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#161 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вроде уже говорили что в её имени не два н, а два т.

«э» на конце возможно на финский манер, а мот и на весь скандинавский(если я прав)

Это полное правильное произношение её имени на шведском.
#162 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.europeanhitradio.lt/index.php?cid=247&new_id=146768 (с)

Интервью Туомаса "European Hit Radio" от 2008 01 23 (перевод мой Wink2 )

«Nightwish»: и на Земле, и на Небесах

2008 01 23

Хельсинки. Поклонники рока «из кожи вон лезут» - пионеры симфонического металла из Финляндии – группа «Nightwish» в феврале сотрясёт наше поднебесье!

Интервью с основателем группы Туомасом Холопайненом (31)

-Новый концертный тур начинаете в Литве, а завершите в Исландии. Почему Вы выбрали именно нашу страну? Или это просто совпадение?

-Из-за географического расположения. Из Скандинавии будем продвигаться в центр Европы – страны Балтики, в Литву. Первой страной нашего нового концертного тура станет Литва, страна, в которой мы никогда не давали концертов. Много людей не видели нашего выступления, и этот факт вызывает ещё больше адреналина и сильных эмоций.

- Вы когда-нибудь были в Литве?

- Да. Мы провели здесь три замечательных дня, когда делали рекламную фотосессию. И, хотя нам довелось побывать только в Вильнюсе, я могу сказать, что Ваша страна очень красива.

- А что Вы знаете о Литве, о её музыкальной жизни?

- К сожалению, но очень мало…

- Планируете ли Вы перед концертом или после него прогуляться по Вильнюсу, посетить культурные объекты, увеселительные места?

- Если у нас будет время – обязательно. Хотя знаете, из одной страны должен ехать в другую. После концерта в Литве мы отправимся в Польшу.

- В 2005 году, на всеобщее удивление, Вы уволили восхитительную вокалистку Тарью Турунен (30), с которой проработали 9 лет. Не жалеете?

- Годы, проведённые с Тарьей, были замечательные, фантастические, можно сказать. Она – очень хорошая исполнительница. Но я не жалею. Это было обдуманное и демократичное решение. Об этом говорилось очень много… Я понял, что люди, по ту сторону баррикад, ошибочно смотрят на сложившуюся ситуацию. Не хочется теребить эту рану. Было очень трудно объяснить публике этот поступок…

- Новую вокалистку Вы выбирали из сотен кандидаток. Ею стала Анетти Ользон (36). Оправдала ли она Ваши ожидания?

- Абсолютно! Анетти несомненно стала частью нашей группы. Мы хотели найти совершенно другую вокалистку, отличительную от бывшей. Нам не была нужна копия Тарьи. Мы искали эмоциональную обладательницу сильного голоса, но не такую, как Тарья. Как только мы услышали, как поёт Анетти, поняли, что она – новая вокалистка. Хотя это и не самый лучший голос, который мог бы быть, но она пела очень натурально и нежно.

- Вы – автор текстов песен «Nightwish». Откуда Вы берёте идеи? Выплёскиваете ли Вы в песнях свои личные переживания?

- Написание песен приравнивается к ведению моего личного дневника на протяжении всей жизни. Несомненно, я говорю о том, что для меня является наиважнейшим. То, что я передаю песнями – это проявление моего общения с миром.

- Какая самая важная идея в Вашей музыке?

- Я хочу передавать слушателям эмоции, которые помогали бы убежать от реальности. Но мы не стараемся своей музыкой действовать на людей.

- Проводят ли члены группы свободное время вместе?

- Мы не встречаемся часто, ибо все члены группы живут в разных городах. Тем не менее, друг для друга мы – лучшие друзья. Но после концертов, несомненно, отдыхаем вместе. Можно сказать, традиционно – фильмы, вечеринки и т.п.

- Вы так же, как и большинство финнов, любите проводить время в сауне?

- Конечно! Вчера вечером я провёл в сауне два часа! (смеётся)

- Самый сумасшедший подарок от фанатов?

