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#321 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):
Тарья не входит в число звезд, кто требует розы

аа как же огромный букет роз, который должен был вручить ей сам мэр Бухареста в 2005 году?) Very Happy Very Happy который был оплачен из кармана оргов... лан, шучу, чего уж там..
#322 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MrsHeveinSmith, сам мэр? кошмар Very Happy Very Happy
#323 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Новое интервью из Румынии. На некоторые вопросы она уже отвечала, некоторые ответы типа "The difference is that now I have a great band, they are very professional..." это просто ппц)))) Но все равно приятно снова на нее поглядеть Smile
#324 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):
Новое интервью из Румынии. На некоторые вопросы она уже отвечала, некоторые ответы типа "The difference is that now I have a great band, they are very professional..." это просто ппц)))) Но все равно приятно снова на нее поглядеть

Ну, журналист сам ее спровоцировал на такой ответ. Улыбнуло: новый альбом будет более персонал, чем МВС. Куда ж еще более персонал? Smile Радует, что будет более тяжелым Smile
#325 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Понравилось, как она говорила про своих слушателей в классической среде и в хеви-металической. У неё прям глаза горели Cheesy Думаю, что про разницу она говорила не про профессионализм её музыкантов и музыкантов Найтвиш, а про атмосферу на концертах, создаваемую группой. Понятное дело, что сейчас она себя чувствует более комфортно, чем последние пару лет своего сотрудничества с НВ. Я конечно не сильна в переводе, но мне послышалось именно так.
#326 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Пресс-конференция в Будапеште
там справа ссылки на последующие четыре части Wink2

Итак, вот что я узнала: кавера не будет!! *:yahoo!:* А будет одна песня с дуэтом, где мотив очень подходит для того, чтобы сделать дуэт. Саундтреки для польской трилогии она уже начала сочинять, но есть также много вопросов, которые предстоит обсудить. ..и еще много чего интересного.
она такая смешная, веселая))...

Солнышко мое, как же я люблю тебя!
#327 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
И песня про дайвинг! Smile
Все таки на протяжении следующих лет мне будет интересен ее прогресс как композитора, потому-что даже сейчас я могу найти что-то интересное в ЕЕ песнях, несмотря на то, что ей еще работать и работать (учицца и учицца, как она сказала). Мне очень бы хотелось, чтобы она написала когда-то СВОЮ Богемскую Рапсодию Smile
Я так переслушал пару раз новую вещь, вслушался в лирикс - да, есть какой-то внутренний надрыв, опять внутренняя борьба а-ля МВС. Интересно, что же будет дальше... Smile
#328 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
а мне она показалась уставшей.очень
#329 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Nihil, да нет, что ты! Тебе показалось.. когда у нее уставший вид, это видно. Здесь она жизнерадостная, полна энергии.
#330 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki, спасибо! Так приятно на нее смотреть! Такая милая, смешная, улыбчивая... Да, она солнышко!
#331 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki писал(а):

понравилась часть про артистическую сторону Марсело)))

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 52 секунды:

Mielikki писал(а):
некоторые ответы типа "The difference is that now I have a great band, they are very professional..." это просто ппц))))

ну это она везде говорит, что с нее взять.... не упускает возможностиWink2 особенно забавно это смотрелось из-за того, что её, вообще-то, спросили, каково ее отношение к тому, как люди реагируют на ее собственные песни, и на каверы Найтвиш в ее исполнении Wink2
#332 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Mielikki, четвертый скрин хорош)
у Тарьи там лицо будто она думает "да епрст, как они мне надоели с этими идиотскими вопросами" XDD Заткнулся
А на первом скрине - лицо какой-то замученное.

MrsHeveinSmith писал(а):
ну это она везде говорит, что с нее взять....

