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#141 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вполне толерантный и корректный ответ.

Зато про вопрос того же самого не скажешь. Вот уже заладил с попсой своей...
Я думала, только среди наших журналистов подобный непрофессионализм встречается, ан нет, оказывается у них тоже...О.о
#142 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Я думала, только среди наших журналистов подобный непрофессионализм встречается, ан нет, оказывается у них тоже...

Как и среди врачей ... *вспоминается ситуация с Симоной ...*
#143 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mirabilis, спасибо большое

Мда... Одно дело - обсуждать.. а так в лицо говорить - бестактность...

Чует мое сердце, журналисту недолго осталось :grin:
#144 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:

Мда... Одно дело - обсуждать.. а так в лицо говорить - бестактность...

Особая бестактность в том, что построение разговора идет по схеме:
- Ой, ну вы знаете, я был так удивлен, услышав ваш новый альбом, ведь это ж уже скорее поп.
- Да что вы, голос вокалистки, конечно, воспринимается легче, но это определенно металл-альбом.
- Да нет же, я вам точно говорю, попса ваш новый альбом и все тут...

Утрированно, конечно. Но уж очень назойливо это было.
Один раз сказал бы про поп (и то не надо бы, приличнее было бы), считалось бы, что высказал мнение. Так нет, надо свою точку зрения всем навязать.
#146 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Чует мое сердце, журналисту недолго осталось

Всё, следующую песни на подобие Slaying The Dreamer Туомас посвятит ему Wink Анетт рулит Кул!
#147 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вообще надо сказать повезло этому журналисту,что перед ним сидели культурные и сдержанные Анетт и Туомас..вот был бы перед ним допустим Аллу Лайхо..вот он бы ему ответил по полной программе за такие заявления)))с многократным использованием слова f**k Very Happy Туо и Анетт молодцы..сдержанно отреагировали..дескать-"ну глупенький Вы,что с вас взять" Smile журналист этот только себя опозорил...ладно..забудем Smile
#148 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
"If it's not a metal, so what is it?" - вот эта фраза Туо мне очень понравилась Smile А дураков на свете хватает, что ж поделать. Вообще зорово Анетт и Туомас вместе интервью дают, на них всегда приятно смотреть Smile
#149 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
На YouTube появилась запись того,как Найты получали саму награду ECHO..качество не супер..но хоть что-то Smile ещё раз с победой их!заслужили по праву!
#150 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ShadowWolf писал(а):
На YouTube появилась запись того,как Найты получали саму награду ECHO..качество не супер..но хоть что-то Smile ещё раз с победой их!заслужили по праву!

Черт возьми! О чем там Марко трындел 2 минуты?) ничего не разобрать...
#151 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Анетт молодец. Туомасу, кажется, немного неловко было, а она взялась отвечать, и хорошо сказала про "easy listening".
#152 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Перевод этого интервью: http://www.metalfactory.ch/Interviews/IntNightwish07.htm
(с) Hidden Lily

Interview: Nightwish, 2007-09-28

By Rockslave

Hartwall Arena, Helsinki, October 21st 2005: After an inspiring concert in front of a sold-out venue the band bows to its home audience. Everyone takes each other’s hands, including keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen and vocalist Tarja Turunen. For minutes the fans continue to applaud even after the band has long since left the stage. More than only a few girls in the first row shed tears. On the big video-screen is written ‘Once I had a dream – this is it’. And that was just it, because a few minutes later Tarja held the letter of dismissal in hands, signed by all band members, which abruptly sealed her time with Nightwish. The news hit like a bomb and kept the scene busy for weeks to come. Roughly two years later Nightwish are complete and back again. The successor’s name is Anette Olzon, former vocalist of Alyson Avenue, and prevailed against about 2000 applicants. As an additional means of promotion besides the newly released first single “Amaranth” (“Eva” had been the first track of Dark Passion Play to be released but as a download-single only) Anette and Tuomas went on tour and stopped over in Bern today, where they patiently signed autographs and had their picture taken with the numerously deployed fans for more than two hours in front of the “City-Disc” in the train station passage. Afterwards interviews were scheduled and Metal Factory got the last slot with Anette. Despite being visibly and understandably tired the new Nightwish-frontwoman granted me an interview of nearly half an hour showing herself to be very sympathetic and confident.

