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#161 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Cовсем свеженькое интервью, вчерашнее (13.03) Из Аргентины.
Оно огромное, поэтому сюда не поместится, вот ссылка:

И еще одно, от 12.03 и тоже из Аргентины:
На испанском.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhEIvCMINdI (не пугайтесь *** звука на второй минуте)

Во второй части она поет, аккомпанируя себе.
Выглядит - нет слов! ^_____^

А вот перевод.

Welcome to Argentina!
Tarja: Thank you
Once again!
Tarja: Yes, once again. [laughs] I live here, some on!
Are you happy?
Tarja: Yes, I am very happy. Really.
Today we will talk for the people who don't know you as a solist. Does it bother you to be introduced as "ex-Nightwish"?
Tarja: No, it's ok. It's a part of my career, a very important one, 9 years. I worked with Nightwish, a heavy metal band for 9 years, and that's why it's very important. It still is.
It still is important?
Tarja: Yes. I still sing some Nightwish songs in my concerts.
Does the "Extras" part of your new CD contain a lot of Nightwish songs?
Tarja: No, nothing from Nightwish. We recorded two new songs for this edition and there are also some live songs, it has a duet with Doro Pesch, a German heavy metal singer, and many nice things: a poster, new pictures..
We are going to talk about this too. What do you like about Argentina, what attracts you here?
Tarja: Oh, there are lots of things. I like the people a lot, the food [laughs]. I know Barilloche, Puerto Madryn, and Iguazu. There are lots of nice places.
What does your "Winter Storm" mean?
Tarja: The storm is my fans.
Tarja: Yes. They support me, they care about me, they love me, and at times it is a bit.. I don't know.. strange, difficult.. They are like a storm.
Are there many in Argentina?
Tarja: Yes, they are many.
I'm happy for you. What do you like more: classical or heavy metal?
Tarja: Both.
Tarja: I am very happy to have the possibility to do both. It's very important and for my career too.
Which one is more dominant on this CD?
Tarja: Both.
Tarja: Yes.. Not.. Not that much classical music, even though I sing classical music in like the other career of mine.
On this CD there are many pictures of different characters.
Tarja: Eh.. They are stories. Nice fantasies, and with reality also. Yes, it's like a movie.
A movie?
Tarja: Yes, I love movies. They are a big influence on me.
What movie inspired you for this album?
Tarja: Uh.. The Ring. Yes. And what else? Many.. Lord Of The Rings..
On the other CD there is a cover of Alice Cooper? Why? Are you a fan of Alice Cooper?
Tarja: No, not that much. I am not a fan of Alice Cooper, but I like him, I like his voice and his music, his career, it's very interesting, but yes, I liked it and I wanted to do something special.
Didn't the record label say anything against it?
Tarja: No, the truth is that it was very difficult for the band but we did it and we are very happy about it.
Who accompanied you in this new band? What musicians?
Tarja: The drummer is Mike Terrana, he is American and Doug Wimbish from Living Color is the bassist, Alex Scholpp is the guitarist, and Maria the keyboard player, she is Finnish and a cello player, Max Lilja.
You seem happy about your Spanish.
Tarja: Actually I'm not. [laughs] I'm not happy about it.
I saw in an interview that you said something about you singing in 40 years.
Tarja: WHAAT? No, no..I don't know, it's very hard to say..
Will you still sing the same genre?
Tarja: Yes, of course I will keep singing heavy metal. This CD also contains heavy metal, it's very important for me.
Do you know anything about a new video?
Tarja: No, so far we have no plans about a new one, but there will be a new one with the new CD that we are composing at the moment.
Tarja: The next year.
Tarja will have concerts here in Buenos Aires on the 24th, 26th and 27th at the Teatro des Flores and La Trastienda. Do you have any special guests?
Tarja: No. Maybe there will be some surprises.
Ok, thanks you so much for being here, we will surely visit you at La Trastienda, and you are going to play something you will play at this concert, right?
Tarja: Yes. I will play and sing I Walk Alone and The Reign.
#162 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
двадцать песен,написанных ею лично??оО уже??оО
кажется,я крупно ошибалась..
#163 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):
Tarja: No, so far we have no plans about a new one, but there will be a new one with the new CD that we are composing at the moment.
Tarja: The next year.

