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#1301 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Тоже хочется пожелать команде здоровья, вдохновения, чтоб судьба хранила, и чтобы обстановка в мире в целом нормальная была. Тогда, я думаю, будет и Имэйджинариум, и что-нибудь после него. Туомас ведь еще собирался саундтрек для книги «Жизнь и времена Скруджа МакДака» сделать. Wink
#1302 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Итак, я наконец-то добрался до местной библиотеки и порылся в кучах старых запылённых газет и.....вуаля, нащёл две статьи про наший любимцев. Одна датирована 2005 годом, другая 2008-ым.

Статья на немецком. Я постарался полностью сохранить стиль автора, но перевод получился немножно странноватый Smile Надеюсь на ваше понимание, переводить меня не учили) Это нереально трудно.

#1303 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Концерт — Финская группа Nightwish соединила в штуттгартской Шлеерхалле полные пафоса судьбоносные арии с грохочущим роковым звучанием.

Призрак оперы тяжелого металла

Автор: Гюнтер Райнхард

Штуттгарт. Тяжело-металическую бурю преследует призрак оперы. Из огненных фонтанов, взрывов пиротехники и стены бешенных гитарных риффов рождается глубокое меццо-сопрано. И ритм, котрый неустанно выбивают барабаны, в перемешку с плавающими мелодиями ещё более перехватывает дыхание. Наверное, сплав оперного голоса в плавильном котле хеви-метала, который практикуют Nightwish, не совсем оригинально. Но действенно в любом случае. 11 000 фанатов пришли в понедельник в штуттгартскую Шлеерхалле для того, чтобы увидеть выступление финской группы.

Королева (Рок)-Ночи

Тарья Турунен это королева ночи во вселенной Nightwish. Её голос, полный тремоло, легко заглушил всё остальное, может сделать так, чтобы каждая песня группы звучала как арии, в которых идёт борьба добра и зла, света и тьмы, жизни и смерти. Конечно до репертуара Моцарта Nightwish ещё далеко, но по крайней мере Эндрю Ллойд Уеббер в репертуаре у финского квинтета: песня «The Phantom of the Opera» была исполнен аТурунен и басистом Марко Хиеталой с такой же страстью, которая присутствовала на сцене мюзикла — только в этот раз призрак охотился под металические риффы.
Группа, основанная девять лет назад возле костра, показывает своим выступлением в Штуттгарте иммунитет к модным течениям, они все иронично чужды. Вместо этого концерт Nightwish это праздник пафоса, на котором техник по свету может перевести в свет все глубокие чувства, исполняемые на сцене: во время милой мелодии пианино вокруг вовсю звучащего хит-сингла Nemo, сцена погружается в тёмно-бирюзовый цвет от софитов и группа пропадает за водяной завесой. Под исполнение на бис песни «Sleeping Sun», весь зал был залит лучами заходящего солнца.

Солидная инструментальная работа

Музыканты, находящиеся в центре этого фантастичского шоу не дали волю чувствам, а напротив предельно сосредоточились на работе. Все риффы, акценты и изменения ритмов прекрасно управлялись гитаристом Эмппу Вуориненом и барабанщиком Юккой Невалаиненом. Клавишник Туомас Холопаинен заменяет на синтезаторах оркестр, который группа очень широко использовала на своём последнем CD «Once».

Во время песни «Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan», которая надодится между фольклерным и художественным звучанием, он смог вместе с остальной группой за кулисами передохнуть. Певица Тарья Турунен стоит одна на сцене, и в то время как она поёт в свой красный микрофон, создавая свой собственный рай вокруг себя, управляя этими моментами хеви-метала. Призрак оперы покинул зал.

ЗЫ: Продолжение следует...
#1304 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
давненько у нас не было ничего нового, заканчиваем перерыв новым интервью с Марко - о Тарот и о Имаджинариуме Smile


From Iron To Imaginarium

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011 at 06:11:27

By Carl Begai

Kicking around their native Finland since the early ‘80s, Tarot were seemingly destined to remain cult favourites within their homeland’s borders. Six albums into their career, however, co-founder/bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala took up the offer to join Nightwish and they stopped being Finland’s best kept secret. His presence had a profound effect on the Nightwish sound, creating an entirely new vocal dynamic on the Century Child record (2002) paired up against Tarja Turunen that, along with new orchestral elements, laid the foundation for the band's runaway 2004 breakthrough album, Once. Hietala’s return to Tarot in 2006 resulted in Crows Fly Black, a record that garnered international attention and resulted in a new fanbase hungry for more; past, present and future.