(AO= Anette Olzon)

MF: When you look back a few months (back to spring), what’s the main difference between Anette Blyckert and Anette Olzon?

AO: Oh… well… there’s not that much of a difference, you know. But it’s obvious when I work, just like everyone else does, because… it’s a job after all (laughs) – even if it’s one I love very much, there’s a professional person standing behind it who gives interviews, who is in the public eye and perhaps doesn’t show as much of a crazy attitude as in private life. I don’t think I’m that much different as a person… I still do the same things and I sincerely hope I’m going to be able to continue doing so. Walking down the street, shopping, things that are fun.

MF: Why the different (last) name, then?

AO: Actually… first of all Blyckert can be said and pronounced in a wrong way… like [insert possible wrong pronounciation]* or [same here]* or something like that. It’s my name as a married woman and Olzon is my maiden name, which is easier to pronounce too. Apart from that it’s been about protecting my family from the very beginning… I have a family at home which does not necessarily want to be in the spotlight. People know both names and there haven’t been any problems with it. I feel both, Blyckert and Olzon… (laughs heartily)…

MF:… it’s the same person!

AO: Yes, that she is.

MF: How did you feel when the long awaited ‘OK’ came in May, when you definitley were a part of the band?

AO: I needed quite some time to really understand and realise this since for me, as one of the first candidates, it was a process of one and a half years. I was really down… even after I was in. I thought… what if you do something wrong or they change their mind? It was a strange feeling, so I was only assured once the work in the studio began. When I saw how relieved Tuomas was when everything worked how it should. It was liberating for me, too… now I can relax because I know that the guys really like my voice and that they put their trust in me. I needed some time to understand they were being serious and not just ‘bla bla’, chaffering. Liberating… yes.

MF: What do you think about the incident with Tarja? Did you talk to Tuomas about her… at the most sign a contract?

AO: No… no! Well… actually I don’t have anything besides the contract with the record label which I received a few weeks ago. I never asked for a contract, I trust the guys. ‘Cause I think that’s the only way… trust is very important. We didn’t talk about Tarja… I think they (her bandmates – MF) were deeply saddened by what has happened. They didn’t want it to happen but there was no other way. It’s history now and everyone just wants to look forward. That’s why we don’t talk about it anymore.

MF: How did you approach the new songs, which were completely recorded before you did your vocals? Is this a way of working which you like or are you used to something different?

AO: No, it’s a way of working I’m used to. It’s quite common with today’s bands. Many are laid-out as projects… Alyson (Avenue – MF), my last one… was a band at the beginning, but over the years it turned into a project. You went there and arranged the album, everyone came to the studio… the guitarist and so on. You didn’t rehearse anymore. I never had problems with this anyway and actually it’s better for me in a way because I want to sing exactly the way I feel at the very moment. I don’t want to think too much about it, so… when I sing, it’s not that important to me that it’s technically perfect but that I sing with emotion and can deliver the message.

MF: Did Tuomas tell you how to sing the songs? Did you bring in your own suggestions?

AO: Of course there were melody lines to follow, but he never said ‘Sing this like that!’. It was like… when we started with a song I just sang it once and Tuomas and two additional producers then said something like ‘Try to sing this in a sadder way’, that’s what it was like. But not ‘Sing it like this or that’… and sometimes I asked if I perhaps should sing it more like this or differently. There was a lot of team work and freedom at the same time. Actually there’s been complete freedom with everything I did since I got to know Tuomas and the guys.

MF: That’s good… nice to hear!

AO: That it is!

MF: Let’s talk about the new album… and now I just have to say ‘“Dark Passion Play” is fuckin’ awesome’!

AO: Thanks… thank you very much! I agree! – (roars with laughter)

MF: What’s your favourite song and do you know why Tuomas chose “The Poet and the Pendulum” to be the opener?

