Текущее время: четверг, 9 января 2025, 10:51
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#1541 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
И племянники Скруджа Билли, Вилли и Дилли (если я правильно помою их имена) Smile они всегда искали приключения на свои Хвостики и вообще были эдакие сорванцы-бойскауты Smile
#1546 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
“That’s a fine example,” says Holopainen. “I just gave her the vocal melody and the lyrics, and I told her to imagine being in a nightmare and being the evil witch in the story Hansel & Gretel. Just release the bitch inside (laughs).”

Супер сказано! Very Happy
#1547 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Небольшое видео-интервью Марко, которое он давал во время Download aka Mudload Festival 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFc20X7wiDY
#1548 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
http://www.rocksound.tv/tv/article/download-festival-shorts-nightwish - Небольшая зарисовочка с феста, в роли говорящего Марко, остальные дают Анетт под попец!!!11!!

Смотрите внимательно Very Happy
Последний раз редактировалось: Hevein (10 июн 2012, 13:46); всего редактировалось: 1 раз
#1550 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Упс, исправила Smile
#1551 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
а кто эта пара на заднем плане с ними? (девушка рыжая и мужчина) ?
#1552 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
KaTe писал(а):
а кто эта пара на заднем плане с ними?

Не, ну мы конечно знаем о Найтах и друзьях группы почти всё, но на этот вопрос ответ один-а хрен его знает Very Happy
#1553 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ShadowWolfSmith, а...ок) я думала, может я одна не в теме))
#1554 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
KaTe, я тоже обратил на них внимание, уж больно они уверенно шли за группой, но не смог их идентифицировать =) Это мог быть кто угодно, от друзей организаторов до каких-нибудь журналистов =)
#1556 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Энергетический напиток Battery продолжает радовать всех поклонников Nightwish-19 июня состоится facebook-чат с Марко. Специальный чат будет открыт на странице Battery в 17:30 по финскому времени. Марко начнёт отвечать с 18:00. Как всегда в чате будут участвовать первые 20 вопросов. Но как показала практика чата с Туомасом, вопросов было гораздо больше. Всё зависит от настроения Марко и наличия свободного времени у него =) http://www.facebook.com/batterydrink
#1557 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Видео-интервью Туомаса для Iltasanomat http://www.iltasanomat.fi/musiikki/art-1288478031154.html

Новый альбом обещают к 2014 году! Туомас говорит, что судя по всему нас ждёт не такой навороченный альбом в плане оркестровок, это будет более "чистый" диск. Надо ждать перевод финнов, там что-то интересное он вещает.
#1558 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
ShadowWolfSmith писал(а):
Новый альбом обещают к 2014 году!

господи, счастье есть Cheesy а я-то уже на 15- год настроилась Very Happy
#1559 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Да, и альбом начнут писать сразу по окончании мирового турне, в феврале нового года! Похоже нас ждёт что-то похожее на последнюю Сонату, максимум группы и минимум остального =)

"Первая леди в Nightwish Туомас Холопайнен " Ахахахаха спасибо Гуглу Very Happy
#1560 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
По наводке Ильи, запощу тут чат с Марко, организованный Battery ED. Интересные вопросы, помимо "А вы приедете туда-то?", тоже были, особенно понравился последний Smile

Clara: First of all I wanna thank you for the great show in Milan last May, it was amazing! I'm really looking forward to see you here again soon Smile Anyway, here is my question: Have you ever thought about planning a tour with live orchestra?
Marco: Hi Clara! Marco here. Good to hear you liked the show in Milan. We've thought of a band/orchestra show for a long time but we always seem to run out of time to plan it properly. It would be a logistic nightmare anyway. 100 people to book the travels, hotels etc. We still have to see about that in the future...

Magda: Hi Smile I'm a fan from Paraguay!! What is the most you like in a South America tour? How make you feel the new album? Did you write some of the songs? Thank you!! Have a nice day Very Happy
Marco: Hello Magda! In South America I've always liked most the really enthusiastic people, who are not afraid to show how they feel. The thing I really like about Imaginaerum as an album is the versatility and integrity of the whole thing. It really shows the band doing music at the best of our abilities without any consideration about the "rules of mainstream of music business". I did write the music for "The Crow, The Owl, And The Dove".