This year Tarot celebrates the 25th anniversary of their debut album, Spell Of Iron. To mark the occasion they’ve chosen to resurrect and reboot the past with Spell Of Iron MMXI, a record that will please the band’s newer fans and, as expected, has Tarot’s veteran followers asking why the band found it necessary to fix what wasn’t broken.

“I’ve heard that question,” laughs Hietala. “Of course, in Finland the situation is a bit different because the album has this status of being a pioneer work. It was a breakthrough album and people still remember that. We’re still proud of that and we still get a lot of respect for it, but this is a quarter-of-a-century anniversary and we have a lot of new fans in Finland and all over the world that don’t know very much about those old songs.”

“The idea surfaced last year,” he says of re-making the album, “and with the Nightwish recordings going on and no touring set up until next January, there was time to do it. The funny thing is, I moved back to my home town where the rest of the Tarot guys live and so did Tommi (Salmela / backing and lead vocals), so we ended up using my home studio and Janne’s (Tolsa / keyboards). I recorded guitars, vocals and bass, Tommi and I did all the backing vocals, and Janne recorded the drums, arranged some keyboards, and actually mixed and mastered the whole album. So it really was all done by the band alone.”

Some of the fans that have lived with Spell Of Iron for the last 25 years weren’t impressed with Tarot’s intention of going back and rewriting history, even though the band is a much stronger outfit in this day and age. Against all odds, Spell Of Iron MMXI does in fact stand tall alongside last year’s Gravity Of Light album and Crows Fly Black.

“There’s a bit of a split opinion because some people didn’t take it the right way,” Hietala concedes. “Then again, there are a lot of people who think it’s great to be able to hear these songs in a new light, because we were able to add to the whole thing. Like I said, we got all kinds of respect for the original, and that’s because it came out at a certain point in time. It has this young, boyish enthusiasm and energy, so we wanted to do this new version differently. We actually had full arranging sessions where we changed tempos and structures of some of the songs. We kept the original melodies and certain guitar riffs, but we went through the whole rhythm section and changed some parts completely. With the line-up we have now – with only one guitar, keyboards, and a second vocalist – we had plenty of opportunity to break into something new.”

In essence, Spell Of Iron MMXI is a new album for Tarot as well, rather than being a mere walk-in-the-park update of the original record.

“Yeah, sure. We’d been doing some re-arranging at the beginning, and eventually I said ‘What the hell, let’s take this all the way to the end…’ to the point where I re-wrote some of the lyrics (laughs). The ideas are basically the same, but my point of view changed here and there compared to the original album. Some things changed just a little and other things changed quite a lot. But, the songs are still recognizable and you get the same basic ideas as on the original.”

One thing that has most certainly changed is Hietala’s voice, which has become stronger over the years. It’s this voice that pointed the largely oblivious Nightwish throng to Tarot once he’d established himself as an irreplaceable part of the band’s line-up on the Century Child album.

“I have to tell you, this was easier to do that the original version,” he admits. “I think it came from just having the experience and having developed a technique. My voice is stronger now, basically. Of course, there’s this little point that I don’t have to sing as much because Tommy is there to do half the work (laughs).”

With Tarot being an active and touring band – whenever Nightwish has downtime – some songs from Spell Of Iron are mainstays of the live set. Hietala says there wasn’t really a sense of rediscovery in going back in time, but he definitely had a new perspective on what worked and what didn’t when listening to the original recordings again.

“When you look back over the things you’ve done over the past 25 years, there are always those moments where you think they are slightly ‘…ugh…’ (laughs). Some things could have been more polished, but I’m a bit surprised that those songs still manage to kick some butt. I hadn’t listened to the album all the way through in about 15 years, so when I did I was thinking ‘You know, this is actually a pretty good package.’”

