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#1661 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Сканы статьи из газеты Koti-Karjala, в которой рассказывается о том, как Туомасу дарили скульптуру от t-h.com и Nightwish Art Smile



Подробнее о скульптуре можно почитать на последних страницах темы о Туомасе Smile
#1662 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Imaginaerum : Stobe Harju, Marianne Farley & Tuomas Holopainen @ 23.11.2012, Tähtihetki YLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlYuWRQUWJk английские субтитры!
#1663 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Свежее текстовое интервью с Туомасом от Kaaoszine http://kaaoszine.fi/nightwish-imaginaerum-movie-interview-2012-tuomas-holopainen/

Английский перевод от Яны Бломквист aka Givethemhorns http://bit.ly/V6H0tG

The release of Nightwish’ long-awaited movie Imaginaerum was undoubtedly one of the musical highlights of 2012. Thousands of people attended the premiere at Hartwall Areena in Helsinki, and the crowd left the building with mixed feelings about the motion picture. Imaginaerum has layers upon layers of symbolism, and while some of the audience would be left puzzled others might get caught too deep in the analysis.
Kaaoszine took the opportunity to speak to the band’s mastermind and Imaginaerum’s story creator, Tuomas Holopainen, at the press and screening for Imaginaerum this Wednesday.

Kaaoszine: How deeply were you involved in Imaginaerum’s creation? You were credited as a co-author with Stobe Harju and you were responsible for the story, so what exactly did you do? How did you oversee the process?

Tuomas: It’s a bit complicated, because the original idea was to do thirteen separate short movies. That’s the idea I had. I had thirteen little stories; one of them was about a jazz club, one of them was about a rollercoaster ride. There was the ghost circus one and all these little things. Then I wrote the music on top of those stories to bring them alive. I introduced all of these ideas to Stobe, you know, “Can you direct thirteen stories for me?” He said, “Cool, I love the idea, but why don’t we combine all of these stories and just make one full-length feature?” Then I said, “Yeah, go ahead, but we need a story,” and he told me that he’d write the screenplay but still include all of these original ideas in the movie. That’s how it came to be. So basically, I provided the original vision of the scenes and Stobe and this guy called Mikko Rautalahti wrote the actual screenplay.

Kaaoszine: So you didn’t take part in writing any specific parts of the screenplay at all?

Tuomas: Not at all. I mean, the whole idea about the old composer lying on his deathbed, his relationship with his daughter, that all came from Stobe. I had absolutely nothing to do with that.

Kaaoszine: That’s pretty surprising because after the premiere most of the talk about the movie was about how deeply Tuomas Holopainen has unveiled everything about himself. So basically, a lot of people are projecting the main character onto you. What do you have to say to those people? Just how many similarities are there between Thomas Whitman and yourself?

Tuomas: A little bit, yeah, but it’s still a purely fictional character. I mean, I don’t have a daughter, and I’m not demented. (laughs)

Kaaoszine: Of course not.

Tuomas: I hope! The thing that we share is that we both play in a band and we are both living pretty much in fantasy worlds. And for both of us, it’s a bit difficult to deal with everyday life. The real life, I mean. So that’s the similarities, and we’re both called “Thomas,” but everything else is just fiction. So this is not autobiographical in any way.

Kaaoszine: So it can’t be perceived as a next step after the two biographical Nightwish movies? There still are speculations on how, for example, certain symbols may represent Nightwish, your relationship with the band….

Tuomas: There are a lot of symbols in the band and kind of those hidden meanings, for sure. Little things here and there, but still, this is not like I want to reveal who I am or I want to reveal all of the dark secrets of the band through a movie. The basic thing is that it’s a completely fictional story.

Kaaoszine: Speaking of symbolism in the movie, while it’s fairly easy to interpret some of the symbols, others are more tricky. For instance, what does the snowman represent for you personally?

Tuomas: Well, the snowman is the antagonist of the movie. He’s the bad guy. For me, he represents the stuff that’s really hard to let go of in your life. That’s the basic message of the whole movie: life is a privilege and it’s just a waste of time, waste of a happy life to keep these things in your head that make you upset.

Kaaoszine: And the arabesque?

Tuomas: The arabesque is something that has a very special importance to you. Just a thing or a toy or something that takes you back to your childhood and brings you a lot of memories.

Kaaoszine: You mentioned in some previous interview that you didn’t really want to make an appearance in the movie.

Tuomas: Yeah, I… we had a lot of discussions with Stobe and at some point I told him that, what if we don’t show the band at all, because we’re trying to deliver a believable story and when you bring in the band, people immediately have some associations.
You know, that’s the face from the band, and also there’s the fact that none of us can act. So I told him, “Please don’t make us act. Don’t give us any dialogue because we want to make this believable.” So what you see in the movie is kind of a compromise. We just play in the background and it’s still credible.

Kaaoszine: So the reason why you didn’t have any lines is because none of you can act?