- Звезда в небе, названная именем нашей группы – «Nightwish».

- Вы гастролируете по всему миру. Какая страна Вас восхитила больше всего?

- Мы только что вернулись из Австралии. Но наиболее близки, всё же, страны Скандинавии. Натурально…

- Какую музыку слушаете?

- Мне нравятся звуковые дорожки хороших фильмов. Важно, чтобы музыка была мелодичной. Я не выбираю музыку по стилю, главное – хорошее звучание.

- Какие планы у группы «Nightwish» на будущее: грандиозные шоу и т.п.?

- У нас великие планы (смеётся)… Начинаем тур в Вашей стране. После этого нас ждут выступления во Франции, Португалии, Мексике, Америке…

- Ждём-не дождёмся группу «Nightwish» в Литве.

- Надеемся Вас не разочаровать.

(за некоторые неправильно написанные слова - извиняйте)
любезно скопированно с
:grin: (прим. OceanReBorn)
#163 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
OceanReBorn, спасибо за перевод! Рулез Надо же, звезда! Интересно, какая? Но это наверное, неофициально.
Я хочу передавать слушателям эмоции, которые помогали бы убежать от реальности.

и это действует!
#164 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Soundi 12/2007
Перевод на английский сделан Afrodite.

Nightwish touring the North

Hullabaloo in Copenhagen, soot noses in Goteborg, nightmares in Oslo


Tuomas Holopainen stands in the third terminal of the gigantic Kastrup airport. He's wearing a reddish leather jacket and jeans and looks cheerful and perky.
- I went straight to Kitee after the American tour. That returned my feet back on the ground. Plenty of sleep, healthy food and sheer peace, Tuomas starts and continues laughing:
- Then the situation changed a little. First Alexi Laiho showed up and the next day the guys from Kotiteollisuus came for a visit. So much for the peace.
Tuomas', guitarist Emppu Vuorinen's, bass player Marco Hietala's, drummer Jukka Nevalainen's and manager Ewo Pohjola's baggage soon glides through the assembly line. Suprisingly no one's things have dissappeared between Helsinki and Copenhagen. The driver waiting in the lubby gestures the quintet (vocalist Anette Olzon arrives on her own since she lives only 100 kilometres away in Sweden) to come closer and soon the two-storey bus is heading towards the centrum of Copenhagen. Tonight's show is happening in the sold-out KB Hallen that fits about 3500 people. It's a great number since Copenhagen isn't considered a 'metal city' eventhough Metallica's Lars Ulrich and Mercyful Fate are region's own boys.
- The situation in a few other countries suprised us. For example in Switzerland the popularity has grown to considerable proportions. Dark Passion Play went to number one and we're playing in Zürich's Hallenstadion. It holds 12 000 people, Holopainen tells.
The talk moves to the concert in Copenhagen and the excitement of it. You would reason that the band is in the best gig shape after a five week tour in the United States but the 'mood of the day' isn't anything reasonable. Of course there are true excitement elements in the air since the stage show including a lot of pyros in the Nordic countries is in a totally different size group than on the American tour. Pillars of fire and different kind of bombs are familiar to the other members of Nightwish from the past years but Anette hasn't performed in the middle of pyros before.
- I've been thinking if you can loose your playing skill in a week, Tuomas smiles.
- Of course. But there's always room beside the tune (nuotin vierestä = off key lit. beside the tune) and the timing depends on how you count, Emppu jokes.
Copenhagen can only be dimly seen from the horizon and the conversation bounces through bad jokes to the world tour that stretches to the early autumn 2009 ("most of all you wait for the places the band hasn't been in before like China") and even the time after that ("the place for the next album's training has already been decided"). Finally the confabulation returns to the American tour.
- The beginning of the tour went in to getting used to a lot of things like the bus drivers accent. You needed to really listen to him if you wanted to understand at least something, Marco starts.
- White Rabbit in San Antonio was such a dump that we haven't seen another like it. After wondering about the place Anette asked one of the door men if they've ever thought about doing renovations. He didn't seem to get the hint, just looked bewildered, Ewo says with a smile.
- Finally we caught the shower room's biggest cockroach in a glass jar and decided to give it to our American agent and to say 'here lies the promoter from San Antonio, you don't want to book anyone there anymore', Hietala adds.
Tuomas inspires to list the things he remembers from across the puddle.
- A raccoon at the backstage area of the Toronto gig, the happening in Disneyland, the atmosphere of the Universal Studios, Orlando generally and the talk between the vocalist and songwriter in Portland. That is the beginning of the US tour was a little whining about unnecessary things and whipping oneself over something too much. But after the Portland gig we had a practical argument after which the mood of the tour was clearly fresher.
Holopainen, who is known to be a hard Disney fan, takes calmly the fact that Nightwish's gigs in the Disney owned House of Blues turned into completely different halls at the last minute. The change was commented in the news behind the sea as follows: "Cancellation is said to be because of the band citing violent imagery, objectionable fand and seditious lyrics. All other upcoming metal shows will be cancelled too."
- It's a comical thing indeed.. Let's think that Disneyland has a rollercoaster named after Aerosmith. Those guys have never done anything that might stain Disney's reputation! Furthermore the company's latest biggest hits are the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies. Pirates are indeed exemplary people! This made-up ban towards heavy bands tells something about the lack of consideration and double standard of the decision-makers.