боюсь, не от шибко хорошей жизни она это постоянно повторяет.. Прям мантра какая-то "у меня все хорошо, все лучше, чем в те времена"
Но, надеюсь, скоро у нее это вообще пройдет Smile
#333 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Kettu, то еще не замученное Razz

Добавлено спустя 32 секунды:

но мимика у нее меняется постоянно Very Happy
#334 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MrsHeveinSmith писал(а):
понравилась часть про артистическую сторону Марсело)))

Она, наверное, проявляется в написании ответов для Тарьиных интервью. Very Happy
#335 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
боюсь, не от шибко хорошей жизни она это постоянно повторяет.. Прям мантра какая-то "у меня все хорошо, все лучше, чем в те времена"
Но, надеюсь, скоро у нее это вообще пройдет

пройдёт, когда одни и те же вопросы пройдут :grin:
имхо, здесь она просто "заучила" некоторые ответы и подводит к ним)
не думаю, что сейчас тетка прям такая бедная-разнесчастная)
#336 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Новое интервью с Тарьей

I'm not afraid what other people think anymore, says Tarja Turunen who's working on her second solo album.
The beginning of the week in Kuusankoski has been bit rainy, but the sun is shining for Tarja Turunen. The singer is at home, and doesn't try to hide her good mood.

- Yesterday I emptied the sewer and cleaned the roof. Now my muscels are sore, she says and stretches her arms.
The illusion of informality would be normal, unless she wasn't wearing a make up. Turunen wanted her make up artist from Helsinki to fix her for the photo shoot.

Turunen has no problem for work in the yard. According to her, it brings some variety for everyday life. Though it lasts only about a week, because soon she's going to do some gigs again.
Three years ago the feeling was totally different. Only a year had passed singe she left Nightwish, and the start of her solo career was followed through a magnifying glass. Some were willing to bet that the career of the former front woman of a band was turned downwards.
Now Turunen can say that the doubting ones were wrong. The solo deput My Winter Storm has sold gold in many European countries, and the concert calender doesn't look too bad either.

Turunen admits that pressusres before the first solo album were huge.Partly because she had never wrote music or lyrics before.
-Working with the professional songwriters made me really nervous at first. I was embarrased to tell my own ideas, because I didn't know how they would take them. I was worried about being squelched. But my thoughts were taken openly anyway. The biggest challenge was to make sure for the work group, what kind of music I wanna do, she says.

What she wanted didn't appear on My Winter Storm yet. The album came out two years after Turunen leaving Nightwish, winter 2007. The album was said to be promising, but was critisized mainly because the lack of its own message.
Turunen has read the criticism. On the next album the artist take herself a bigger role. There's not gonna be any cover songs or complitely requested songs.
-It doesn't have a single song that I didn't wrote some lyrics for. or co-composed them, Turunen says.

The name What Lies Beneath crystallizes its themes.
-I wanna talk about things I've seen when toured around the world and lived in between two cultures. People go through same problems and things no matter what part of the world they live in. This is what I wanna tell the others. It's gonna be also very personal album, it has a strong presence of my passion and love.
That's a big promise. What Lies Beneath must show how much Tarja's person has depth for making interesting music.
The singer refuses to take pressures. Even though there is more of her own person, Turunen feels lightweighted than when making My Winter Storm.
-It's been nice to write songs and see that I really got what it takes. I'm not afraid what other people think. I feel I'm on the right track, when the music gives myself a good feeling. I can't make music that pleases everybody.

Style of the album will be mystical, heavy metal meets classical movie music like the previous one. It's gonna be little bit rougher though.
-My Winter Storm guitarsound lacks some edge. Now we have paid more attention to it.
Tarja Turunen wishes she can enter the studio in February.
-I have 20 songs made by myself or with other musicians. The challenge is to bring life to the songs. I work melodies mostly with the piano, but I also use my voice a lot for composing.

She hasn't have much time for working with the songs. Tarja says the longest time she has standed still this year is three weeks. That time she spended in her home in Argentina at spring. She lives with her husband Marcelo Cabuli in an apartment house in downtown Buenos Aires.
-At this time it's impossible to make plans further than a year ahead. We've planned to have kids in some point. Being a mother is such a big thing, that I might regret later not experiencing it

Marcelo Cabuli who works as his wife's manager, is responsible of all of her contacts with media, among other things. According to Turunen, her husband can let go of his work even less than she does.
-Marcelo is married to his work. He's got his laptop with him everywhere. Our friends say that we must be little bit crazy to be able to live a life like this. Luckily we have so many positive things around us, that we can make it, Turunen says.

