Hevein, вот именно! Свой инносенс он посеял когда Тарью послал открытым письмом, так шо теперь суровая риэлити!!! =)
#107 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Harfic, он грубо выражался еще и в инвьюхах времен Ошенборна, так что не в иносетности xD дело.

Кстати речь Туомаса не вяжутся с образом , который он сам же и создал. Я имею ввиду всякие "форевер инносент", "оушенсоль"...

ммм... По-моему это немного пугающе выглядит, когда люди в реальной жизни выражаются стилистически так же, как в своем творчестве... Very Happy

Hevein, ну циничность не мешает ему писать песни типа Эскаписта, к слову.
#108 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
HaCkEr писал(а):
Hevein, вот именно! Свой инносенс он посеял когда Тарью послал открытым письмом, так шо теперь суровая риэлити!!! =)

ну не знаю, после просмотра док. фильма финского ТВ, снятого летом 2006 года сложилось впечатление, что инэсэнс ещё и не думает теряться, а в концовке Маэстро сказал, что наверно до конца жизни будет с ней жить.
Мот просто он пытается соответствовать поведению рок звезды Confused , хотя бы в интервью.
I have but two faces
One for the world
One for God

Чёта вспомнилось…
#109 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Мот просто он пытается соответствовать поведению рок звезды , хотя бы в интервью.

Я думаю это его прямая обязанность ... А вообще пофигу. Меня лично всё устраивает, что он и как он говорит в интервью. Так доступнее! =)
#110 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
HaCkEr, правильно, с людьми надо говорить на их же языке! Wink
#113 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Интервью, взятое во время посещения Санты в Лапландии, когда снимали новый клип. Анетт там была. Smile


Meeting Santa Claus is not a peace of cake even when it comes to stars who have seen a lot.

The members of Nightwish were peeking cautiously at Santa's doorstep although Santa knew whom he was
waiting for. Finally the ice was broken by the singer, Anette Olzon, who asked Santa to talk her in Swedish
or English.

"Men hej då, Anette" (=Swedish, means "Hi Anette"), Santa greeted warmly and asked the Swedish beauty
to sit on his knee. Cameras flashed when both photographers and band members were taking pictures of Santa.

Anette told Santa that it was her first visit in Lapland and Santa asked Anette which presents her six-year-old
son wished for Christmas. Finally the whole band was grouped in the same picture and Santa grilled also the
band's and their children's kindness and wishes for Christmas.


Anette and Santa amused the others by comparing Santa's handsome beard to the basist Marco Hietala's
yet a bit more modest one.

"Mine will be as handsome when I'm 400 years old", Hietala was teasing.

Nightwish's trip to Rovaniemi was stopped already in Oulu since their aeroplane couldn't land to its
destination because of the fog.

At the press conference, which was held after a taxi trip, the band was still a bit insecure of their plans
for the following days. What is certain, is that the new video of Nightwish will be shot the following days
in the Pohtimo pool, ca 50 away from Rovaniemi.

"The meaning is to shoot the band playing in the wilderness, the video including Dali-like surrealism",
Tuomas Holopainen told but refused to tell for which Dark Passion Play songs the video was being made.

"For years I have visited Lapland as wandering there and many Nightwish-songs have been born inspired
by the nature of Lapland. This autumn has been so busy though that the trip has been passed",
Holopainen regretted.


After meeting the Santa, the band had a picture taken of them acrossing the North Pole. Then they
said goodbye to Santa who gave them stickers as presents to their homes.

"Now my son will believe that you live on the North Pole. He has been hard to convince", Anette laughed.

At the meeting with Santa Claus were spoken mixed Finnish, Swedish and English. Anette has been
learning busily Finnish and was spoking it when she was asked to do so.

"Nyt minä haluan juustoburgerin" (=means "now I want a cheeseburger), Anette spells carefully and
tells that band boys have taught her mostly swear words.

"I have then tried to learn nice words. I keep up with the boys' conversations well but not until recently
I have dared to speak Finnish", sympathetic Anette explains.

It's not an accident, Nightwish's new video being shot in Rovaniemi. The video is produced by Lapland
Studio and the Rovaniemi town accompanies financially.

"Lapland Studio's Ilkka Immonen made a suggestion for Tuomas Harju who shoots the video, that
there are good shooting places and know-how needed in Rovaniemi. The filming group checked up
on the place and praised the landscapes", chief of marketing and communication Hanna-Mari Kyläkoski


"The days are long when a video is shot. Tomorrow the alarm will rang at half past four a.m.", Holopainen

The long days will go on because the band is leaving in October to an American tour which will last
28 days. After that comes Scandinavian and European tours.

"I'm really grateful of the success of our new album because all that mess. I have to thank the fans
being able to wait the new record for two years", Holopainen thanks.

Извините, если что-то такое было.
#114 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&u=http://ent.qq.com/a/20080121/000231.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnightwish%26hl%3Den%26lr%3Dlang_zh-CN%26sa%3DG%26as_qdr%3Dd - интервью с группой в Японии.