KB Hallen is located 15 minutes away from Nightwish's hotel but the driver decides to show the town to the band. Though even he doesn't know it yet. Anette has gone to school in Copenhagen a while back and knows the area tolerably and after a few weird crossroads really begins to wonder the route choises. Shortly the driver pulls at the side of the road and starts to examine his maps. The weirdest thing is that the car isn't equipped with a gps-system. After many phonecalls and even more pointless turns the situation isn't funny anymore since the soundcheck time is approaching. Finally we stumble upon the right street after about an hour and a half of adventure. Nightwish's crew has been working on the concert place since morning and the band showing up causes some 'you finally showed up' remarks.
The Copenhagen concert is ecpecially meaningful for Anette because besides her son and mother also her longtime singing teacher and brother and his wife will be in the audience.
- The actual show isn't making me more nervous than usual. Introducing my relatives to the band was a much more exciting situation, Olzon laughs.
After Nightwish's soundcheck the warm-up act for the Nordic countries tour Indica takes the stage. The band getting ready for a sound pressure check decorates the stage in a familiar 'fairy style'.
- Asking Indica to be the tour's second band came to mind when we were at the Abbey Road studios for the first time working on Dark Passion Play. We only had the condition that they would perform in English. I've liked Indica since their first album and I'm sure they could achieve popularity in foreign countries too, Tuomas thinks.
Indica's Jonsu sings also on Nightwish's new Erämaan Viimeinen-single. The song was originally released on Dark Passion Play as an instrumental with the name Last Of The Wilds.
- We called Last Of The Wilds even on the demo stage the indica-song for it moves pretty much in the same landspace of the soul, Holopainen begins.
- I then met Jonsu after their Tavastia gig sometime on 2006 and went in a little state of drunkenness to say that I have this idea will you do it. Jonsu said yes and sang the song at Petrax in 2007.
After a few hours both Indica and Nightwish camps are nervous. How will the warm-up acts first gig go? How will the audince take the strange band? The answer is gotten as soon as the lights go out. An encouraging shout goes around the hall and the mood doesn't start to go down at any point. The band is smiling after the show.
- If I think about the shows in Finland of course I'm nervous for those too. Before the show my heart beats like ten extra times but now it's at least a hundred beats. And then we get such a great response. An amazing feeling, Jonsu says emotionally.
The mood at Nightwish's backstage is electrified about an half an hour before the show when the band members start their own preparation rituals. Tuomas withdraws to himself for a while, Jukka plays the airdrums and does ab crunches and Marco opens his voice, without sparing the volume. Anette is caught in the crossfire of a few local newspaper photographers but also has time for Emppu's language lesson. The before learned sentences "sorry I'm Swedish" and "I can't sing I have a hangover" are rehearsed.
- From the comparison of adjectives we're still working on 'nice, nicer, testicle', the guitarist adds.
The setlist planned by Tuomas and Anette is 'not the hardest possible' type.
- It's nicer to start the tour with a little easier setting. And we always adapt the repertoire to Anette's feeling. For example She Is My Sin requires a pretty good mood and for instance instead of Eva we can do Higher Than Hope, Tuomas tells and continues:
- We can variate the setlist quite a lot. Besides the mandatory we can have Whoever Brings The Night, Sacrament Of Wilderness, Sleeping Sun, The Siren and Dead To The World. Slaying The Dreamer for one has been put on a break for a while.
Последний раз редактировалось: Nia (26 фев 2008, 19:54); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#165 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
And then it's time to start the tour of the Nordic countries. Bye Bye Beautiful opens the set and the pyrotechnic Markku Aalto isn't saving up gunpowder. The band seems to have a statement to remove all pretensions at once. Even during the first song you can see and hear that Anette Olzon feels at home at the head of the Finnish band. Anette did amazingly well already in late September in Tallin (when Nightwish performed in the local Rock Cafe under the Natuvissyset alias) but the singer's true potential is revealing only now after a few dozen shows.
After a successful concert the backstage area of course turns into complete hullabaloo. Relatives, friends and townmen pack into the smoky space and the mood is exultant.Tuomas admires a sign thrown from the audience that reads 'meille on laiha sulle, mutta ei o meiden tisit'. Unfortenately the best parties come to an end and after a few hours the band moves the the bus.
- Shall we bet how long it takes for us to get back, Jukka laughs.
Anette sits in the frontlounge of the buss and tells about the exhaustion that has troubled her since coming back from America.
- I haven't had even one good night's sleep after the tour. About four hours a night isn't really enough. Luckily the situation is improving, the singer sighs.