Standing still is very difficult, even when she's got time for that.
-I need something to do all the time, otherwise I might start painting walls or something, she laughs.
Tarja Turunen did the only gig in Finland this summer in Vaasa this Saturday (July 1. After that she continues her summer tour in Central Europe. In September-October she's got another one, nearly 20 gig tour in Europe. At the end of the year Turunen is planning Christmas concerts in Finland.
-Thank god I have more work tham I'm able to do. It could be the opposite too. Last week I got to know that my album has sold gold in Germany too, she says.

-I'm gonna be asked about the Nightwish days probably for the rest of my life. It doesn't bother me, because Nightwish is part of my history. Of course I also have fans who first found my solo album, and after that they learned about my past in a band.


Tarja Turunen, 31, was a vocalist in Nightwish for 9 years (1996-2005).
An Argentinean husband Marcelo Cabuli leads a record company, concentrating on metal music.
The couple moved to their Finland home in Kuusankoski, Kymeenlaakso five years ago. Their second home is in Argentina, where the couple spend teh biggest part of year.
Besides rock festivals, Tarja Turunen also makes classical concerts. For example this year she's going to 'Soi suvessa'-festival.
My Winter Storm has sold platinium in Finland.
#337 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
#338 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
MrsHeveinSmith писал(а):

MrsHeveinSmith, обе ссылки одинаковые)
Вот здесь все сканы интервью из Ilona + сканы из Anna, где Тарья рассказывает о своих любимых местах в Буэнос -Айресе

Перевод интервью из Ilona
Ilona 5.8.2009

"I didn't know this kind of love exists"

Tarja Turunen used to avoid conflicts to please men. She had the feeling that partners benefit her financially. Only meeting Marcelo revolutionized Tarja's understanding of couple relashionships.

We met for the first time... at a working lunch in Santiago, Chile. Our love was not born at the first sight, not really. I did notice that he was quiet for a South-American. When we got to know eachother, I was impressed that he didn't suck up and always had time to listen.

The most beautiful someone has done for me... when Marcelo followed me to Finland though I told him not to. We hadn't seen eachother for a few weeks, but he could no longer take the seperation. I didn't believe it when Marcelo called me claiming he was standing 50 meters away from my door. The surprise was complete. I had missed him too.

The last thing that irritated me was... when I couldn't get Marcelo away from the computer for even an hour. He sometimes works from 7 in the morning until past midnight. When I complain he says work has to be done. He's right of course. When I see that Marcelo is tired and stressed, I try to make him more relaxed.

A man's role is.... in our family to follow the woman's terms. Wife's stardom requires a lot of patience and a healty self-esteem. Our relashionship wouldn be difficult if Marcelo wouldn't support me and understand my work. Of course I support him. Fortunately, my husband is not a man who needs to be in the heart of the debate.

I laughed a lot... in a radio interview with Marcelo in Panama. I can't remember exactly what happened, but we both started to laugh uncontrollably. We have such similar sense of humour. Eventually I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the interview. The presenter was left alone in puzzlement on air.

I understood only in time that... I can trust this man. When Marcelo lived for one month at my house in Finland at the beginning of our relashionship, I gave him a hard time. I tested my limits and I didn't even agree to give him the little finger. When the guy lasted for 30 days in my 30 square meter one room appartment, I believed that he could keep up with me in long run.

We fight... believe it or not, not at all. It is impossible to fight with Marcelo because his nerves don't burn easily. Of course, we exchange opinions or we discuss more vehemently, but we never put eachother down.
Some friends of mine didn't believe this at first, but eventually they had to admit they were wrong.

I overcame myself, when... I understood that no one is perfect. I have finally given myself permission to make mistakes. I remember when I was disappointed in the past for singing even just one word wrong. The pressure made my life hard. Making mistakes has now become rather a pleasure. This way others will be able to see exactly who I am.

At home we are fussy about... purity (cleaning). Over the years I learned that if I want Marcelo's socks off the floor, I have to lift them myself. Yes, it is me who does the work in Kuusankoski. But when we got our second home, in Buenos Aires, my husband also got more housework. He also makes delicious food.