в следующем году???
#164 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Svetlana писал(а):
в следующем году???

ну так правильно, альбом где-то к концу 2009-го, клип чуть позже.
И еще, она ведь все время говорит, что не выпустит альбом, пока не будет полностью им довольна, так что мало ли, быть может, уже решила выпустить его в 2010-м году...
#165 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil писал(а):
двадцать песен,написанных ею лично?

Да вы что?!
Прокомментируйте, пожалуйста, как такое возможно Surprised
#166 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
а как я могу что-то прокомментировать?
i'm writing new songs,i have more than 20 completed songs,of my owm and some with co-writers-слова из интервью по ссылке.
#167 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ну вообще-то вы наверно знаете, что Тарья помимо песни Oasis принимала участие в написании и других, но в соавторстве. Поэтому чему удивляться, здесь наверняка тоже будет много работ в соавторстве.
#168 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Jadis писал(а):
Поэтому чему удивляться, здесь наверняка тоже будет много работ в соавторстве.

Да в том-то и дело что фраза "some with co-writers" означает относительно небольшое наличие таких работ в основной массе.
#169 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Jadis писал(а):
Поэтому чему удивляться, здесь наверняка тоже будет много работ в соавторстве.

не думаю. В последнем и-вью, которое выкладывала Аня, Тарья говорила, что хочет все песни написать самостоятельно, чтобы это всё было действительно её. Мол, она раскрепостилась, больше не стесняется итд.
А то, что песен уе больше 20-ти, это ведь прекрасно) Тарья уже около полугода активно не выступает, самое оно посвятить себя творчеству. И, к тому же, будет, из чего выбрать )
#170 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
если честно,просто не могу пока понять,ну как человек,который совсем недавно дебютировал в одной песне в качестве songwriter'a,может спустя короткий срок выдать 20 песен....как??оО
#171 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil, дебютировала одна песня, а кто знает, сколько их было написано? Может одну она включила в альбом, чтобы посмотреть, как слушатели воспримут её попытки самостоятельного написания песен. А эти 20 песен были написаны явно не за короткий срок после тура, точнее, не только в этот период, а писались и раньше.

s.t.a.r.s. писал(а):
Да вы что?!
Прокомментируйте, пожалуйста, как такое возможно

Вот это вообще ппц коммент)))). Нет-нет, этого не может быть! Да вы что, да никогда! Как вы можете это прокомментировать, куда вы вообще лезете не в вашу область)))) Laughing 3
(Не злитесь, это у меня такая добрая ирония сегодня, реально очень улыбнул пост))
#172 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Собственно, предположение о кучи соавторств можно снимать с повести дня, в том же интервью - следующий абзац:
"As you know, MWS it's not just heavy metal, it has the other part of me, and the main difference between this album and the new one is that I'll write all the songs. I think there won't be any song from people."

Nihil, если только...может Тарья давно уже занималась сочинительством, ну типа хобби, в свободное время? Остались старые записи, дневники - т.е. личный источник из которого она сейчас песни черпает.

DaedRa писал(а):
куда вы вообще лезете не в вашу область))))

Ага, щаааз))) На этой области не написано, что она ваша)))
#173 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
s.t.a.r.s. писал(а):
Ага, щаааз))) На этой области не написано, что она ваша)))