The day brightens gray around the Gothia Towers hotel next to the Liseberg amusement park. Ewo soon sends a message: "The crew bus broke down. The band's bus had to go there as well so no pick up this time. We walk together, 200 meters anyway."
- This bus company just gets better day by day. I wonder what'll happen next, Jukka snorts.
The fans waiting outside the hall can't believe their eyes when the Nightwish musicians are lead by Pohjola over light guided crossroad towards the side door of the Lisebergshallen. Nw crew is on schedule as usual and the band is able to do soundcheck almost immediately. Bomb-Markku is going to use the the snow machine tonight as well and he tests the white substence producing machine during Higher Than Hope which is chosen to be in the setlist.
The powermetal band Hammerfall's Oscar Dronjak, who lives in Gothenburg, approaches Ewo with a guestlist request. The guitarist gets his wish eventhough the list has been showing the red light for a while. At that moment the manager has a great idea for a new fan product.
- They should have a 'Jööttipori-shirt' for Hammerfall and why not for In Flames too. (Gothenburg = Göteburg = Jöötti+Pori = slang word for shit + a city in Finland) Of course a picture of shit at the front and beneath it Pori's coat of arms.
In the production office sits also Tero Kinnunen, a technician who has been with Nightwish since year zero. Now the man is stepping aside from the tour stuff nevertheless. A few memories are in order.
- Already Nightwish's first gig was something magical. I had been doing bands at Kitee's Huvikeskus earlier and there rarely was more than forty people. Then came Nightwish and the place was full so there were hundreds of people, Kinnunen says and continues:
- I once flew with Holopainen from Helsinki to Joensuu and continued by car to Kitee. I was writing a textmessage and noticed something weird from the corner of my eye. Tuomas was falling a sleep on the wheel and the car was already on the wrong lane headed towards another car. I pulled the wheel and was able to turn the car on its own lane. It was a matter of a second.
- The other time we almost burned the studio. We were doing some peaceful song from Once and we had candles burning on top of the speaker. We then went home for the night and forgot to put them out. The candles had eventually melted through the speaker but luckily they hadn't lit a bigger fire. The janitor had wondered in the morning howcome so much smoke is coming from there.
Kinnunen quickly adds that he's leaving touring voluntarily with the intention to consontrate on running his own studio.
- Surely there's some nostalgia in the air but I'm fundamentally really happy. Besides Nightwish's engineering in such a shape now... For example their mixer Kimmo Ahola seems to magically create cannon sounds even from a milk carton.
Lisebergshallen which holds 3000 people has been sold out ages ago and the most enthusiastic fans rush next to the stage as soon as the doors open. Near Holopainen's keyboard arsenal is standing an older man who's wearing Finland's ice hockey team's shirt. On the other side of the front row wags the Swedish flag with the words 'Nightwish owns' embroidered on it.
- I'm quite nervous of the response. This is my first Nightwish gig Sweden after all, Anette whispers during Indica's set.
Marco gives Anette an encouraging lucky kick on the rear just before the show but during the next few moments it's clear that Olzon would've been fine without it. There's no sign of Swedish detachment when the first notes cut the gunpowder filled air. The fully packed hall soon reaches tropical temperatures. After about a hundred minutes the concert is ending and Anette jumps in the pit between the stage and audience. The singer hugs fans for a long time - so long that the introtape runs out before the band manages to do the traditional ending bows.
- An insanely good going, even better than in Copenhagen. In Denmark I was nervous of the pyros but now I manage with them. Today I was scared for Emppu when he stood a little too front on one bomb spot of Wish I Had An Angel, Anette speculates.
- A lot of black stuff did come from my nose right after the gig. It's a weird thing that the album singer doesn't have more problems with the pyros. One would think that it's hard to sing with soot in your throath, the guitarist thinks.
A part of the band continues to the local Sticky Fingers rock bar. The guys from In Flames are spending an evening there. Naturally.