Marcelo has changed me... a lot. I have become more straightforward. Marcelo has helped me to get more self-confidence. Next to him, I've blossomed, also artistically.
I sing better now, because of perfirmung starts with emotions. It's wonderful when you have a man who will support you one hundred percent.

I'm afraid.. if something bad happens to one of us. Of course, I read too many news about plane crashes. We usually travel together, so that would probably happen to both of us. We have spoken about death and we know that we are lucky to be able to spend so much time together.

I pamper Marcelo by... arranging surprises for him. I often plot something behind his back with some of our friends. Marcelo doesn't dare to say no even for work, when friends come to us to go to movies or to drive karts. It's more difficult to surprise him now though, because we are almost always together.

I would never agree to.. be like one of those couples, where someone would exploit me. I once experienced that the man benefited from me financially. Furthermore, it felt like he had the opportunity to show off by going out with me. Both have to have their hearts fully in the relationship.

A family... we have talked about this recently. My brother recently had his first child. Yes, a woman at this age thinks about having children. I'm not stressed because pregnancy isn't current right now. My biological clock hasn't started to tick yet. And it might not at all. But I wouldn't want to miss the experience of being a mother.

I regret... only the fact that our life is very busy at the moment that we don't have time to stop. Our workday is so constant going that I have thought about starting joga or meditating. On the other hand, I wouldn't do this work or travel all the time, if I didn't get such a pleasure out of it.

The best thing about our relashionship is... the deep trust. I can be sure that Marcelo will not betray me. Even though we are together all the time, we aren't dependent on eachother. You have to keep your independence in doing art. I don't want a man who is under my boot. Marcelo always has a word to say.

My biggest illusion of love was... that I didn't believe in true love anymore. I avoided the thought that someone could sweep me off my feet. Before I tried to avoid conflicts and please the men. I didn't know that such love exists. In this relashionship I get to be myself. I don't need to be more than I am.

Tarja's and Marcelo's story
2000 - The couple met in Chile, when Marcelo was organising Nightwish's tour in South America.
2001 - The relashionship started to stabilize. Marcelo followed Tarja in Finland, and lived for a month in her appartment.
2002 - The couple got married in the end of the year and organized the wedding for the following summer.
2003- Marcelo started to tour with Nightwish. The fresh married couple bought two homes in Buenos Aires and Kuusankoski.
[2004?] - The couple participated at castle celebrations. Tarja's dress charmed the viewers and was voted "the night's queen".
2005 - Nightwish dismissed Tarja through a public letter. The letter wasn't only attacking Tarja, but also Marcelo.
2006 - Tarja and Marcelo sold the home in Kuusankoski and bought a new house, that was renovated from the floor to the ceiling.
2007 - Tarja's album, My Winter Storm, was released in the end of the year in the whole world.
2008 - Tarja moved permanently to Argentina. The house in Kuusankoski became the couple's vacation house.
#339 Ссылка на пост Добавлено:
Перевод интервью из Anna
Love carried Tarja Turunen to the other side of the world, in Argentina. In Buenos Aires the singer forgets the work and enjoy's the city's spirit.

Who is she?
Tarja Turunen
Singer Tarja Turunen, 31, became the soloist of the metal band Nightwish (1996-2005). Turunen was born in Kitee and studied classical church music at the Sibelius Academy and classical music at the music university in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Buenos Aires became Turunen's second home in the year 2000, when she fell in love with Marcelo Cabuli, 39, during Nightwish's tour in South America. Buenos Aires became officially her home town, and she started to spend from a couple of weeks to a couple of months there, depending on the time.
She now prepares for the 2010 release of her second album, What Lies Beneath. The first album, My Winter Storm, was released in 2007, and Tarja made frequent visits from Buenos Aires with her husband-manager to their second home in Kuusankoski, and to many other european cities.