Добавлено спустя 37 минут 19 секунд:

http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=fS3H-SWJhkk&feature=related - репортаж с китайского телевидения.
#115 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MeNaiset 13.12.2007
Перевод Afrodite

Anette's first time

How does Anette manage the rock'n'roll? Nightwish's new vocalist is on the first world tour of her life. We went to California.

Though the weather in San Fransisco in November looks summery to the Finnish eye, Anette Olzon, 36, is coughing while waking up.
Outside the camp of two tour busses and one trailer causes a fuss. Eventhough the gig is almost one and a half day away about twenty fans have lined outside the Slim's club.
There is no unclarity what band they're waiting for. Many are wearing Nightwish shirts. On the other hand fans also have merchandise of many other Finnish bands. Finland is known as a country of heavy music.
Inside the buss it's calm. It's waking up to a new day after the nightly drive. There's still sleep in eyes.
Nightwish's Swedish vocalists morning huskiness is starting to clear up.
- This is challenging for a singer's voice. We've driven from Canada towards south. Sometimes the weather is like in the winter and it may be heat the next day. And of course air conditionings do their part, Anette says.
Anette's public job as Nightwish's new singer has now lasted for about six months. When Anette was introduced to the public in late May, she was immediately thrown into quite a media storm. After 24 hours Finland knew about Anette's husband and son, home in Helsingborg and her past in the Abba musical. And also bemoan complain was heard of what will happen to the natural treasure Nightwish.
Judging by the international response nothing too bad. Nightwish's long tour started in the United States in October. Near Christmas they'll tour Scandinavia. They'll return to the US again next spring.

Crosses from fans

Eventhough the Slim's-club is located by San Francisco's standards at the bad area of town, during the day a striking-force of two woman can go shopping. That hasn't been the case everywhere.
- I've seen so many cities and they change so fast that I don't even remember where this happened, but one day I looked around me and noticed that I was the only white person around. It felt quite weird though the color of one's skin doesn't really matter in the United States, Anette tells.
When Anette gets off the buss one fan gives her a silver necklace resembling a rosary. In the US the band's changing vocalist isn't as big of a deal as in Europe and not that many know the 'old' Nightwish.
- Still they already know I like crosses, Anette admires.
- Fans have accepted me amazingly well. I have met virtually no unpleasant people.
Anette's road to rock stardom hasn't been self-evident nor a dream from childhood. At the age of 20 she was mostly known from musicals and she sang coversongs with her band Take Cover. In the 21th century she did two album with a band called Alyson Avenue before moving to Nightwish's rows.

Pill eater's treasury

A sore throat has to be overcomed for good so to the pharmacy we go!
At home in Helsinborg Anette doesn't even take painkillers but now on her first long tour she has turned into pharmacies constant customer.
- The guys laugh when I go to every town's pharmacy. To this point I've had to take two antibiotic treatments. The whole buss seems to be taking turns in being sick. People hug, shake hands, pick their noses and bacteria travel.
The American supermarkets are pill lover's treasuries. Finally Anette returns with a pastil and vitamin arsenal to the tour buss, in front of which the band's guys are talking to fans.
Nightwish's inner chemistry is better now than in a long time and it shows.
If with Tarja Turunen the gap between the vocalist and the band had turned into a kilometre now it's about a millimetre.
Nevertheless the gap is still there just for a different reason. The long friendship and same language with the other members affect so that Anette can't always be on the same line.
- Touring has been pretty much like I thought it would be. Sometimes the guys have been quiet for hours and I've felt lonely. To counterweight they occasionally go wild. And sometimes we fight, Anette says.
- We have to get to know our bad sides too so we can live closely together.

Can the head take it?

In the Slim's-club's backroom the band's foreman Tuomas Holopainen and bass player Marco Hietala have lost themselves in their books, guitarist Emppu Vuorinen is slouching on the couch and drummer Jukka Nevalainen is somewhere doing his own things.
On tour the band's biggest quarrels have risen from Anette not being happy with her own performance. But talking helps. After soundcheck Anette and Tuomas talk about tonight's songs for a long time.
- The guys have been doing this for so long that they are able to forgive themselves for small errors. I don't know how to do that yet, but I thought I'd start tonight, Anette grins.
Tuomas Holopainen says that going on the first tour is an exciting spot for anyone. In the United States you can also forget the thoughts about stardom since the touring circumstances are worse than in Scandinavia for example.
But the band's circumstances aren't unbearable here either. They have a good buss and on free days the band lives in hotels. It's a good situation when you keep in mind that a lot of bands tour the US from the back of a pickup van from one pizza place to another.
- I'm just concerned if Anette's head can take all this. At one point we said that she has no idea what she's getting herself into. A few days ago she admitted that we were right, Tuomas says.
Like everyday today some difficulties must be faced.
The band doesn't have to give interviews since most of the interviews done in California are arranged in Los Angeles in a few days. So there's time for lounging.
Also tonight's support Paradise Lost is taking it easy. The band starts to gather in the neighbor dressing room and goes to do their own soundcheck after Nightwish.