There's only 300 kilometres between Gothenburg and Oslo but today the trip takes over seven hours. The first forty kilometres go by reading the gig review from Göteborgsposten ("the new singer is just the thing the band needed") but then the bus curse strikes again. Hietala asks a chance for a cigarette long break and when the car slows down a strong smoky smell comes inside the bus. The driver pulls aside of the road and soon everyone's standing outside in the rain. There are now flames at least but a lot of smoke comes near the back tires. Soon two big firetrucks arrive and the men start to cool the overheated spots.
- This isn't a real suprise when you consider the history with us and this bus company, Jukka sneers.
- Perhaps we should hitch-hike, Tuomas wonders.
Pohjola stays to resolve the situation and others march into a pizzeria in a near town called Ljungskile. Emppu starts to tell Anette about a comprehensive school Swedish teacher who used to kiss students who had forgotten their homework. She was quite a sturdy lady so not many deared to leave their homework undone. Marco starts to recall his past job's refreshment trip to Pärnu:
- We left a bar and a couple of guys managed to break somesort of a concrete block. Well suddenly two policemen came around the corner and battered us without any questions asked. We were quite suprised that there's a good mood here!
In no time a Swedish police car appears at the pizzeria's yard. A young policewomen steps out and purposefully walks towards Nightwish's table. She says she heard on the police radio that the Finnish hardrock band's bus had scorched near Ljungskile.
- I'm a Nightwish fan and I tried to get tickets to the Gothenburg gig but the hall was already sold out. It's such a nice suprise to meet you at least this way even under unpleasant circumstances, the authority who intoroduces herself as Maria Darholm says.
The next suprise comes from Pohjola who calls from the 'crash site'. One of the firemen there has turned out to be the owner of a small bus company and promises to get Nightwish to Norway. The Oslo gig's promoter Håkon Grav sounds extremely relieved on the phone when he's informed that the journey continues after a small delay. The rest of the trip with another car goes without problems and the band arrives at the concert place already early in the evening.
The backroom of Sentrum Scene is very flamboyant. Candles are burning, many kinds of foods lie on the tables and so on.
- Håkon this might be the best equipped backroom ever, Emppu praises.
Next Grav carries in a big textile Christmas calender made by two Norwegian fan with several packages. The gift packages still have to wait for a while when Tuomas starts to play the quitar and plan a not-so-serious song with Hietala. The parts change for a while and Marco grabs the six string.
- Some band would get a pretty good rhythm guitarist out of me, Hietala smiles.
- You should swap instruments with Emppu for even one song, Nevalainen encourages while working on Nightwish's website's video journal.
Olzon, who's been resting at the hotel, returns about an hour before the show. Tuomas asks first what the singer is planning to wear tonight.
- We happened to buy the samekind of trousers without knowning of eachother. Now we always have to make sure not to wear them on the same day.
Norway is one of Nightwish's favourite countries and the opinion doesn't need to be changed after the Sentrum Scene gig. Norwegian people have a serious party mood on Saturday and it shows.
- Oh brother! This had to be the best gig with Anette so far. I'm really, really satisfied, Tuomas nods.
Nightwish's after party is in the famous Elm Street bar.
- He who wants to go goes! I think you'll see enough nigthmares in your own bed too, Vuorinen sneers.
#166 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Tuomas asks first what the singer is planning to wear tonight.
- We happened to buy the samekind of trousers without knowning of eachother. Now we always have to make sure not to wear them on the same day.