Не, я это сказала к тому, что Тарья лезет песни писать)))
#174 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Хм))) Всем бы так лезть, как она лезет)))
В начале обсуждения WLB были осторожные предположения об небольшом увеличении песен её авторства. И то больше было аргументов, что "more like me" означало совсем не это. И вот когда появляется интервью про - какие там пара-тройка песен! - Тарья сама альбом строчит, то вдруг выясняется, что никого это особо и не удивляет)
#175 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Нет ну это конечно невообразимо приятная неожиданность, я безмерно рада, что фраза "more like me" имела именно такое значение. Я не говорила, что меня это не удивляет, просто наверное не так бурно, как во фразе "как такое возможно", ведь оно очень даже и возможно, Тарья ведь не пустышка с красивой внешностью, почему бы и нет)).
#176 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Ну понятна))) Теперь то уже, конечно, можно рассуждать "почему бы и нет", хотя спроси незадолго до этого)... А врочем, ладно. С хорошим таким настроением жду дальнейшего развития событий))
#177 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Как-то недавно я читала старое интервью Тарьи, года 2001. И вот уже там она говорила, что пишет песни сама, только никому не показывает. Так что я думаю в том, что на новом альбоме большинство песен будут написаны ей, нет ничего удивительного.
#178 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ну тарья,ну тихушница.никогда бы не подумала о ней,как о человеке,который пишет в стол о_О
а можно как-нибудь это ивью сюда?
#179 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil писал(а):
а можно как-нибудь это ивью сюда?

*Сама себе удивляюсь, как я так быстро нашла*

Tarja Turunen
Back in Argentina
- First of all, it is great to have you in Buenos Aires once again. What brings you here this time?
- Well, the truth is that I really felt like taking a vacation. Just before coming here I had a very important exam in the music university where I am studying. In the last three years I couldn't, because I dedicated all my time to Nightwish, I didn't do anything related to my studies and couldn't focus on them, but in the last months I have studied a lot to take this exam and it went pretty well. After that I decided to take a vacation, even though I will of course be doing some promotion for Nightwish. When I went to Argentina, last July, I really liked it here and for me it is a pleasure to come here again.

- What do you remember from the concerts from last year?
- I remember being in a special position, because I had been very ill before coming. I especially remember a show in a small venue, Acatraz. I really liked this concert, the people were very close, it was a really great feeling. And of course, the people in Argentina.. are unbelievable! [laughs] Honestly, you can't compare them with people in Europe or in other places. The more south you go, the more crazy are the people.

- I was just going to ask you what's the difference between a concert in Finland and one in Argentina or Chile.
- Well, we have just recorded a live concert in Finland, most of all because it's the easiest way to do it. Anyhow, the people in Finland love the music as much as you do, but they don't show it. The mentality is a lot different. If you like something, you show it, if you don't like it, you do the same. I think it's brilliant.

- Or, they are rather still, they applaud in the end of the concert...
- Yes. They also sing the songs, but not as powerful as you do! I remember that, before going on the stage I hear everyone shouting and thought "Oh my god, I can't do it." I was so scared, with all those people screaming my name.. Or better said, many variants of my name! [laughs] But it was great in the end.

- One of the things that really impressed me was your stage presence. I really didn't know what to expect..
- You're not the only one, trust me! [laughs] There is a really nice story from the first time we played live. Nightwish was born as a project, and we had never thought of playing live. But things changed and lots of people wanted to see us. So the guys in the band were very nervous [laughs] they didn't know what to tell me, we didn't know how to arrange the concert, what we will do, what we will say, and we all planned to stay in the same position... at the time I was more a singing student than a singer (I am still studying now, but I know what I'm doing). Anyway, after we finished the show, and the guys said "Oh my god, you moved like an elk.", which was their way of telling me they liked and accepted it. When I'm on stage I don't think about what I'm doing, but what comes from the music. I moved a lot on the stage in South America, but if you watch us live nor or watch the DVD you'll see something has changed. My movements are a lot more secure.

- You have just given me the reason to ask you about the DVD (From Wished to Eternity - live)..
- It was a huge project that took a lot of time, not from us but from the people who organized it. We had great technics, great equipment, and except some problems that took place during the break, it came out very well. The DVD consists of material from a single show, in Tampere, which had to be planned really carefully. We have released it in Finland and in a few months it will be released in other countries as well.

- You are also releasing a mini-CD...
- Yes. We are also releasing a CD with that material at the same time. But this live CD was supposed to be released just in Finland. When people found out, everyone wanted to sign a contract with us. At the same time we were working on a single called "Over The Hills And Far Away" (the name of a Gary Moore cover) which contains, apart from the live songs, two new songs and a remake of the song "Astral Romance" from "Angels Fall First". Spinefarm decided to release a mini-CD with these three songs and six live ones, and it will be released in the rest of the world.