Like being in Europe
I like watching everything that is old and beautiful. Buildings must be the story. Argentina's and Buenos Aires' history is long. It would be wonderful to go back in time and see how people lived, for example, in the golden time of tango, in the 1930's and 1940's.
Buenos Aires is really Europe-like. The architecture is beautiful, without feeling like you're walking in Paris. I like the buildings in general. All of the eye sensitizes beauty. Especially the national waterworks are unbelievably wonderful, just amazing. It has a special tone and was built in 1984. They should clean it some day.

Rivadavia's Park
Inner peace
I visit Rivadavia's park on my morning runs. If I don't run here, I run to the gym. This is our homepark. I also come here sometimes to read a book.
The park is so big, that it quiets down the noise of the city. Before this was in a bad condition, but now it has been restored. The park around the Cabalito residencial area is warm and popular amongst the common Buenos Aires people. Caballito is home, this is where I al all the time. The regions is among everything, every place has good connections.

City Center
Urban Greenery
In my carrer I have seen a lot of major South-American cities, and Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful. For me, this is a home where I feel comfortable. In this city there is a lot of charisma, melancholy, combined with human, close-to-the-nature-persons and freedom of mind.
You'll always get a smile and "good day" -wish.
Right at the beginning I noticed how green it is and how many trees there are along the streets. I love the center, the big parks and green spaces.
Our life is more peaceful here than in Finland, because we stay here longer because of the long distances. In Europe there are more work expenses, more travelling because of work, even though life in big city is more hectic.
Understanding the language has opened up a culture in depth. I am happy and proud of Argentina and these people. I get rid of my work pressures in here. Problems are different. Lines are long and taking care of things takes long time. You can't plan your day ahead.

Metro busses
A metro line is passing right near our home. I think that this is the world's oldest functioning metro. It creaks and sounds like "ii-uu, ii-uu" and the doors open themselves. The wooden wagons are a pleasure to see. they are so old and nice, and they are still working. The metro seems unreal, like in a movie. My first confrontation with it was a good, wonderful shock, to see how the city has been. Many of the stations are painted and decorated in an old style. New metro lines lack originality.

Cabana Las Lilas
Steak and red wine
Las Lilas has been my favorite restaurant in the last 9 years. I always book tables here and come with Marcelo, and we always eat very well. The meat doesnt get better than here. I don't eat a lot, and I eat even less when I'm in Argentina. I like toasted meat on the grill. And red wine. There are very many high quality wines in Argentina. It is wonderful, how the supermarkets are full with red wine!
Coming to Las Lilas is always special. Here there is are true pairs of meat, even though on the menu it's something else. Self-made bread and appetizers are always served on every table and they are lovely. The wooden tables are stunning.

Shopping center
Sensual clothes world
There are great clothing designers in Argentina. Here you can find all kinds of clothes. The local fashion is sensual, and they wear strong colors. In Finland the colors are more restrained.
When I came in this city for the first time, I paid special attention to some lovely ship clothes. The boutique culture is strong, they found the secret.
Patio Bullrich is a lovely, big shopping center, where you can find international stores as well as local shops. I wear a lot [clothes by] Maria Vazquez, Ricky Sarkany and Claudia Larreta. As a choice, there are many movements and nice cafes.

Palermo soho
Colorful rustification
The real Buenos Aires means for me small, low structures for living. Palermo soho is a region of beautiful, old, and genuine Buenos Aires. I could walk there the whole day!
Palermo Viejo has increased a lot in recent years. Palermo oho has become a bohemian fashion- and design area. The are has become more new.
In Sohos there are many beautiful things. One house is red, the next one is yellow and green. Everything old has been left behind. The houses are low and there no flats.
Here is always [kierreltyä] for hours, with no fresh air. These boutiques are wonderful when there are no [?] in the way. I go shopping together with Marcelo. He is a good shopper and has good taste, and is aware of clothes that fit you.

The River beach
Changing the view
The former storage area of the Puerto Madero was built throughout the period of a few. This area is in the heart of the outside, but it is a growing, modern, tourist attraction. Daytime visits, like running or jogging, is a good time to admire what was done here. Not long ago, this area was full of mills and storage facilities, but now there are many restaurants and chich places. The development has been really fast.
If I come here with Marcelo during the evening traffic, we often stop to eat sausages or hot dogs on the river beach.
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