“Like I said, I love how the old album has this boyish over-tempo feel all the way through, and I think that fed us a bit when we were recording the new album. I was surprised that we were able to bring out that same basic groove and put that attitude up front. There’s a relaxed and even kind of a punkish attitude in some of the straighter songs. That was a good surprise for me.”

With one new album under his belt for 2011, Hietala’s focus is now on the forthcoming Nightwish album, Imaginarium. Still a work in progress, it’s not expected to surface until the end of this year or early 2012.

“I’ve recorded all my stuff,” he reveals. “All my vocals and basses are done, a couple acoustic guitar things. And the mixes for those parts have also been done, already.”

With regards to the extended wait for Imaginarium, Hietala admits he’s in the same boat as the fans and is chomping at the bit to hear the final product.

“That sucks for me personally,” he says of the wait, “but the reason for that is we still have the movie in the works as well, and it’s going to take some time for it to be finished. The album and the movie go pretty much hand-in-hand because the whole movie is built around the music of the album. We decided to push the release so that we can put them out together.”

Imaginarium is the next blockbuster step of the Nightwish legacy, guaranteed to put the buzz surrounding the previous album, Dark Passion Play, to shame when it hits. Things have gotten to the point where it’s not hard to imagine Hietala considers Tarot a needed vacation from the insanity of being part of Nightwish’s biggest ever metal export.

“Yeah, that’s true. With Nightwish, I’m all for the ambition that’s behind the whole thing. It’s really interesting to do all that. I’m waiting with my tongue hanging out for all the personal shoots for the movie, but Tarot gives me the chance to put my feet back on the ground, playing clubs where the people are right in front of my face. I’m actually able to put the cables in my own bass gear, which is a nice change (laughs).”

“I love playing anywhere, don’t get me wrong, but I still love the clubs. It’s close and intimate, it’s where you get the best vibe and the best groove. And, of course, with the clubs you usually get the best sound… depending on the equipment (laughs). The big halls are always problematic.”

Asked to give folks an idea of what’s in store with Imaginarium, without pissing off the powers that be by letting too many cats out of a very big bag, Hietala does his best:

I have an idea of it, but I’m not sure how to put that into words (laughs). Big and bombastic, there’s going to be that stuff. People will be able to recognize the music as Nightwish, but I think if there’s something we managed to do differently this time it’s overcome the preconceptions of what this band should sound like. There’s a hell of a lot of musical variety on the album, and for myself I can honestly say that when we were doing Dark Passion Play – rehearsing and all that – I was sure it was going to be a good album. This time around, when we started rehearsing these songs, I was immediately sure about the same thing maybe ten times more (laughs). I just have a feeling it’s going to be a killer album.”

Once released, the Nightwish touring machine will be fired up for another long haul, but it won’t be as intense a schedule as the one for Dark Passion Play.

“We have to take things like our families into consideration for the next tour, so we’ll have to work the schedules. This time around I don’t think we’re going to be two years of touring. We’ve also figured out that if we’re doing four weeks in a row, we should keep a minimum of three weeks at home for those of us that have families. I think we all needed a real vacation after the last tour. We had to totally clean out our systems after that. So, in a way this will be a new Nightwish that you’ll be seeing on the road.”
#1305 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Перевод by Enigma

Today Jun 8. 2011 the Finnish Film Foundation announced that they have granted 400 000 euros from the foundation's funds to Stobe Harju and Solar Films Inc for the production of "Nightwish - Imaginarium" film.

Comments cheerful Stobe Harju : "It felt like winning an Olympic Medal, I think. It has been an eye-opening experience to find out how hard work it can be to achieve funds for a debut movie. We have worked our asses off with Markus Selin and Jukka Helle of Solar Films in order to get that considerable sum for this production."

Even considered as a large support in Finnish measures, the grant will cover only a part of the budget for the film. Nightwish - Imaginarium will be a grand film by Finnish measures, but by international measures we cannot talk about a megabudget film.

- "Now we are in the production pace at 100% and it feels good. The support from the FFF makes only a part of the whole budget, but it still is an important part of our finance. This guarantees that we are able make it 100% from the beginning" says the grateful director.

The size of the budget is still a tight secret, but one can estimate something from the fact that according to the director 400 000 euros will cover about two weeks of the planned 4+ weeks film shoot sessions. On top of that there will be of course the pre- and post production work and what else.