А свое платье в цветочек Туомасу теперь вообще пришлось выкинуть! Sad

Nia, спасибо!
#167 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):
OceanReBorn, спасибо за перевод! Рулез Надо же, звезда! Интересно, какая? Но это наверное, неофициально.

что-то мне захотелось почитать старые интервью и статьи с группой и наткнулся:

Семнадцатилетние норвежки Лене Корнеливссен и Каролин Беккенволд спешат вместе с остальными поклонниками к дверям, через которые группа будет выходить, чтобы еще раз напоследок увидеть своих кумиров.

Лене и Каролин купили звезду на небе, дали ей имя "Nightwish" и сейчас они хотят подарить Туомасу телескоп. Туомаса обожают: "Он глубокий, загадочный, привлекательный, интересный".

раньше эта статья было сайте, до смены дизайна.
#169 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Что-то нет новостей об Emma Gaala... Вроде вчера награждение должно было состояться?
#170 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki, нет, Emma Gaala состоится 8 марта Smile
#171 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
нет, Emma Gaala состоится 8 марта

Интересно, как церемония награждения (группа присутствует?) будет совмещена с фестивалем в Греции? Nightwish выступают восьмого вместе с Tristania и другими группами.
#172 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nia, самой интересно. Скорее всего, они просто не приедут на церемонию. Если, конечно, они не собираются сначала выступить на фесте, а потом со всех ног лететь в Финляндию Very Happy
#173 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
кстати, о наградах: я тут услышала, что Echo Awards считается 3й по престижности муз.наградой после Brit Awards и Grammy Smile желаю найтам получить ещё две недостающие Wink *мечтательно*
#174 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
А премия MTV? Embarassed Very Happy
#175 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
_Swanheart_ писал(а):
Mielikki, нет, Emma Gaala состоится 8 марта Smile

оо, значит, с финским у меня совсем плохо.. :grin: (залезала на оффсайт Эммы)

Я думаю, они не приедут...(((( Подумают, это лишнее...
#177 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Выиграли: Band of the Year, Metal Album of the Year, Album of the Year and the Year's Most Sold Album.

Rolleyes#2 Ура Smile
#178 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Круто! Рад за них!!! Рулез
#179 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
cсылочка на интервью с Эммы, там же еще два видео. НВ там упоминают чуть ли не везде, а про Тарью - только один раз, в номинации "лучший отечественный артист"...

Добавлено спустя 18 минут 15 секунд:

Апокалиптику что-то про Найтвиш там спрашивали, но я не поняла.
#180 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Вроде не было такого, поиск не сознается Smile Довольно интересное интервью и грамотный журналист. Туо говорит о желании выступить в Англии с оркестром, рассказывает как создавалась оркестровая музыка к ДПП.
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