AO: Actually I like a lot of them and every time I listen to them I discover something new. I’ve listened to the album about one thousand times and I’m really… (Anette makes a sound like ‘It’s enough’) – But now that I’m sitting here I can still say ‘wow’… I like “Meadows of Heaven” a lot. I like gospel, I’ve sung gospel for several years and I love the atmosphere, it’s such a hopeful song. Then, concerning “Eva” I have to say that I cried a lot while singing, a very emotional song and then there’s “Sahara” where I have to sing cool stuff. And “Poet”… - I know why the guys chose this one… usually the longest song is at the end. But from the very beginning they felt that “Meadows of Heaven” would be perfect as the last track. So there wasn’t much of a choice and that’s why it (“The Poet…” – MF) is being played first. It’s something completely different for once, unusual and it leaves the listener like ‘What? 14 minutes?’ (laughs loudly) – It’s something new… they (we) wanted to walk new shores and that we did.

MF: The style of the music is still bombastic and melodic at the same time and partly very heavy. Is it a way to express the anger of the past?

AO: I can just say what Tuomas would tell you… of course! What happened in 2005 obviously left its traces in the songs. I know that, back then, for Tuomas it wasn’t really anger but more of a personal bitterness because he, as the bandleader, couldn’t hold the band together. I think there was deep sadness and disappointment for which he punishes himself in “The Poet…” because he kills himself! I really think it influenced his songwriting since he was in such a sad mood… so, yes!
#153 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MF: How did you prepare yourself for the upcoming tour? Is it difficult to learn the old songs and sing them with your vocal style?

AO: No… I think… of course I sing very high-pitched… and not classically… but I have a very good helper in form of my vocal-coach. We’re working on it… every time I come back home I get a lesson in which we work on it, decide and find things. Then I have a very natural high pitch and consequently I’m capable of the high screams. We’ve rehearsed three times so far and we’ll continue to do so. It feels better and better… and of course there are the old songs which… actually I was very nervous when I for the first time… like with “Wishmaster”… because of the guys! I mean, they hadn’t heard me sing it before and they were thrilled! And as long as this ‘wow’ lasts it’s okay for me! (laughs) – But if they had said ‘Hmm… perhaps we should throw that one out of the setlist’… but they liked all the songs. I can now imagine that, when you’re in a band and change the guitarist, it’s like ‘Wow, the song sound different!’. Actually I sing really differently, but it feels very good and I’m less and less nervous after each rehearsal. Tuomas and the other guys support me and believe in me. I feel it’s the best.

MF: What about the Finnish language? Did you make any progress?

AO: Yes! I take a Finnish-course and when I find a bit of time like when I’m on the plane I’m learning. Actually I’m quite good already and I understand a lot. And when they’re whispering ‘We cannot say this now’ (laughs)… I really understand it… when they talk about girls (laughs loudly)… I hear it! They even say it sounds really good when I’m speaking. I’m very much inclined to the language, I easily take it in and learn it.

MF: But do you trust in what they’re telling you so far?

AO: I have... you have to know… Emppu (Vuorinen, g – MF), now one of my best friends, he’s very funny. Because… he can write something via SMS and I’ll ask ‘What are you writing?’. He’ll answer something then and when I tell the others the next time it’s something really gross… about sex or something like that and that’s why I don’t trust him at all! (laughs) – But usually I can look it up in the dictionary and when I ask Tuomas he usually tells the truth (laughs).

MF: You’re going to start your autumn/winter tour in Israel on October 6th. Why there?

AO: Well, there isn’t a specific reason. The situation was that they had asked for us again and again and for us this date was the only one possible. I think it’s going to be great because I’ve heard from people who saw shows over there that the audience is very enthusiastic. I think they’re very happy to be able to see bands from our latitudes and I also think that they now, in those terrible times down there, are in need of something inspirational.

MF: How is the tour going to continue in 2008? I can see a concert in January… on January 1st in Helsinki and what’s after that?

AO: (agrees) – We’re going to play in Helsinki and then we’ll have some free time for two weeks. After that we’ll be in Australia and Asia. In mid-February then the European tour… a big tour with about 40 shows… for two months. Then we’re going back to the States I think… followed by festivals.