- Why does the mini-CD have the name of a Gary Moore cover?
- This is a question I have no answer for. I don't know, but I think it was because Tuomas loves this song.

- In the last years, the fanbase of Nightwish has increased. Today, you are knows as a successful band in many conners of the world. Do you feel any pressure because of this?
- Yes, of course. It was already like that when we released "Oceanborn" and we knew it would be the same with "Wishmaster". The number of the sold CDs creates pressure, but I think it can be positive. It's no problem as long as you're aware of what happens. I think you have to keep your mind awake, otherwise you are stuck in something that you already did and never learn something new.

- By the way, a few days ago I was browsing the official Nightwish page and I was distracted by a poll called "how do you want the next Nightwish albums to be?" and the 40%of the people (a total of 2663) voted for the option"I want them to be exactly the same".
- Yes! It is great that people don't want us to change, to say "Well, you are great, so don't change!". I don't know, there are lots of bands who have changed their style completely through the years and it makes people tremble because they don't know what to expect. But I don't think it will be the case with Nightwish. If you listen to the first album, then the second and then the third, you can already know some things about the fourth. But it's not a big change, you can listen to the songs and still know they are Nightwish songs, even though some things are different. For the fourth album we will use a choir and an orchestra, and Tuomas has already started to work on the material.

- Anything else you can tell us about the album?
- Well.. [laughs] that's all I can tell you, and we will enter the studio in January. That's all [laughs]. The CD we have just released is a gift for the fans, and we will need a lot of time to organize the fourth album. It's a big project.

- Until now, on the first three albums, Tuomas was in charge with composing the songs. Will the situation be the same with the fourth album or will more band members participate?
- Well, Emppu has composed with Tuomas some songs from "Oceanborn" and "Wishmaster". His style is rock-like. And about me, I don't think I will participate in it, I don't want to mic my personal things with Nightwish. No, I won't compose...

- What about the lyrics?
[Tarja makes a funny face]

- And what does this mean?
- [laughs] This means I will never do it. Tuomas is a genius and all Nightwish lyrics come from his visions. Nightwish was his idea, his dream.

- But do you ever write at home, for yourself?
- Yes, I do that. Maybe I will use them one day, but I don't know.

- I also wanted to ask you if you plan to sing in Finnish one day. Obviously I don't understand a word but the language seems very exotic and the music is very interesting.
- I asked Tuomas many times if he will write more lyrics in Finnish, and many people have sent me e-mails asking me this, but I'm pretty sure we won't do it.
#180 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
- Is there any special reason?
- To be honest, I don't know. The next CD will be conceptual, but I don't know...

- Thank you, you said one more thing...
- yes. [laughs]

- I read that you got the platinum award because Wishmaster sold more than 40.000 copies in Finland. This says a lot about your country, but I would like you to tell me more. How popular is heavy metal in Finland?
- If a metal band manages to get their music on radio or TV it is great, but it's difficult. There are some heavy metal shows, but in general it is difficult for metal band to appear on a radio. For us it was pretty easy, since we have many ballads, and they are broadcast often, but this happens rarely. We sold 40.000 albums in Finland, which is a lot, even 20.000 - a gold award - was very much. And it is amazing for a heavy metal band to do this, because the metal market is not that big in Europe, Japan, and many other places. It's hard to sell metal CDs. But I can tell you that in the last years a lot of great Finnish heavy metal bands were founded and many have gotten in the top 40. For example when Children Of Bodom releases a CD, it gets on the first place. It's incredible.

- Do the other "legends" like Sentenced, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica have the same status as Nightwish?
- What happened to Nightwish is different. Even though we are a heavy metal band, people don't consider us just heavy metal, and that's because of my voice. There are lots of older people, who are even sixty or eighty years old who listen to us at the radio because they like the ballads, that side of our music. Otherwise a band can't sell 40.000 albums in Finland if they only play heavy metal.