A terrible homesickness

Anette has her own dressing room but she prefers to spend time with the guys. When the cigarette smoke starts to feel too much for the singer, Anette moves on to her side and starts to do her hair and put on make-up. Also the crew's members who don't smoke come to hang out at her dressing room.
Touring has been quite a slimming diet for the already slim Anette. The food isn't to her likings and Anette thinks with warmth about boiled potatoes and fish stew.
Homesickness has hit otherwise as well a couple of times. In California there's three weeks down and ahead of the US tour. At least at the moment Anette's family isn't coming with her on tour. The man folk have their own things at home, work and school.
Anette's husband used to travel a lot for his work now the situation is reversed. Perhaps that's why mum's travelling job has been understood at home.
- Twice I've really collapsed and missed my son enormously. Luckily with modern technology we can be in contact a lot and I've also found souvenirs for him. If only I could still find wheel shoes, normal shoes with roller skate wheels, Anette plans.
The vocalist backcombs her hair. For a moment she looks like troll Rölli and giggles at her picture in the mirror. Not so long ago Anette had short blond hair but appearance is an essential thing in show business. Turning into a brunette was painless.
In an half an hour the make-up is finished and the front woman starts to open her voice.
Последний раз редактировалось: Nia (24 янв 2008, 02:05); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#116 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Hairdresser dreams

Nightwish screams echo in the sold out hall. The opening tape creates a furious storm of shouts and the air explodes with energy.
Almost two hours later wet people flow to the backroom.
- I sweat so much on gigs that the hair pieces fall of along the way, Anette laughs and plans getting rid of such things and getting her fixed on her day off in Los Angeles.
- I have such a good hairdresser in Sweden that I don't know if I'll dare to go to anyone else, Anette, who has worked as a hairdresser herself, considers.
Anette and the tour's second manager Toni Peiju have planned setting up a chain of hairdressing saloons in Finland and Sweden. Anette is enthusiastic about the idea. We return to the hairdressing idea many times.
- It's not a matter at this moment. It needs to be thinked about after a few years when I can afford it. It's better to invest money than to spend it all, Anette slows things down.
She knows that eventhough now Nightwish is her life no one can predict the future.
- It may be that Tuomas finds a woman and simply doesn't want to make music anymore. Or our next album is a failure. It's better to invest to the future.
The drive to Los Angeles happens in the night's dark hours.

Dior and jeans

Tired people stream into the lobby of Grafton hotel located in the Sunset Boulevard and the news that most of the rooms won't be given before the atfernoon doesn't doesn't raise the mood.
The whole gang heads for breakfest at Mel's legendary restaurant. Familiar places feel like a small home. Full three nights in real beds lie ahead.
It's hard to say at what point Anette has managed to do some shopping but after breakfest she dashes to the hotel with her new sunglasses.
- I've dreamed for a long time of buying Dior sunglasses. They had also the kind with leather in the frames but they were over 600 dollars. That was a little too much, Anette describes.
Some of the group scatter to shopp, some stay at the hotel to relax. When the hot day turn into a cool night some head to the Rainbow restaurant for dinner and to party with Markus Selin and Renny Harlin.
Anette pops in the hotel's pool after a day of shopping. The catch includes two jeans, shirts, a hoodie, a peaked cap and an embroidered shirt for the guitarist Emppu Vuorinen.
- They just have so great clothes here. The jeans cost 200 euros but I won't run into an identical pair all the time, Anette laughs.

The baptism of fire in Finland

The next afternoon at the famous House of Blues the fuss is on. The band is giving interviews, but Anette arrives just before night fall.
Last night she skipped partying and went for a burger with Emppu near the hotel.
- Whoa! Now Anette has become American, manager Ewo Pohjola says when he sees the singer in her new clothes and a Faith peaked cap.
Already in the early evening the line goes around the House of Blues but the hoodie and cap turn out to be an excellent disguise and Anette is able to sneak into the club from the hotel in the next block without being noticed.
In the backroom the band is laughing at Kummeli videos in YouTube.
- They do that every night, Anette smiles and starts putting on make-up.
- On our days off I look terrible. It's better to let my skin rest.
After two hours on the stage of the completely packed House of Blues the band flushes.
Again another labour victory behind but the work has really just begun. The real baptism of fire will be in Scandinavia and especially in Finland where there might be the most sceptics to the new Nightwish.
- But that'll be even cooler, Anette triumphs.
#117 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А я нашла скан из журнала Soundi - 2/2008 год

насколько поняла, результаты голосования (лучшая группа, альбом, вокалисты и тп) - если неправа, расскажите Smile


Очень приятные результаты для группы по всем статьям Very Happy
#118 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Надо же, Марко сделал и Тарью, и Анетт. Laughing
#119 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Молодцы! Даже не ождал, что Найты так обставят Бодунчегов (хоть и не особый любитель последних). А Марко ваще жжот. )) Крутой харизматичный мужик))
#120 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Даже не ождал, что Найты так обставят Бодунчегов

Имхо, найты представляют из себя намного больше, чем бодумчики...
По сабжу сканов, найты молодцы, жгут!!!
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