MF: So it’s going to be a lot of work…

AO: … yeah! Yes yes yesss…

MF: You surely aren’t a novice to the stage, that’s why I’d just assume you won’t meet anything unexspected – so it’s ‘just’ the beginning of a new era?

AO: Weeeell… yes! I have lots of experience in many ways, but there are still some things which are new to me. For example, I’ve never sung in front of a metal audience before! I’ve just watched the “End of an Era”-DVD and of course I’ve attended metal concerts. It’s going to be very interesting how my style on stage’s going to be received and how I will act on stage since I know it’s a metal audience. I have to adapt certain things… won’t be able to headbang, though, because my damaged neck won’t allow me to! The guys will cover that, but during the first concerts it’ll be mainly about finding the right feeling. If the fans are happy, I’ll be too. I hope they’ll sing along!

MF: How were the first reactions in your home country (Sweden – MF) and in Finland after you joined Nightwish?

AO: Very positive, I have to say! I think it took a while in Sweden until it was understood that the country’s going to have a new singer in a big band. It’s been a few weeks or months till they came with a big head line of the “New Rock Queen” from Sweden. It took some time to understand it, but in Finland we were on Number 1 this week… with “Amaranth” and the single sold gold in two days! It’s amazing and it’s going to be interesting to get to know how the people feel when we’re going to Sweden this week for a signing session.

MF: How do you react when people say that you have a voice similar to Agnetha Fältskog (Ex-ABBA)?

AO: Yeahh! Even my vocal-coach… and I really trust her opinion… says that I sound like the very young Agnetha. Apart from that I’ve been in an ABBA cover-band for a short time. But the truth is I didn’t even listen to many of their songs, it’s quite a funny thing. I’ve bought their first album when I was very young and listened to the songs a bit… it’s a very clear voice… a very Swedish-sounding voice… I don’t know, it’s difficult to describe. For me it’s a big compliment… she is… was… and always will be a very good singer.

MF: How’s working with Marco Hietala, since he isn’t just a ‘normal’ musician, but a real performer and very talented singer, also in his own band Tarot? Did you inspire each other when working on the vocals?

AO: He’s incredible! I really think we inspire each other. First of all, both of us are a bit older, have sung in many other bands and we have the same roots. Marco works very professionally and he’s the same perfectionist that I am. But I think everyone in the band is a perfectionist in what he does. He inspires me a lot since he has a fantastic voice. He can sing nearly everything… when you hear a soft song, you ask yourself ‘What?’ – I mean, he sang all the songs in the demo-phase… I’ve heard him sing all of them!

MF: The song “Reach” (Demo-predecessor of “Amaranth” – MF)…

AO: … yeah! “Eva” too… and even if it was very high for him, he did it really well and added his very own touch. I feel he’s like a rock for me. Even if I have experience I’m a beginner in this area. He’s a great help for me, you know… he understands me when I ask him something and as a bassist he has the perfect hearing, knows the necessary things. He helps me with the harmonies when we need them to be perfect… it’s very good team work and very nice to work with him because he really knows what he’s doing. Also he’s very calm… and it’s fine that way. On stage he plays his bass in a breathtaking way, but nevertheless we have to take care of our voices on this long tour. When we sing together it sounds very powerful, though.

MF: And he is also one of the foundation pillars of the Nightwish-sound…

AO:… ohhh… yes! Without Marco we couldn’t go on and we wish, yes we hope that no one’s going to leave anymore from now on!

MF: You have your own MySpace-site…

AO: … it’s mine, but I don’t really have anything to do with it.

MF: So you don’t communicate with your fans directly?

AO: No… you know, I just don’t have the time. It’s a fan of us who does the work. I had a MySpace-site with Alyson Avenue and took care of it until May but had to stop then. I’d love to continue… I don’t even have a computer with me, though. I will buy one for the tour now, but considering the concert plans… and the person who takes care of the site does a very good job, even if I never met him!

MF: What do you think of the work you’re going to do with the band for the next album besides the points you already mentioned? Can you imagine certain changes?