.source: http://ylex.yle.fi/u...a-ihan-taysilla
#1306 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Свежая статейка-интервью с Туо. Большая часть про отдых, финский бейсбол и Kiteen Pallo. Ну и про новую запись http://www.yle.fi/alueet/pohjois-karjala/2011/06/tuomas_holopainen_pesapalloa_kalastusta_ja_odotusta_2668351.html

Туомас Холопайнен: бейсбол, рыбалка и ожидания

Октябрь-Ноябрь ожидаем семплы новых песен)
#1307 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А вот и перевод статьи от Enigma (c) official forum

Tuomas Holopainen: Baseball, fishing and waiting

posted June 16. 2011

Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish enjoys the summer at his home in Kitee by watching baseball games and fishing. The new CD Imaginarium is practically finished, only mastering still due to be done in August. Releasing the Cd will happen only in next January, because the film will not be completed before spring 2012.

The soul and songmaker of Nightwish, Tuomas Holopainen will relax this summer at his home in Kitee. There will be lots of traditional Finnish summer activities in his schedule.

- Idling at home, sauna, barbecuing, waterskiing, fishing, hanging around with friends and baseball, those are the most important. I cast with a reel and rod or pull the lures with a powerboat. I have a boat equipped with a 40 hp outboard at the jetty next to my house. Approximately on every second trip my catch consists of a pike and a couple of perches. Most time I prepare my catch as a meal for myself, depending on their size.

Tuomas agrees that he barbecues a lot in summer, but usually other food than the usual sausages. Beef or fish seasoned in self-made marinade occurs constantly on his menu.

Visitors from afar

The house of Tuomas Holopainen is located by the shore of Pyhäjärvi in Kitee. The place interests passers by. Tuomas considers people's interest quite understandable and even flattering, but also somewhat frightening. Last summer he had visitors as far as from Brasil.

- People arrive and most time they are very curious but polite. They happen to drive by and stop for taking photos. Last summer there was a dauhgter and mother who had come from Brasil. Unfortunately I wasn't at home, but my brother was here and let them take som photos.

Baseball juniors

Tuomas Holopainen is a friend if baseball. Nightwish have a god-player in the Kiteen Pallo team. fist it was topi Hurskainen, but after he was injured before the season started, his place was filled with Juhani Myyryläinen. Nighwish has supported the team financially and have also made a Nightwish themed fan shirt for KiPa team.

- Baseball plays such a huge part in the culture of Kitee, hence I feel natural to sponsor it. i have palyed in the Kiteen pallo junior teams when I was young. Also our drummer Jukka Nevalainen was a junior player and he gained even a couple of Finnish jr league trophys on his career.

Tuomas tries to watch as many home games as he ever is able to fit in his schedule. On this season he has seen three games already.

The CD will wait for the movie

Tuomas Holopainen's idea about a movie which was born a couple of years ago is currently turning into reality. At the moment director Stobe Harju and producer Markus Selin are abroad looking for filming sites and casting the roles. The main character's role is filled already, but the person's name cannot be revealed yet says Holopainen.

Shooting the bad members' parts will be due in September. Tuomas didn't want himself or other members on the screen, but the director and producer did, so the members of the band will appear in small supporting roles and probly also playing on the screen. The computer graphics work and animation programming was started several months ago already.

The release date of teh movie is tentatively placed in spring 2012. The CD could be released immediately, the aim is that thre won't be more than a few moths between the CD and the movie relelase dates says Holopainen.

Finance lies on the bands' shoulders

Nightwish themselves carry the heaviest financial responsibility in making the movie. Imaginarium was granted with 400 000 euros production support from the finnish film foundation in the beginning of June. That sum will only cover 2 weeks worth shooting thee film, the lion's share of the budget will be coverd by Nightwish's company Scene nation and Tuomas's own production company's funds. A few other sponsors add to the whole, but Tuomas will not reveal the accurate numbers, he only says that in Finnish film making this is a large budget movie.

The new CD didn't cost quite as mucha as it's predecessor Dark Passion Play, which totalled about a million euros to comply. The band saved by using their home studios and moving orchestral and choir recordings from Abbey Road to a less expensive studio. Still, money was burnt in considerable figures says Holopainen.