Katherine: Good evening, Marco!=) If you were to describe each Nightwish member (including yourself and Troy) with one word, what words would you choose? Thanks in advance=)
Marco: Hi Katherine! There is a word to define each and every one of us: WEIRDO.

Linda: Moi Marco! Mitä kesäsuunnitelmia muutamille mahdollisille vapaapäiville Suomen suvessa? Smile
Marco: Moi Linda! Kesällä pitää laiskotella, uida ja paistaa makkaraa!

Vanja: Will the Nightwish Imaginaerum movie be released in Serbia?
Marco: Hi Vanja! I'm sorry to say but we have absolutely no idea if the movie's going to be released in Serbia. I certainly hope so, but we're still in the process of finding out about distributors in a lot of different countries.

Marianne: What is your Favourite non Music hobby?
Marco: Hello Marianne! My favorite way to pass time is hard sci-fi literature. Quantum physics, black holes and hive-minded creatures are all nice!

Francisco: Can you consider coming to Chile, :'(?
Marco: Hi Francisco! We have a South American tour in the works. I sure hope we'll get to Santiago at least. I'd be quite surprised if the promoters skip it..

Linda: Onko Marco jotakin juhannusperinteitä?
Marco: Moro Linda... taas! Yleensä vedän juhannuksena asbestihaalarit niskaan ja hyppään kokkoon. Hyvät löylyt!

Elena: Hello, Marco! What is the most difficult and the easiest thing in making of music for you? Thank you Smile
Marco: Hi Elena! Easiest thing in writing music is to find something nice to start with. Hardest thing is usually writing the whole thing from start to finish and keeping the whole thing together and interesting

Jesse: Paras juhannusmakkara?
Marco: Moro Jesse! Paras juhannusmakkara on luultavasti ihan vaan avotulella kärtsätty halpa jauhoinen grillimakkara.

Andria: Will the Nightwish Imaginaerum movie be released in South Africa?
Marco: Hi Andria! Again... we are in the process of finding out about the interest of the distributors in different countries.

Marianne: If you could be stranded anywhere in the world what would you like to have with you?
Marco: Heyy... Marianne again! I can survive anything, anywhere, if I have a good book with me.

Viktor: What are you miss the most of your childhood?
Marco: Hi Viktor! The greatest thing about childhood was that I didn't know what kind of a prison realities of adulthood put us in.

Elena: If you were not a musician what would you like to do instead?
Marco: Hi Elena! I really wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I'd still like to do that, but I don't think my chances are that good...

Elena: What is your favorite fairy tale character?
Marco: My favorite fairytale character is the troll beneath the bridge. A sad dummy and an antihero. I'd feed those goats to him for sure!

Vanja: When will you come to Serbia? Smile
Marco: Sorry Vanja! I have no info about possible shows in Serbia. I sure would like to come over, but it's the management and the promoters who set up the schedules for the shows.

Mariana: Are you coming back to Quebec City someday?
Marco: Heyy Mariana! I think we were headed for some canadian dates in the fall. I remember there's Toronto and Montreal for sure. If you check out the forthcoming shows from our website, you can see for yourself if Quebec is on the list. My head can't hold all the info, sorry...

Katherine: What song(not necessarily Nightwish) would you choose as a soudtrack of your life?Wink2
Marco: It's Katherine again! I'm not sure what I should choose lyrically or musically, but Uriah Heep had a suitable title in "Easy Livin'"

Steve: What's your bass amp stage line up at the moment?
Marco: Hi Steve. I'm using Warwick Helborg Big Cabs, Warwick Helborg mono power amps, and a Sansamp psa 1.1 as a live setup nowadays. Nice crunch there man...

Phuong: hi Marco, I know that you have really cute little twin boys. Has any of them shown any interest in music? If yes, do you often give him music lessons and will he play bass and sing like you do or anything else?
Marco: Hello Phuong! My boys are cute for sure! They are into rock'n'roll also. Miro has played drums for over two years now and seems to be picking up stuff quite fast. Antto is more of a good listener. Both of them can sing in a good pitch, but I'm not really schooling them for anything. Miro has been taking lessons for drums from an old schoolmate of mine. I'm just seeing if the spark will live and produce flame later on. That's how it happened to me.
All right guys and girls! Thanks for your nice questions and thanks for attending to my ramblings. I have a sauna ready here. I'm moving on to wash the dust of the day off me. All the best to everyone there! Take care! Bye!
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