AO: I think there’ve been new elements on each Nightwish-album, each album sounds different. Tuomas and I… and everyone already thinks about the next album and it’s a good thing! We will try a few new things, I think, and the main difference will be that I’ll be a part of the rehearsals from the beginning. I don’t think we’ll do songs together in the rehearsal room since Tuomas prefers to work alone, but I can find the best way together with the guys in the rehearsal room. We probably will work similarly to before but rehearse together.

MF: That’s bound to be interesting…

AO: … yeah!

MF: Ok… finally: My personal message to the readers of Metal Factory and the Swiss fans is:

AO: Well… I’d like to thank all the readers and everyone who was at the signing session today and I’m really looking forward to the Swiss audience in February/March when we’re going to be here… I don’t know the actual date, but we will come (Exactly! Namely on February 29th 2008 to the Züricher Hallenstadion – MF). Thank you very much for the support!

A small photo-session followed (Big thanx to Cyril of MV!) before the lovely Anette could finally call it a day and together with Tuomas went for a nice evening meal in company of ‘our’ Lunatica. Afterwards they travelled to Zürich for a good night’s sleep before flying back to Finland the following day.

MF: Thank you very much, I wish you all the best and see you soon!

AO: Yes, I’ll see you once we’re here again… and you in the first row screaming! Thanks for the nice interview! Good-bye…
* The pronounciations in question are ‘Bleikert’ and ‘Blikkert’, pronounced the German way.
#154 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
а что собственно Анетт и Марко сказали на Echo Awards Wink
(с оффорума)

Anette: Vielen, vielen Dank! (German for „thank you very, very, much!“)
Thank you so much. I’m just gonna say that this is such a, such a big honour to stand here today. And I will leave the word for Marco because it’s very overwhelming, thank you!

Marco: And a very good evening to you guys here in Berlin, Germany for the Echo (??)! You’re very nice people, we’re glad to be here. We’ve got to thanks some more(?), and we’d like to thank Warner music for the really good job for us here and in some places else. Also, we've got the German record company Nuclear Blast, you’ve done a really really good job with promoting and doing the album for us - actually we’ve done the album and you the promotion (??) *clears throat* Thanks to those guys as well from contrapromotion. You brought the band here to the people and also(?) the people to us, to the band. And you did a very good job, also. Thank you. And then, I gotta mention our finnish management company King Foo, Mr. Ewo Pohjala sitting over there, he’s slightly drunk, but he’s happy, as are we. What a situation for us! (or something similar) And probably, things will not get better after this. And then again, last but not least, for all you German fans, supporters, everybody who voted for us, who bought our CDs (or that's what the translator said), who came here/to our concerts (can't understand this, marco said one thing, translater said something about "who came here and who came to our concerts", but that's definitively too long), we wouldn’t be here without you (or similar).
#155 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
везет вам, английский знаете я вот ни бум-бум...а хотелось бы понять о чем они там в интервью трещат...
#156 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
won’t be able to headbang, though, because my damaged neck won’t allow me to!

ух ты!!! мне, кстати, всегда было интересно это!! оказывается, у неё проблемы с шеей Sad ну ладно, тогда прощаю!! Very Happy
#158 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
_Swanheart_, kiitos за ссылку)интервью хорошее..особенно понравились слова Туомаса о возможности когда-нибудь записать полностью акустический альбом..как он сказал такой альбом может быть последним в истории группы..чтобы завершить круг)ведь начинали именно с акустических вещей)но это конечно не скоро случится как он сказал))..но сама идея мне нравится..почему бы и нет...и не обязательно,чтобы акустический альбом был бы именно последним альбомом группы..его можно и в промежутке сделать..допустим что-то типо акустического мини-альбома..песен 5 Smile
#159 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
у меня вопрос: Туо во всех своих интервью произносит Anette как "Анэттэ" это так правильно, или мне послышалось?? Embarassed
#160 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
night rebirth писал(а):
у меня вопрос: Туо во всех своих интервью произносит Anette как "Анэттэ" это так правильно, или мне послышалось?? Embarassed

Вроде уже говорили что в её имени не два н, а два т. А «э» на конце возможно на финский манер, а мот и на весь скандинавский(если я прав), к примеру "мигэттэ", да или быть может что бы вообще красивее звучало…
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