- Indeed it was quite a salty price and only making the audio CD took a full year.

First bites for tasting in October

First bites from the new CD will be offered in October-November by releasing a single. Exact release date for the CD has not yet been defined, becasue it will also depend on the schedules of many foreign record companies. right now looks like it will be in the beginning of January.

A week ago Tuomas listened the full CD through for the first time.

- I listened the full CD through for the first time all by myself. The same old cliche appeared in my mind: I couldn't get any grip on it, all felt kind of empty. fortunately there are people around me who keep telling me that it's a great adventure for the ears. Obviously I have to believe them and accept that it turned out very well.

YLE Pohjois-Karjala / Tapio Laakkonen

*** Note: "baseball" in this article means the Finnish "pesäpällo" game

перевод скоро будет
#1308 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вот еще новое интервью с Туомасом! Кажется, тут еще не запостили его.

Если нужен перевод на русский, скажите, сделаю)

#1309 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Eliya, там самую важную часть уже Телепузик перевел, остальное в процессе Smile Кэрол обещала скоро пополнить сайт переводами, у нее пока времени не было, так что переведенный материал будет только там Smile
#1310 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
That link needs updating Eliya.. sorry I'm a pain we re launched the site today


and yes I'm sure Lerren is already typing away to get the interview translated. I hope to have the site 100% translated by the end of next week Very Happy
#1311 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Стараниями Кэрол у нас появилась возможность выспросить все самое интересное и, возможно, что-нибудь свежее и новое о долгожданном Имаджинариуме...

в интервью с Пипом Уильямсом!

вопросы можно оставить здесь
#1312 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Hehe I knew you'd post that here.... and thanks!!!!
#1313 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7UkT9dexOQ&feature=feedu - новое интервью, видео, с субтитрами на русском языке. Нового там мало, кроме, разве что, предварительной даты выхода альбома (середина января) и временного промежутка съемок фильма (август-сентябрь). Но посмотреть и послушать все равно приятно Smile

и вдогонку поучительная история от Туомаса о городе Китее: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7RCq4vh0pw&feature=feedu
#1314 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вроде ещё не было:

Свежая статья о Марко, его детях и о его новом жилище в журнале Seiska http://s1119.photobucket.com/albums/k632/afroditesarchive/Lehtijuttuja/Lehdet%201/?action=view&current=hpqscan0001-3.jpg мотайте вправо, там много классных фоток Wink
#1315 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.peterlowland.com/blog/?p=480 - занятный пост в блоге композитора Петри Аланко, в которомон рассказывает о том, как изощряется работает с музыкальным материалом Imaginarium, превращая его в оригинальный саундтрек к одноименному фильму Smile

постараюсь в скором времени перевести Smile
#1316 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Tuomas-Holopainen.com провели великолепное и увлекательное интервью с мистером Пипом Уильямсом! Интервью единственное в своем роде, потому что никто, кроме непосредственно Мапе Оллилы (автора биографии группы), никогда не расспрашивал мистера Уильямса о его опыте работы с Nightwish.

На данный момент времени интервью можно только послушать, но мы попробуем это исправить Smile


ого, оказывается, перкуссии из Лондона (см. видеоблог) были записаны для Arabesque Surprised
#1317 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Try to fix that will we Lerren? Razz

Haha of course hard for non naive speakers... *waits for a request to write it up so easier to translate:*

Thanks for mentioning it.. hope all that can understand enjoy it
#1318 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Hevein писал(а):
ого, оказывается, перкуссии из Лондона (см. видеоблог) были записаны для Arabesque

Почему-то я не сомневалась в этом)
Приятно было убедиться Smile
#1319 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
CarolEscapist, sadly enough, I couldn't make it till the end.
it's not like I've got troubles understanding British English. I just sort of wasn't in a mood.
I think I'll give it another try today..

anyways, thank you for the interview!
it's always interesting to take a deeper look at how the masterpieces are made.

one more thing. can we have a transcript of any kind?
I'd even love to contribute to the Russian version of th.com with a translation Smile
#1320 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
I will speak to TH's translator, Lerren on Wednesday evening hopefully and will discuss the feasibility of it. As it will end up like a book the length of it
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