Tuomas: Well, as simple as that, or even if we could act, it’s like, we already have a face and it’s the same thing when I see Justin Timberlake or Jon Bon Jovi in a film. No matter how well they can act, it just doesn’t feel right to me for some reason. “No, that’s the guy who’s singing on Slippery When Wet. What is he doing in this submarine movie? It just doesn’t work.” It simply didn’t feel right to me, or the band.

Kaaoszine: Speaking about the soundtrack and your collaboration with Petri Alanko - what can we expect and how is it different from the original album?

Tuomas: The tracks are completely different, all of them, but there is also not a single new composition on the score. So basically what we did was we gave Petri all the tracks of all the songs from Imaginaerum and just told him that he could do his own versions of the songs as they fit the movie. So he took off all the drums and guitars and bass, added some ambiance, and made them more fit to the movie. It’s a bit difficult to explain, you just have to listen to the score and then it all makes sense.

Kaaoszine: So he didn’t get back to you with a request to re-record or finalize any of the material? For instance, The Crow, The Owl And The Dove sounded really different in the movie score.

Tuomas: It’s the original recordings, he just fiddled around with them. You know, she’s singing the same line again and again, but nothing’s been recorded separately for the score. So it’s all the original ones. He did a lot of weird things. For example, in the scene where the snowman is pissing on the notes, it’s actually Ghost Love Score in the background, but he just took the guitar riff, turned it into a string riff, and slowed it down 400%. It’s really impressive.
#1665 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Hevein писал(а):
Австралийское интервью с Марко перед концертом в Брисбене:http://www.loudmag.com.au/content/nightwish-passion-for-the-opera
Ой, пасиб: классное интервью. В кои-то веки интервьюер задает интересные вопросы.
#1666 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
iede писал(а):
Hevein писал(а):
Австралийское интервью с Марко перед концертом в Брисбене:http://www.loudmag.com.au/content/nightwish-passion-for-the-opera
Ой, пасиб: классное интервью. В кои-то веки интервьюер задает интересные вопросы.

полностью согласен Кул!

новый альбом не раньще 2014 Crying
#1667 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
#1668 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Эх, Холопайнен, все держит интригу, оставят Флор или нет. Ладно, мы терпеливые, можно и полтора года подождать Very Happy
#1669 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
дроздов писал(а):
новый альбом не раньще 2014

ахаха)) наивный
поищи тему, мы тут уже обсуждали новый альбом...жди его не раньше 2016)
#1670 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Еще одно австралийское интервью с Марко: http://www.spotlightreport.net/slider/on-the-spot-nightwishs-marco-hietala-exclusive-interview

И мини-интервью с Туомасом (про замечательную Флор, про фильм Imaginaerum и про то, что он не пишет музыку на компьютере): http://www.beat.com.au/music/nightwish

"I only use computers for emails and for fantasy hockey!" good
#1671 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Прикольное интервью из Новой Зеландии с Туомасом и Марко: http://www.steffmetal.com/cold-sausages-and-vinegar-life-of-pi-and-milk-cartons-steff-metal-interviews-nightwish/
Люблю, когда Морква присоединяется и вставляет свои хохмы, сразу в разы интереснее читать Smile
Очень хотелось бы, чтоб в будущем вокалистка принимала в промоушене непосредственное участие, всетки гораздо занятнее читать мнения и ответы на вопросы 2-3 человек из группы, а не одного-заезженного Холопайнена. В ДПП-туре, пока Анетт еще не устала от промо-обязанностей, их совместные инвью были мега-крутыми и веселыми.
#1672 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
"It’s a logical continuium – it’s alcohol made by alcoholics, sold to alcoholics, so that the alcoholics get more money for alcohol". Very Happy
Marco: Because they keep us alive, and keep us doing what we want to do, and I’m grateful for it. (я чуть не прослезилась, честно) Smitten
#1676 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ShadowWolfSmith писал(а):
Туомас обсуждает идею создания тематического парка Имаджинерум

Максимум, что они могут - это только пофантазировать на эту тему. К сожалению :(
#1677 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
#1678 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Подборка старых и не очень интервью:

http://www.lordsofmetal.nl/en/interviews/view/id/4298 - инвью с Марко, евротур Имаджи, Голландия 2012
http://www.lordsofmetal.nl/en/interviews/view/id/4107 - инвью с Туо, ноябрь 2011
http://www.lordsofmetal.nl/en/interviews/view/id/1836 - инвью с Анетт, лето 2007
http://www.lordsofmetal.nl/en/interviews/view/id/622 - инвью с Туо, май (?) 2004
#1679 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.joiz.ch/videos/watch?bclid=2477661696001&bctid=2484227144001&title=Das+Nightwish-Mastermind+Tuomas+%C3%BCber+Filmsoundtracks+und+Facebook! - интервью с Туомасом, фестиваль Greenfield, 17.06.2013 (копируем ссыль в адресную строку браузера)
#1680 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Интервью с Туомасом и Марко в июльском номере журнала «Мир фантастики», рассказывают про фильм «Воображариум».

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