- Let's change the subject. How was your participation in Beto Vazquez's Infinity?
- Our first contact was no more than a year ago, but I had my doubts and didn't know a lot about this project. At the time I was also very busy with my studies and Nightwish and had a million things to do. That's why, at the time I declined. But after that we met Beto and Marcelo, and we talked about it, they showed me a recording of the music and it started to interest me. The style is very different than what people are used to because of Nightwish. This was my first side project, so I was very nervous, and thought "Now everybody will ask me to sing in their projects! Aaah! What will I do?" [laughs]. Some people already asked me, but I think it's something very risky for me. I have to be very careful about what I will do in the future...

- Now, after it has been released, what do you think about the CD?
- I like the final result. It's a CD that has to be listened to very carefully and more than one time. It has a clear production, it is very direct, the songs have their beginnings and endings, the melodies are very nice and there is the use of different keyboard than I am used to. Of course, some things could have been handled more professionally, but there wasn't enough time. Anyway, I am happy about it.

- You give the sensation that you are very autocritycal..
- Yes, always. It is necessary to be critical, although not too much. I am always very critical.

- Are you the same when you sing for a heavy metal or for a classical audience?
- I can say that I am myself when I sing with Nightwish. When I go to the stage with Nightwish I am not that critical about me anymore, I feel free. But when I sing in a classical concert, with a piano on my side, and I sing just classical music or an aria, I am very critical with myself all the time. Everything has to be perfect, every note, every single small detail and what I do with my voice, what I do with my body. Everything. And this is something that perhaps makes you forget about the music itself.

- And how do you perceive the pressure of both genres?
- Both audiences are very conservative. The people from the classical audience critisizes me for singing in a heavy metal band and the heavy metal audience doesn't know what I'm doing there. Many are very happy that I am here, but they don't know what i will do next.

- It's true. Considering that you have always said that your favorite is the classical music, people wonder when this will change, if you will ever stop singing classical music...
- Yes, this is something that is always there. But I said a lot of times that I am continuing my studies, and that doesn't necessarily mean that I will quit Nightwish. For nothing. Of course there are compromises. We can't have very long tours like last year, we were very tired when we finished it. It is very tiresome for all singers because your own body is the instrument and you have to take very good care of it. If I drink two beers now I won't be able to sing tomorrow. So I don't drink, I don't smoke and I need to sleep a lot. If I don't get enough sleep before a concert I turn into a terrible person! [laughs]
- I wanted to ask you what are your favorite songs from the three Nightwish albums..
- I don't know, it's very hard because each album has its song.. From Angels Fall First I like Beauty And The Beast a lot, it has a very nice story. From Oceanborn I really like the cover, Walking In The Air, and Stargazers. That time I was starting to listen to heavy metal myself and it was an interesting period because I hadn't before. My older brother used to listen to AC/DC and Iron Maiden but I didn't. From Wishmaster I like Dead Boy's Poem, because it is a very special song for Tuomas. This might sound weird, but when I sing this song I can feel Tuomas, I feel what he felt when he wrote this song because I'm singing his story.

- Don't you feel weird when you sing Tuomas' songs? Not only because they were written by another person, but also because they were written by a person of the opposite sex..
- At first it was very strange, because I didn't know him too well. We had been at the same school but didn't know eachother well. Now I know that he is a very intelligent man and I'm very proud of him. Really, I am. I don't know if I am the only person in this band who really knows how he is like, because we haven't actually talked about it.

- Ok, now I have to criticize you a bit: when you came last year, you only played half of Passion and The Opera...
- Oh, no. [laughs]

- Yes, I know...
- No, you don't. [laughs] I remember the people's reaction when we stopped. Actually we never intended to play it entirely, it's very complicated. When you play live the conditions aren't the best, there is usually a lot of smoke and I need to breath properly and to focus on what I am doing. Anyway, we hope to be able to play it completely in the future, but like I said, we have never tried yet.

- Ok, that was all. Do you want to say something to the Nightwish fans?
- [shouts] It's excellent to be here! [laughs] I can't wait to come on Monday to see the people and to hear what they think about the DVD...

Ну, про то, что она никому не показывает песни я уже сама додумала) ... но пишет давно.
Форум / Творчество / Интервью с миссис Турунен
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